Monday, March 31
Is it April already?
It seems like only yesterday I stepped out of school
It seems like only yesterday I thought Ms Ho was full of wool
In my mind Tan BB was a lunatic
In my mind Mrs Gan was sarcastic
It seems like only yesterday that Mr Chia's face was black
It seems like only yesterday that Mr Nazar appeared slack
In my mind I thought Ms Lim was pretty
In my mind I thought Ms Halizah was shitty
And then there's the controversial Mr Steven Tan
Along with potty teacher Cheong Poh Suan
Oops I left out Mr Murad the Malay teacher
But curse maggoty Mr Hang who's a preacher
Not forgetting the gentleman Mr Tay
Who keeps eccentric Ms Foo at bay
And this trash written on April Fool's Day
Ha ha ha I'm wasting my time away
God stop this SARS thing
and destroy any war fling
This ain't any April Fool joke
all this from a rhymy eccentric bloke
Hmm I left out Mr Chiang
Together with Mrs Rajah, er, wah biang?
Saturday, March 29
clearing up...trying to induce some creativity in myself...if you have no idea what the first 46 alphabets meant then just take it that justin timberlake sings and sounds like a girl. bah. i don't think you even understand what i'm typing.
everybody's saying they're bored 'cos of the sars thingy...well i'm gonna be different and say i'm not! getta life people...stop whining about being bored...go and do something! you don't need to step out to have fun! go and clean the house...maybe you'll find your long-lost teddy bear! go and surf unsurfed corners of the net...maybe you'll find something really engaging! if you have pets(other than fish) spend the whole day playing with them...they'll really appreciate your attention! if you're feeling out! they are so many things you can do in the house...there was once i didn't step out of the house for one week and not once did i think of the word 'bored'.
anyway, i wasn't in the house in the afternoon and evening yesterday. was watching tears of the sun with wilson. its boring at home.
Thursday, March 27
Came up a few superhero names for some people with Yani...and I WILL be using them in the near future. See if you can identify whether we came up with one for you.
Some possible superhero names of some people
Ros-man, Rose-man, X-girl, Hurri-Hari, Hurricane Hariyani, alaNerd, fari star, hari fari yani shah, Ha Ha man, st velda, queen kelly, The Grim Weeper, superweep, Weako, Teenage Mutant Ninja Mushroom, The Ridhller
How lame can I get..
Wednesday, March 26
"When someone offers you a penny for your thoughts, and you put in your two cents' worth, what happens to the other cent?" - from Readers Digest I think.
Wasted quite some money today...took a cab from Jurong East to Jurong Point just because I didn't feel like sitting in public transport and going up and down escalators. Bought a new keyboard just because I didn't like the CTRL button of the old one. I have too much money to spend. Now where does my other cent for my thoughts go. Bah. I'm too rich to talk about cents.
No school for people up to JC. But there's school for Poly, Uni and whatever. Maybe MOE's trying to send a signal to parents that Poly is the same or higher level of education than JC for some stubborn ones like the one in Light Years. Bah. I ain't getting a holiday anyway. Hafta hurry with my stuff 'cos there isn't an extension. Kinda a blessing in disguise 'cos I get a little more time to do my stuff now that SJAB stuff is cancelled for the time being.
Tuesday, March 25
Some loose ends to tie up..I really need some help 'cos I'm overloaded with projects and assignments..
Zhongwei: If you can read this then do take note that I may not be able to go CHC for Easter with you on Saturday...'cos I have to hand up my project and documentation on Sat at 4pm and I dunno how long that will take. May be able to hurry 'cos church is near my house. I'll confirm with you if you come down for Speech Day rehearsal on Friday(and if I come myself)
Alan: Check 'use Java' or something like that in your Advanced Internet options
Kelly: I really have to take up your offer of helping me sound out Tzesiang about FSV...could you help me ask him about what questions are in the entrance test and what stuff we can use for the interview and leave the stuff somewhere in the commenting system or email.....thanks a million...
Real pressed for time.
Ros: I needa borrow some of the source code from your blog for a project...I promise it won't get ripped or anything like that..just need the code for the tables...i'll just take it from view source...sorry...
Monday, March 24
Happened to be talking to SC on the IRC about Junyong...don't ask me how we got to him...he simply freaks me out. I really worry that one day he'll go berserk and go around the streets killing people. He's already at the stage where he sits and faces the wall and talks to himself. Either he really has something wrong with his mental health or he's simply an attention-hungry grabber.
If my former class 4A1 played Survivor the first person I would vote off would be him. He isn't of much use and he freaks the hell out of everyone.
