Thursday, February 10
 i was looking through my former secondary school class's Friendster page when I happened to chance upon these gems of memories written by Khairil, Arsalan and Ruixiang. I suppose people not from the class wouldn't really be able to get the funny part or meanings of some of these, but I'm putting them up anyway for those who were. makes you really miss secondary school days.
eating sweets is good. eating sweets in mrs gan class is bad.
talking cock is good. talking to KOK is nonsense.
reading book is good. reading book and digging ur nose at the same time is bad.
posing for class fun pic is good. posing like one dead bimbo in both pic is bad.
surfing the net is good. surfing porn and denying it, is bad.
sleeping is good. sleeping in every class like sleepgod/dog is bad.
asking qns is good. asking toopid qns like shuan min is "xtra" bad.
wacthing movies is good. watching resident evil in class a good idea.
donate money is bad. donate money to class fund even worse.
disturbing teacher is good. disturbing miss ho is even BETTER. hah.
wearing sandals is good. wearing sandals with socks is hilarious.
playing with mr steven tan tiong bee is good. playing with mr steven tan tiong bee's mole is bad.
having a class of 36 goondoos is good. no regrettes no one is that bad aight.
Joining CTSS was good... Leaving CTSS was bad...
running during soccer games is fun running during tarf club in recess time is not fun..
catching insects for fun is fun catching insects for no reason is cruel..
wearing shirts to exercise is comfortable wearing polo-tees to exercise is a stupid idea..
cleaning our tables in class is a must cleaning the tables in the canteen is a chore for us and is a MUST for kok
talking in class wif the fans spinning is cool... talking in class is hot when the fans are switched off suddenly by Miss Choy...
seeing kok do things is entertaining... seeing kok ganna bullied makes some of us feel 'hot'...
refilling drinks for myself is ok.. refilling drinks for other ppl is unpleasant..haha
being punished for watching Resident Evil is nothin.. being punished for doing nothing during national day parade 2002 is very phuck up...
singing stupid songs in class is amusing singing Triple H's song to Miss Ho is even more amusing..
kissing ur loved ones is a sign of affection... kissing a guy means u wan to have a go at his ass and is very disturbing
looking at the scenery ard the skool is relaxing looking at the dustbin will do no gd to u and makes ppl feel scary of u...