
Sunday, March 23

Just found out that this Dove shampoo does work. Bummer. Now I have to wear a cap around the house because my fringe's irritating me.

Saw a protester on the news holding up a placard that showed a picture of George W Bush with the words "lunatic" and that really cracked me up. Hey, that's rather true...

I really do not want a 9-5 job that invloves sitting in a office at a computer typing the whole day. And that was why I went to apply for a few ulu ulu courses. And I got none of them except Film, Sound and Video.

Bah...I never get what I want...stupid God (sorry Velda)...I wasn't even allowed to sit for the Mass Comm test so there it all goes flowing down the drain...but I got a stupid shortlist for Film, Sound and Video (I should have known not to tick both in the application form) and I have absolutely no idea what they're going to test. And if God changes his mind for once and allows me to go to the interview I have no idea what to put in a portfolio that's supposed to showcase my creativity. And here comes God again to step in and spoil my life. Some people get what they want all the time...I never get what I want...somehow Film, Sound and Video isn't worth as much as Mass Comm...I just hope all this crap that God has for me now is supposed to allow me to suffer early and enjoy myself later in life. Damnit, God is religion-ist towards free-thinkers. I think I'll stop whining here.

I have to whine a little bit more 'cos I just found out that the applicantion deadline for teaching for which I was eligible was like a week ago. Damnit God...was it something I said? Damnit you big hairy man, I don't care what you think but I think I really deserve a break for once. I've endured 16 years of humiliation and disappointment. I work my socks off while others can laze around and I get far less than them. I know some people like children in Ethopia are far worse than me but I really hope all this crap you're dealing to people like us is in preparation for a better life ahead.

With apologies to Velda... I know you love God but he hasn't exactly been putting smiles on my face...