Tuesday, March 11
Had a slight shock of knowing that my coursemate is the son of the Cisco officer that was killed recently...my deepest sympathies to him...but what really slight-shocked me was his calmness. He has just lost a family member and not once did he look distracted. He could even laugh when I joked with him. I must say I almost wanted to ask him why he didn't turn up on Friday(the day of the incident) but forgot. That was somewhat lucky as it wouldn't have been wise to bring up his father's untimely passing. I have to feel relieved because given my ignorance about the matter, I didn't say anything inappropriate and cracked jokes and made him happy. I have a reputation for having a lot of cash in my wallet and I dumped all the notes I had into the envelope my coursemates had put out for personal donations for his bereaved family. This guy has some tough mental strength. Even though I'm religion-less I really must say, God Bless His Family.
Bryan's asked me to play football tomorrow(actually today since it's past 12) and he better make sure it materializes. I haven't played for like 4 whopping months and I'm dying to feel the adrenaline again. I'm sure I'll pick up a knock tomorrow since I have had months of inactivity but who cares. I just want to continue fouling people and playing like a headless chicken just like the good old days in CTSS...
I don't score many goals so scoring one would be nice. In fact, I think that in my entire life, I have only played as a striker for like only ONE miserly time. And that was because only 4 people were playing and I didn't want to be the goalie. I've always been deployed in a defensive role (playing horribly) and a few times in the defensive midfielder role. Maybe it's because of my supposedly high work rate and defensive mentality when playing. Bah. I just want to play.
Come to think of it, do I really have a reputation for having a lot of cash in my wallet?