First 5 people I would choose to vote off if my class played Survivor (considering I don't get voted off first)
1.Jun Yong - 'nuff said
2.Gordon - You're a big teddy bear. Finito.
3.Shuan Min - sure to get on my nerves at some point
4.Choke - His bossy style may be too hard for me to take
5.Weak - I'm fine with him but past differences may resurface.
Sunday, March 23
Just found out that this Dove shampoo does work. Bummer. Now I have to wear a cap around the house because my fringe's irritating me.
Saw a protester on the news holding up a placard that showed a picture of George W Bush with the words "lunatic" and that really cracked me up. Hey, that's rather true...
I really do not want a 9-5 job that invloves sitting in a office at a computer typing the whole day. And that was why I went to apply for a few ulu ulu courses. And I got none of them except Film, Sound and Video.
Bah...I never get what I want...stupid God (sorry Velda)...I wasn't even allowed to sit for the Mass Comm test so there it all goes flowing down the drain...but I got a stupid shortlist for Film, Sound and Video (I should have known not to tick both in the application form) and I have absolutely no idea what they're going to test. And if God changes his mind for once and allows me to go to the interview I have no idea what to put in a portfolio that's supposed to showcase my creativity. And here comes God again to step in and spoil my life. Some people get what they want all the time...I never get what I want...somehow Film, Sound and Video isn't worth as much as Mass Comm...I just hope all this crap that God has for me now is supposed to allow me to suffer early and enjoy myself later in life. Damnit, God is religion-ist towards free-thinkers. I think I'll stop whining here.
I have to whine a little bit more 'cos I just found out that the applicantion deadline for teaching for which I was eligible was like a week ago. Damnit God...was it something I said? Damnit you big hairy man, I don't care what you think but I think I really deserve a break for once. I've endured 16 years of humiliation and disappointment. I work my socks off while others can laze around and I get far less than them. I know some people like children in Ethopia are far worse than me but I really hope all this crap you're dealing to people like us is in preparation for a better life ahead.
With apologies to Velda... I know you love God but he hasn't exactly been putting smiles on my face...
Saturday, March 22
Got into some course in RP...I'm not enthusiastic about it but I won't really mind if I have to do this eventually...anyway RP's just 5 mins from Orchard Road so that'll be good...I'm seriously crossing my fingers now on Mass Comm and Film, Sound and Video...I'm really into these courses and from CURRENT experience, I know how it can weigh you down if you're not interested in something you're doing. I've heard that everybody gets shortlisted for at least the test but I really need someone to confirm that because I don't wanna be left bish-bash on Monday.
Went around the net browsing various Mass Comm students blog and diary archives to see if there was any information about the test and only found out that you can use webpage designs for the interview. Bummer. AT LEAST LET ME SIT FOR THE TEST...
Was in Sentosa yesterday for a supposed reunion with ex-classmates...didn't really have the energy to do much 'cos I only slept at 4 the night before and was up at 7 and was at school before that. Left relatively unscathed apart from 2 broken toenails, a nasty bruise on the groin which I'm icing now and a sore knee.
If you can have Fann Wong as a judge at Miss Singapore Universe, no wonder you can have some average looking girl who can't even speak proper English crowned as Miss Singapore. Past winners Jamie Teo and that malay girl were relatively okay but this is utter rubbish. Singapore, prepare to be embarrased at Puerto Rico.
If she can be the most beautiful girl in Singapore, then I can be a Manhunt Champion. The contestants can be applauded for having the audacity to say they're beautiful and the guts to go on stage but seriously, there are much more better looking girls then her. Makes you really wonder why actresses don't take part in pageants. There was also this Geography teacher I had in secondary school who would have easily beaten all the contestants if she bothered to sign up and was a little taller. Sheesh.
For people who wanna know something about Mass Comm
READ FROM BOTTOM cos i asked in a tagboard
the stranger:thanks...i really appreciated that...
xiaoqi: as for e interview, they asked me why i chose NP mass com & which area was i interested in (broadcast? printed?) it'll be great if you produce a portfolio of your work
xiaoqi: this is for entrance into NP, you'll HAVE to know current events really well cos you'll have choose a topic frm the given list to write about.
just a stranger...: erm...are u allowed to say what's in the entrance test for mass comm? if you are, could i know a little bit...please?...
Friday, March 21
The following stuff is rated NC-16 so if you're a kid, prude or Michael Jackson don't read on. If you're disgusted by sexual terms I recommend you don't continue too.
 your asshole.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
sorry 'bout that...I wasn't very happy with what I got...
