
Saturday, April 5

suffering from 'blogger's block'. Or blog block. whatever.

<`kOK> eh
<`kOK> gimme something to write about
<`aRChErb0|> eh
<`kOK> wad
<`kOK> oh
<`aRChErb0|> thinking
<`kOK> write about 'eh'

Eh (interjection)
hmm...'eh' as you can see is a 2 letter word. it's made up of the letters 'e' and 'h' and it can have many pronounciations. People in Singapore pronounce it something like "urrgh" or "a". Some African tribe pronounces it as "air-heeg". Tok Rui Xiang pronounces it as "hea". Some people laugh like that. Constipated people pronounce it as "arrgh". Eh eh eh eh eh.

Origins of 'eh' are somewhat unknown. Rumour has it that some country people copied it from hyenas so that they could go 'ehhhhhhhhhh' all day in the fiels to lure hyenas out. Since everybody looked like a hyena in those days with permed hair and whatever everybody called each other 'eh'.

'eh' is usually used as something to call people. Like in "Eh Dick, when's April Fools Day?". Some people consider it rude to call people using 'eh'. Professors at the University of Madness have yet to find out why this is considered rude. A survey around the world revealed what most nameless people prefer being called and 'eh' ranked 3rd after 'boy' and 'oi'. Most commom users of 'eh' include mainly people, people in the army and Sia Zhong Wei.

Another bunch of people who use 'eh' are nursery school kids. Most of the nusery school kids who use this word use it because
a. they don't know a single word and mutter this as communication
b. they forgot how to spell 'he'
c. they thought the letter 'h' follows the letter 'e' in the alphabet..a, b, c, d, e, h, g.....
d. they hear their sister scream "S.H.E.!" and they try act smart by spelling it backwards to show the teacher

another alternative definition
to be continued