
Thursday, March 6

If the page looks a bit out of shape don't ask me why 'cos it's not my fault. When there's something wrong it's always Blogger's fault like that ugly thing beside my 'R' sign at the bottom of the page. I didn't put that but it always appears there. Some Visual Basic thing I was told. Archives have gone missing before, the page won't listen to what I type in the HTML coding or everything suddenly goes awry for no reason. It's like one day - classical music - next day - ooh ee ooh ah ah ding dang walla walla bing bang. Sheesh.

The darn rabbit's (or girlfriend) eating some biscuits now. Don't know where she found them but she just flung one biscuit at me. Silly rabbit. She's eaten all sorts of things like fish-o-filets and her own poo, drunk root beer and bandung. Now I don't want any Animal Rights guy complaining and reporting me to the police for animal abuse 'cos I didn't and don't feed her this. I feed her rabbit food, carrots and vegetables but she chooses to dig out all this stuff from the dustbin. Weird little lady.

Got a slight lower back problem troubling me...must be after effects of playing 30 minutes football after 4 months of not even kicking a ball. For those of you who watch American Idol religiously, I must say that from the few episodes of it that I've seen, I think Simon's the main attraction of the show! They were making fun of him in yesterday's wildcard episode. The other judges, the singers, all are boring. I only sit up to listen to what Simon has to say...maybe the show should be renamed "Simon Says". Either that or Simon should become the host of The Weakest Link. Real interesting guy.

Ooh ee ooh ah ah ding dang walla walla bing bang...don't ask me why I typed that...

[add] maybe someone should try and sing that oo ee song (Witch Doctor) on American Idol and see what Simon has to say... [/add]