What's YOUR sexual fetish? brought to you by Quizilla
I am NOT a pervert - so don't accuse me of being one for putting the the 2nd picture
Did these with Weep at 4 in the morning...we're nocturnal...
Watched American Idol yesterday...nothing really spectucular except Clay made me go "wow". And I don't go "wow" very often when I listen to songs. Kimberley L looks disgusting and Kimberley C cut and I think permed her hair into some rocker chick. Somebody please vote Kimberley L out of the show - we have too many black singers with powerful voices like Whitney Houston. Kimberley C gave me the impression that she was very rude or over-enthusiastic...judges were talking to her and she was waving and blowing kisses to the crowd...and she's the same every week. Charles was voted out...I think he must be regretting choosing a Michael Jackson song...MJ's songs aren't easy to sing...and he realle needs to change his Will Smith/Eminem wardrobe. Ruben looks rather uninterested and Julia acted like a spoilt brat again. And why does Simon Cow wear his pants so high?
Cradle 2 the Grave with it's silly name looks like a rip from Rush Hour and Shanghai Knights and when is that Johnny English movie released? I really want to watch that...
TERRY VENABLES HAS LEFT LEEDS...pahjiao if u're reading this I only have 1 word to say...ORBEE.
Thursday, March 20
Arsenal are outta the Champions League! Woohoo! Arsene Wenger's moaning again...what's new...aww..c'mon Monsieur
Wenger...when will you learn to lose gracefully...
Real pressed for time these days...I don't have March holidays!...there's some outing on Saturday but I dunno whether I can make it...have a lot of things to do like making ice...
War's started. Oh great. Hooray. Make George W Bush a saint. Dickhead. Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden too. When will we ever have world peace?
Wednesday, March 19
We have less than 20 hours before war breaks out (unless dickheads Bush and Sadistic Hussein do something) a sign of respect for all the people who will be killed please remember this when you eat your lunch tomorrow, as tomorrow may be many peoples last lunch. F*cking Bush. Who mentioned war. Now innocent lives of Iraqis will be lost and American soldiers have to waste their time because he's dickheaded. And we can't see that guy from American Idol who's in the army sing anymore.
"I think Jennifer Capriati has got great 'susu machines'." - Glenn Ong
Now that's a quote for quote of the day instead of crap like
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win." - Ronald Reagan
Glenn Ong should be president of USA. I'm not very intelligent eh?
We have less than 20 hours before war breaks out (unless dickheads Bush and Sadistic Hussein do something) a sign of respect for all the people who will be killed please remember this when you eat your lunch tomorrow, as tomorrow may be many peoples last lunch. F*cking Bush. Who mentioned war. Now innocent lives of Iraqis will be lost and American soldiers have to waste their time because he's dickheaded. And we can't see that guy from American Idol who's in the army sing anymore.
Tuesday, March 18
overrated awarded best football player in Europe for playing like 12 games in 3 much as I hate to say it, I think Thierry Henry should have received that award. Cruel, evil, demonic, vile, merciless, inhuman, truculent, pugnacious and ignorant stupid bastards in football.
Arsenal have a match tomorrow morning against Valencia that might just prove to be the turning point of their season. And I hope so. I don't exactly like Arsenal but that's because of Arsene Wenger rather than pure hatred for a team. It's like I hate so-and-so but say I hate his mind only. Like Jun Yong. Demented, retarded, attention craving kid. They haven't been convincing in Europe and have been rather cocky and should rightly be out of European football. Teams like Barcelona and Man Utd have been terrific in Europe and I believe either one of them will nick the trophy deservedly.
An interesting fact for tomorrow is that Arsenal have not won a match this season when Pascal Cygan (nice name anyway) has started. Cygan is certain to start tomorrow and that, added with the fact that Valencia have only lost at the Mestella only once in European football, should give me joy tomorrow morning.
Just finished watching a documentary on pontianaks and dunno-what-tianak on Discovery Channel and that really freaked me out. Jun Yong is a male pontianak.
Monday, March 17
I am getting whinier day by day
Whines for today
My page looks like a site promoting clean and green week.
My old computer's running out of disk space
My air-con's leaking
My room is a rabbit cage
The parquet flooring is so sticky
It didn't rain today
Mr Chia is an assh*le
Alan reminded me of a SJAB sir I want to KILL
Deadlines suck
I whine too much
The "a" thing you use in e-mails (abc"a" disappeared from my keyboard
Why does Sharon Au appear in every Mediacorp commercial
Sunday, March 16
Gonna go to JJC later for the CTSS sports heats...won't be expecting anyone there...sigh...
I am getting incredibly frustrated with the stupid blogger server...WHY IS IT ALWAYS DOWN!
