
Sunday, April 20

DISCLAIMER: the following stuff is rather 'cheem' and controversial. All these stuff below are written through a half drunken state from drinking too many cans of root beer. DO NOT take the following stuff seriously.

hmm...didn't do much...apart from stepping into a church or any religious building for that matter in like...a year?

No offence to the people who go to CHC but you have to feel that that building looks like a shopping mall. It's like so different from other churches...its somewhat...stylo and like a church for cool people. Even the pastor is like somewhat cool. I don't know if that's the case for most churches but I had always thought pastors of church were in the form of some white haired old man. Dunno. I just went there to watch an Easter performance. I'm not a holy person.

I can honestly tell you I'm not a holy person because there were a few bad things I did (not sins since I don't worship anybody...maybe Hades..since I keep telling people to go to hell). One was thinking of dirty thoughts before stepping into the church. I am not a pervert. You just get these dirty thoughts sometimes. Another thing I did was thinking about bombing the church while they were praying. Told you I wasn't holy.

Even an unholy person struggles to stop all this propaganda from entering you. I know I'm being somewhat rude and flippant by labelling religions as propoganda but just going to the church brainwashed me. Previously I didn't think there was any God. I thought people just died and bacteria do all sorts of nonsense to you. No soul. No spirit whatever. Now I'm trying to purge Jesus out of my head because I still want to remain a free thinker. Or maybe it's because I worship Hades. Bleah. How can a superhero worship Hades.

Actually, if you look at it, everybody goes to hell. Most people are cremated and they're pushed into fire and brimstone. People who are buried make it seem like they're one step closer to hell. Probably the only people who aren't going to hell are those who are in cyrogenics and those preserving their bodies. Bah. Forget what I typed in this paragraph. It's all rubbish.

I have to stress that the stuff I just wrote above should not be taken seriously. It's just what I think. Thoughts can be changed so do not blast me or hold a cold war or be prejudiced or whatever against me. I'm writing this when the commenting thing is down because this is controversial stuff. I mean no harm. Lord Jesus, Allah, Buddha, any god, bless the world.

Darn. I just realised this piece may have harmed my chances of getting into FSV. God, I do not believe in you so leave me alone. If you're still there trying to interfere, at least give me back my commenting system.