I get extremely riled up when I see people use those pretty eloquent quotes with bombastic words and which you do not understand WHAT THE HELL THE FOOL IS TALKING ABOUT! I should be alright when I see the SJAB cadets later. They always bring a smile out of me.
I need a break. Nobody comments these days. Hell, I'm gonna wake up later and shake myself up and tidy my room and the study. And clean the rabbit's cage.
Somebody please help me choose a colour for the text area...forest green seems rather weird...
Saturday, March 15
Site FAQ
because some people have too many questions to ask and some have too much free time
Q: Why does your page take so long to load?
A: because it doesn't take a short time to load
Q:The colours are awful!
A: i only got a B for art. and blame the stupid flirting fat art teacher tan kiamchai.
Q: Why don't you put any pictures? It's so boring when it's all letters...
A: i can but i can't be bothered to.
Q:Do you really have a degree in madness?
A: no, idiot. i'm only 6 years old.
Q: You skinny b@~+@#? !
A: i know i'm skinny but at least i'm heavier than weeping.
Q: The page not funny.
A: i not stupid.
Q: Where do you get all the inspiration to write nonsensical stuff?
A: mr.bean. nah. i was BORN nonsensical. i took 20 hours to be born.
Q: You suck.
A: technically, your impression of suck is a wrong one so i won't answer your question. dirty minded guy...
Q: Why are you typing this FAQ which serves no purpose and dosen't answer my questions?
A: because some people have too many questions to ask and some have too much free time
"Youse are all f*cking idiots." ahahaahh
Happy yesterday-birthday Albert Einstein wherever you are.
Friday, March 14
Some more spectacular football stuff I want to keep for memories so bear with me if you're not into football. My interest in football has been revitalised after playing some football in a very long time.
"Youse are all f*cking idiots." - Sir Alex Ferguson
Typical response from the Man Utd manager to a question whereby he does not know the answer
"Fergie's Butt Worry" - The Mirror
Worse headline ever. Butt is a football player
"Wilkinson: More Of The Same Please" - Sunderland official site
They want Wilko to stay?
“Manchester United will find it very intimidating with 100 screaming fans in the Bernabeu” - Sir Bobby Robson
Oh dear.
“We used to have Shaka Hislop on our books but I've never heard of Shakira. Is she a singer?”
“Home advantage gives you an advantage”
“He’s got his legs back, of course, or his leg - he’s always had one but now he’s got two”
“Everyone's got tough games coming up. Man Utd have got Arsenal, Arsenal have got Man Utd and Leeds have got Leeds”
All from the beloved Sir Bobby Robson
Womawio - Jonathon Woss Descwiption of certain famous 'Bwazilian Stwiker'.
Wise, Dennis - Small creature who does not like cab drivers, teammates who beat him at cards or Christmas gifts involving teddy bears and vibrators.
Vialli, Gianluca - Slap-headed, school uniform-sporting Italian much loved by all and sundry but unceremoniously axed by Basher Bates, perhaps for breaking with Chelsea tradition and actually winning some trophies.
Zidane, Zinedine - Greatest, most expensive player in the modern game. Worst, least expensive haircut in the modern world.
Z, Row - Standard destination for thunderbolt free-kick from Roberto Carlos, clearance from non-nonsense centre-half such as Gareth Southgate and shot at all from a Sunderland player.
Uruguay - South American country famed for winning World Cup twice, hosting the first tournament, being incredibly dirty and having a name that Homer thought was pronounced "You are gay".
Thursday, March 13
Just saw a picture of Jamie Yeo and damn her t*ts look nice.
Went to help out at the school's (CTSS) sports heats...and they are still as dodgy in their organisation as ever. We complete like 2 races and then we have to stop because of rain. And then we continue and stop for like this for the next hour before they decide to ignore the rain and just run. And godamnit that makes it more worrying for us medical people as the possibility of them slipping increases. Nobody actually slipped but there was this guy who got a tear in his upper thigh and Mr Chia had to dial 995. 995! Those 995 ambulance people look like nerds.
Got really irritated by screen 'graffiti' while watching American Idol. Previously it was just that small channel logo at the top right or left hand corner of the screen. Now they put all sorts of rubbish like what's the next show, what's showing on Wednesday or some stupid message nobody actually bothers about. Stupid messages like these block like a quarter of your screen and goddamnit that makes it darn hard to read stuff you want to know like names of people etc. There's this SMS message thing on AMI which is even worse. Some comments are really lame like Wheel of Fortune Singapore is and it makes you really want to beat up the person who sent in the message. Makes you really want to hack into the TV station's computers and put up a big red "HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS" in the center of the screen for the producers to see. If I ever own a TV station the first person I'll sack is the person who thought of this.
Wednesday, March 12
Had a rather good game of football yesterday. Won almost all of my tackles and my passing accuracy, for once, was around 90%. Even got all of my 3 shots on target - 2 were blocked and the other one was when I went gung-ho for a moment and went all the way up front and got myself a goal. Maybe I should be crazy more often. Got hit when I stood on the goal line and somebody hit a shot which rammed into my ear. Ow. At least I blocked a goal. Match was somewhat like CTSS vs Jurong Sec and we ran them ragged. Score was something like 6-0 or 7-0. Jurong are not famed for football anyway.
Had to tell the Jurong people that I have this slight phobia of basketball. Must have been because I was hit by a basketball when I was young and that, at that time, really made me scared. I'm not like scared when I see the orange ball but I'm very reluctant to play the game.
For football fans who watch the EPL, you should know who Wilko is and boy was I glad when Sunderland sacked him. Most people think I support Man Utd only but I do look out for Sunderland and West Ham's results. Wilko really puzzles me with his style of management and his *ahem* senseless quotes. See if you can understand these gems.
"I am not surprised by anything that happens in football but still felt profound shock when it actually happened," -Howard Wilkinson
"We have good players on paper, but paper players win paper cups." -Howard Wilkinson
"Liverpool are playing well, especially now they have got the ball." -Howard Wilkinson
"If you hire people who are smarter than you, maybe you are showing that you are a little bit smarter than them." -Howard Wilkinson
"I would say relegation is three from four because we are already out of it in my mind." -Howard Wilkinson (god knows what's he talking about)
"Relegations don't do anybody any good." -Howard Wilkinson (at least it's true...)
"I'm not going to come in here playing the banjo and singing Waltzing Matilda." -Howard Wilkinson (totally irrelevant to the match)
"A lucky goal or the run of the ball can be triggers but they can only be triggers if you have gunpowder." -Howard Wilkinson (huh?)
"Remember, we are not offering SLEEPING as an 'O' Level subject!" -Lau Beng Hwee (sorry - couldn't resist it)
Instead of all that goody goody inspirational stuff, maybe you could use one of these quotes for your daily quote Ros...hehehe...
Tuesday, March 11
Had a slight shock of knowing that my coursemate is the son of the Cisco officer that was killed deepest sympathies to him...but what really slight-shocked me was his calmness. He has just lost a family member and not once did he look distracted. He could even laugh when I joked with him. I must say I almost wanted to ask him why he didn't turn up on Friday(the day of the incident) but forgot. That was somewhat lucky as it wouldn't have been wise to bring up his father's untimely passing. I have to feel relieved because given my ignorance about the matter, I didn't say anything inappropriate and cracked jokes and made him happy. I have a reputation for having a lot of cash in my wallet and I dumped all the notes I had into the envelope my coursemates had put out for personal donations for his bereaved family. This guy has some tough mental strength. Even though I'm religion-less I really must say, God Bless His Family.
Bryan's asked me to play football tomorrow(actually today since it's past 12) and he better make sure it materializes. I haven't played for like 4 whopping months and I'm dying to feel the adrenaline again. I'm sure I'll pick up a knock tomorrow since I have had months of inactivity but who cares. I just want to continue fouling people and playing like a headless chicken just like the good old days in CTSS...
I don't score many goals so scoring one would be nice. In fact, I think that in my entire life, I have only played as a striker for like only ONE miserly time. And that was because only 4 people were playing and I didn't want to be the goalie. I've always been deployed in a defensive role (playing horribly) and a few times in the defensive midfielder role. Maybe it's because of my supposedly high work rate and defensive mentality when playing. Bah. I just want to play.
Come to think of it, do I really have a reputation for having a lot of cash in my wallet?
Monday, March 10
Gonna evaluate the comic strips in The Straits Times and The New Paper. Hafta pratice reviewing just in case.
Stone Soup **
Drawings are not exactly fantastic and isn't exactly funny either. Real disappointing choice to replace Pickles, which was hilarious.
Garfield ***
Jim Davis seems to have lost his zest for the Garfield comic strip. Maybe he's running out of ideas...or maybe he's plain lazy. Garfield most of these days involve just Garfield and Jon sitting at the table being sarcastic with the occassional cameo appearance by Odie or a rat/spider. Really has lost it's magic over the years.
Get Fuzzy ****
Rather interesting cartoon, possibly the most engaging comic strip currently in all the newspapers as it has an aimless yet interesting storyline. Interesting chracters like a cat with an attitude problem make it interesting. Drawings are also excellent and pleasant to the eye. Only downside is that the newspaper doesn't publish it in colour.
Baby Blues ****
Another interesting comic strip. Revolves around a British family with all the problems associated with taking care of children expressed humourously. Really brings back childhood memories.
Foxtrot ****
Somewhat similar to Baby Blues, with the characters slightly older, but nonetheless funny and engaging. In a similar fashion to Baby Blues, Foxtrot expresses the problems associated with teengaers in a funny way. Totally different from Cathy, which it replaced, and arguably a better comic strip, though not as established, than Cathy.
Wiley's Non Sequitur/Bizarro/Warped ***
Can be real hilarious if you understand what they are poking fun at. However, if you are stumped by what the strip is trying to joke about on several occasions, it is perhaps wiser you do not read these at all.
Dilbert ****
One of the more famous and funnier comic strips in the world. An excellent storyline about a havoc company, where the employees and bosses are bordering on hilariously insane. Understanding it is a vital key to discovering it's comic potential. Readers age range from 12 and above.
Calvin and Hobbes ***
Like Garfield, the funny level of the comic strip has also seemed to wane slightly. The art is still there, but the jokes are getting harder to understand and unrealistic. Calvin is only a small boy and not potrayed as a genius and you wouldn't expect him to use big words
like procrastination, which are becoming increasingly common these days. Still has some humour in it though.
The Concrete Jungle FAIL
Possibly one of the worst comics I've ever seen. I don't think it even merits mentioning. Colin Goh must be a guy who laughs at everything and is a very bad storyteller. The art is rather basic, and I have not even laughed at the comic strip even once before. An utterly uninteresting storyline about 'the legend of Tumasix' has only transformed it into an eyesore and mood spoiler. Please, The New Paper, REMOVE THIS STRIP! It's garbage. Singaporeans have a much better sense of humour.
And yeah, I was suffering from PMS yesterday...menstruation can be real can't have intercourse during that period...and for strangers - I'm a Mr.. Pretty annoying this PMS thingy...I feel like The Hot Chick....
[add] burnt my fingers slightly fiddling with HTML [/add]
Sunday, March 9
Saturday, March 8
Had nothing to do in the morning and with nobody at home, held a shooting practice session in the house. Had some tips in mind from watching a football match the previous night and tried to implement them. What the guy said was to look up and shoot and I did that but none of my shots actually hit the target(wall). Some ricocheted another wall, some hit the dustbin, one hit the rabbit and one flew into the toilet. Bummer.
Ignored the commentator's advice and went on to use my own method which was simply whacking the ball. Fared much much better with my method.
Became really uninspired after reading about other people's day. Some people seem to lead a really boring life. Maybe I should write about Saturday and bore you since I'm so uninspired right now.
Woke up at around 7.30 in the morning a few minutes just before the alarm clock rang. Had a endure eating through some carrot cake for breakfast which had some chilli in it 'cos my mother gave me the wrong packet - I don't like chilli. Went to CTS early for a change.
They had some boring first aid lesson for the early part of the morning which I didn't pay much attention to - was taking advantage of the fact that I could stare out of the window as much as I wanted to - and went out of the classroom to call this Sec 3 girl who couldn't find us. Sec 3. Had me amused for quite a while with her complaining. Cute little chatterbox.
Ransacked the room for a thing but couldn't find it. Don't know where they put it. Lousy logistics department (coincidentally managed by that chatterbox.)
[OH F***. I typed one whole bunch of stuff here and accidentally deleted it all. F***ED UP BITCHY COMPUTER] Never mind.
Made a fool out of the mushroom haired cleaner, took charge of the senior squad, went to KFC for a celebratory lunch for winning the Silver. Really confirms my opinion that the previous 3-4 batches of seniors were totally useless. I'm not like very loyal to the SJAB but what I'm happy about is saving the CCA which was supposed to be closed down in a year if things continued to become worse. Look at what the previous batches did - drive us into the doldrums. Look at what the current batch of seniors and a few oldies like my Sir and me have done - got ourselves out of trouble and even acheived a Silver considering our small strength. F***ed up previous batches.
Day petered out towards the afternoon which was raining and which I liked, slept and woke up just in time to catch Malcolm in the Middle (mother's mad) and The Simpsons (mother's mad too). Also watched wrestling (they're all mad).
Stupid computer. I typed like a whole bunch of text and now I have to summarise my thoughts 'cos I don't feel like typing them out all over again.
Who wants to go to Speech Day?
Received some pleasing news today.
The CTSS SJAB have been awarded the Silver Achievement Award for the first time in their dogged history. Bronze was achieved last year. They have also recruited their highest amount of people in 6 years. Hah, see what my batch of people did to save them. What did the previous bunch(es) of idiots do? Nothing! Scold, scold, scold, scold, scold (and drive the CTSS SJAB into the lowest ebb of their history) . Military people take note. Scolding is not always the best option. And oh, see how intelligent and belligerent this year's 16/17 year olds can be. Unlike some (not all) of you oldy, LAZY, bozos. Mr Hang's going to embarrass the SJAB on Monday.
Didn't see anyone (those who graduated last year and are in uniformed groups) other than Zhongwei when I went back to school today. Wonder where they all went. 1986/5 people are all smart people.
11th: kick soccer
13th: track-n-field heats
14th: UG camp
18th: SJAB training
20 something: Speech Day rehearsal
In short, if you didn't understand all the letters and numbers above, just take it that the CTSS SJAB has just acheived a Silver award and if you're 16+, you're a special and smart person.
Friday, March 7
Saw one too many people using the same cheapskate template and decided to change the colours a little. I only got a B4 for Art so don't comment and complain on the colours when it's done.
Thursday, March 6
If the page looks a bit out of shape don't ask me why 'cos it's not my fault. When there's something wrong it's always Blogger's fault like that ugly thing beside my 'R' sign at the bottom of the page. I didn't put that but it always appears there. Some Visual Basic thing I was told. Archives have gone missing before, the page won't listen to what I type in the HTML coding or everything suddenly goes awry for no reason. It's like one day - classical music - next day - ooh ee ooh ah ah ding dang walla walla bing bang. Sheesh.
The darn rabbit's (or girlfriend) eating some biscuits now. Don't know where she found them but she just flung one biscuit at me. Silly rabbit. She's eaten all sorts of things like fish-o-filets and her own poo, drunk root beer and bandung. Now I don't want any Animal Rights guy complaining and reporting me to the police for animal abuse 'cos I didn't and don't feed her this. I feed her rabbit food, carrots and vegetables but she chooses to dig out all this stuff from the dustbin. Weird little lady.
Got a slight lower back problem troubling me...must be after effects of playing 30 minutes football after 4 months of not even kicking a ball. For those of you who watch American Idol religiously, I must say that from the few episodes of it that I've seen, I think Simon's the main attraction of the show! They were making fun of him in yesterday's wildcard episode. The other judges, the singers, all are boring. I only sit up to listen to what Simon has to say...maybe the show should be renamed "Simon Says". Either that or Simon should become the host of The Weakest Link. Real interesting guy.
Ooh ee ooh ah ah ding dang walla walla bing bang...don't ask me why I typed that...
[add] maybe someone should try and sing that oo ee song (Witch Doctor) on American Idol and see what Simon has to say... [/add]
Wednesday, March 5
Full of criticism today.
Read YKL's diary and if I had to be nice, I would say it wasn't very engaging. [some extra text deleted by Kok as he feels comments made were far too harsh] But then again, the only thing I know about Chemistry is that the periodic table's on page 214.
[add] He has the liberty to write what he wants so maybe my criticism was a bit harsh. But this is annoying. [/add]
Somebody mentioned a phrase today that irked me. It really pisses me off when I hear people who aren't very fond of football (USA:soccer) say "it's only 22 men chasing a ball". Ignorant fool. Hey look, if you know nothing and have never played the sport, don't criticise it. Your facts aren't even correct. Do goalkeepers chase the ball? Are players chasing for 90 minutes? I don't see Choke running after the ball. I don't like basketball but I don't go around saying basketball's a game full of tall dudes that throw a ball at a square on a board. Maybe you should take a quiz. If you're Level 4 and above than you can tell yourself that you're qualified to criticise football. If you're not than stop using that darn irritating phrase.
Source: unknown
Must at least know 1 term/player from level to qualify for level
Level 1: David Beckham, Raul, yellow card
Level 2: David Seaman, Barcelona, throw-in
Level 3: Gerard Houllier, Old Trafford, penalty
Level 4: Jody Morris, Ajax, offside
Level 5: Paolo Montero, Kaiserslautern, cut-back
Level 6: Bernt Haas, Selhurst Park, full-back
Level 7: Dick Jol, Kim Milton Nielsen, Gary Teale
Level 8: Ayr, Roland Edge, Jimmy Haarhoff
What level are you?
Tuesday, March 4
Watched The Weakest Link and Meet My Folks just now. Got a real dig at seeing Asha Gill hammering the dimwits on The Weakest Link. Also kicked a ball today(yesterday) for the first time in 4 months.
"Operator! Give me the number for 911!" - Homer Simpson
more to come...brain's blurry a knock on the head for being too tall...banged into some cabinets...sorry for scrappy stuff above
Went to Ngee Ann poly yesterday to submit some form...not the purple piece..purple one's been submitted at Singapore Poly...some other one...and THAT place is depressing. I don't know why but stepping into Ngee Ann's compounds kinda makes one feel very gloomy and sleepy. Singapore Poly makes me feel confused and Temasek Poly, which has the most pleasing scenery of all the polys, makes me feel like I'm in a shopping centre. Sorry to people living in the Bukit Timah area but I've never been comfortable whenever I'm around Bukit Timah...kinda sleepy and dreary place. Kinda eerie too with all that war things and weird schools. I'm very comfortable when I'm in the Bukit Batok/Clementi areas but Bukit Timah...scary..
Kinda surprised someone actually ploughed through the archives. Real pleasing to see someone taking time to read all that old stuff. You know who you are and thank you. Have a nice day.
I didn't put a 'c' at the bottom of the page but I put a 'r' so any strangers trying to copy some of the nonsense I type should know what to do.
Monday, March 3
Popped back into school today with Alan just to go to the toilet...silly right? Saw Ms Ho again and she looks just as ridiculous as ever. And oh, Alan has a girlfriend. All I can say is I wasn't overly impressed with his girlfriend, or girl friend. Some NPCC cadet called rude...does she know who I am...
The following text is rated NC-16 so if you're a kid, prude or Michael Jackson don't read on. If you're disgusted by sexual terms I recommend you don't continue too. Had to add this after someone said I was sick.
5 boys and 5 men.
Name an MRT station.
Tampines (Ten-penis).
I'm so dirrrty.
Sunday, March 2
The following text is rated NC-16 so if you're a kid, prude or Michael Jackson don't read on. If you're disgusted by sexual terms I recommend you don't continue too.
Went out out Tok and Wilson after we got the 'O' Level results and had dinner with them. While having dinner, we mentioned about some stuff and one of the things we talked about was anal sex because Wilson was doing something disgusting that resembled that. After much discussion, our conclusion was anal sex - DISGUSTING.
I can't figure out why some guys like butts so much. Look, we all have a butt and does it matter whether your butt is more prominent like J Lo or Ms Halizah? It's not like the butt is unique to a certain gender like boobs and cocks are. Yeah, they're round and what? The butt is meant for your excretion and sitting comfortably and not for sexual activities. There's a place in the female anatomy where you can do your sexual stuff and play or do whatever you want. But why the butt? Does sperm travel up the anus? Don't you feel disgusted when you stick a part of your body into possibly someone else's dirtiest part of the body? Isn't sticking it in the front pleasurable enough already? People who try anal sex are sick people who have nothing better to do than think about sex the whole day and sick ways to perform it. Gays who try that are even worse. They can't stick to another bizarre habit of oral sex and move on to try this. Look, whoever created your body made a vagina, penis and boobs for a reason. The butt was for another reason so leave it alone and don't do disgusting things to it.
Sorry if you felt disgusted by that paragraph. Just had to get it off my mind.
Saturday, March 1
Some nicknames which have been used on me
Kok-ster (Gene)
Kokky Kok (Edmund)
Crazy/Mad Kok (Bryan)
Kok van Dam
Captain Kok (Bryan)
Ah Kok (Sir Wayne)
Kik-kik-kok-kok (Linluan/Xiuhui)
Ryan (?)
Ostrich (some girl - SC I think)
Beanpole (Wee-ping timeout)
Zombie/Rat/Thief (what's up with you Alan?)
I'm gonna miss these names...
A (well, there's only one) silly search query that has landed on my site is a search by a Canadian for "Avril Lavigne off-key grammy". In case you don't know, this silly page can be reached by searching through Yahoo and Google. You type "Talking Kok" and voila, my site should be the first result for Yahoo-web pages and Google. Avril Lavigne sang pretty crappy at the Grammys so I don't know why anyone would want to hear it again but if there's anyone that's searching for Avril Lavigne stuff and has landed here, I can tell you I don't have any but there's some at Xiuhui's (not a fan site-just some stuff) and you can go there if you want to see a picture of her wearing spectacles, some sleeveless shirt that shows some cleavage and seemingly wearing no bra (as of 1st March).
Sheesh. I just discovered I sound like a porn site. Now don't you dare come here looking for such stuff. Anyway, please keep the picture on your site Xiuhui. It's pretty interesting.