Saturday, May 31
This week's SATURDAY SCRUPLES! are here!.......quiz no 7 of 7 in a row
You plan to auction granny's estate but are afraid valuable items will go for too little. Do you ask friends to bid up the prices?
In the middle of the night, the baby starts crying. Your mate asks if you're awake. You're exhausted and don't want to get up. Do you pretend to be asleep?
Your child's tricycle turns over too easily. You can't return it. You're having a garage sale. Do you sell it?
Friday, May 30
When I say I take the train to school with morons I really mean it. And that was why I wore a shirt saying everybody was stupid on the way to school today.
Morons I saw
1.Some lady pretending to be pregnant by wearing those pregnancy dresses and you can tell she's not pregnant. Let's call her FPL
2.An idiot who gave up his seat to the FPL and didn't get thanked
3.Another idiot who's seating right under the 'give up this seat to blahblahblah' and didn't give up her seat to the FPL*
4.One person who tried to be asleep but looked more like something was in her eye
5.Some old man reading the very-not-eye-catching book of 'How To Have Good Sex'. With pencil in hand underlining stuff too.
6.A girl looking at everybody but ended up looking cross-eyed
7.A guy at Raffles Place who didn't see the Do Not Board sign and walked right in front of the door when train came**
8.Tons of ppl making the pilgrimage from the other train to my train running like madmen only for the doors to close before they reach
9.An idiotic big sized man who blocked the train door***
10.China people talking SO loud. Why do China people always talk so loudly.
11.ITE girl playing music so loudly and shaking to it...making her look like a possessed person. Gossip Folks was the song.
12.Some primary school kids talking about music and swearing so loudly. e.g. "Daniel Bedingfield...SH*T HIM!!!".
13.Indian guy obviously trying to intimidate everyone and wearing sunglasses underground. Wah. Very sunny.
14.A decent looking student. Didn't like his face and hair so he's a moron too.
15.People thinking they're very strong and not holding bars right beside them. Tripping when train jerks.
16.2 people trying to get to the same seat. Let's play musical chairs on the MRT
17.Somebody farting. Whoopee.
18.Everybody tapping their cards but no one tapping at the one for disabled persons. Nanny Nanny Poo Poo I got out before you.
19.Some girl wearing a striped tube-top with green checked 3/4 pants. Great fashion sense.
20.A lady that looked like Ms Dolly Sng wearing pink shirt, pink skirt, pink shoes, pink watch.
21.Another decent looking student. Another moron.
22.Two strangers wearing a white long sleeve shirt, black pants, black shoes, having ballpoint pen in shirt pocket. Could pass off as twins if not for different ugly faces.
*On hindsight she was clever...not giving up seats to FPLs.
**More b'cos of stupid Matrix ads being shown on the board. SMRT. Singapore Morons Running Trains.
***Also SMRT's fault. Building those black trains with only 10 seats on the whole train.
Moron here moron there moron moron everywhere. And I paid $3 for 2 rides. Arrrrgh. Maybe I should ride the bicycle to school.
Phyllis Quek just said on TV that football is a silly game. Why f*ck her. F*cking good.
Barcelona idiots say they can sign Ruud van Nistelrooy. Why f*ck them. F*cking Spaniards.
Thursday, May 29
FRIDAY FIVE...quiz no 6 in a row
I know ur not interested in my answers to quizzes but I think this would fare slightly better in the interest stakes than writing about my day. My rubbish writing 'talent' has deserted me these days...mainly because the inspirational Grim Weeper has gone to Timbuctoo to plot some evil thing. Maybe he's lost his air ticket or got stuck in some toilet bowl.
1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
bottle!!! alan will know my love affair with french water. evian too. and the cactus brand the auntie sells in CTSS.
2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?
the normal kind...from the david seaman company (pringles).
3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
instant noodles...'cos that's the only thing I can cook...I don't even know how to turn on the fire! i'm pathetic
4. How do you have your eggs?
scrambled! from mac's only though.
5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
my mum. pretty okay. I asked her to fry the noodles and she put it in some soup.
hmm....watched the 30sec to fame show or whatever they call it...ahah...that's far more interesting than American Idol...pity the audience chose some rather routine acts to win
Wednesday, May 28
THURSDAY THUMB TWIDDLER...quiz no 5 in a row
okay i know you must be thinking whaddahell i wanna read ur quizzes for
1. Think of your ideal job. Now ... how little money would you be willing to do it for?
some job where i walk along orchard road and act retarded. $5000
2. Is there scientific knowledge best left undiscovered?
why guys like girls erm..tits, bums, legs, hair, armpits, eyebrows whatever
3. If you could proclaim a new national holiday, what would it be and how would we celebrate it?
anti-christ day. go around bombing churches. ahhhaa. i'm gonna get arrested for this
4. Would you euthanize(mercy killing) your healthy, happy pet for $50k? How about $1 million?
erm..will hafta see..........
5. If you were exiled from your country, and had only limited financial resources, where would you try to rebuild your life?
Thailand. they already have named a city after me. bang-KOK. i'm a hero there.
I just realised that I own quite a bit of Bangkok. Look. baNG-KOK. That means I own 5/7 of that city. 2/7 is owned by someone called Ba. Now if I can find that guy called Ba...
Hah. I just found out that some other cities are also owned. There's a city in Russia called Rostov. There's another in Ukraine called Kharkov. Shuan Min owns part of some city in Belarus called Minsk. Bah.
WEDNESDAY WHAT IFS...quiz no 4 in a row
Note: None of these are optional! Pretend that you have to do them!
1. What if you had 24 hours to pack up and leave your country forever?
then i'll pack up and leave the country forever
2. What if you had 24 hours to get married?
there's a movie which is something lidat...a guy need to get married in 24 hours or something lidat to gain a fortune and tons of ppl wanna marry him...go watch it lah...the bachelor or something lidat..
3. What if you had 24 hours to entirely change the way you look, so much as to become unrecognizable?
i am already unrecognizable now
4. What if you had 24 hours to make a scientific or historical discovery?
haiya dunno lah...lousy questions...all just say 'then i'll do it' can liao
5. What if you had 24 hours to meet and befriend the leader of your country?
i will smack him
Tuesday, May 27
what the f*** is wrong with blogger
i can't change my template
the template has reverted to the old one
where's all my stuff
what the hell have they done to my commenting system
what the hell have they done to mi blog
f***ing idiots...and u only know that i use the word f*** when i'm really very angry...F*** F*** F***
where is my template? arrrrgh!!!!!!
Monday, May 26
THIS OR THAT TUESDAY (quiz no 3 in a row)
The Media Edition
1. TV or radio? tv
2. On the radio: talk or music station? talk station
3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? actual books
4. Actual newspaper, or web version? actual newspaper
5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? national enquirer
6. TV channel such as CNN, or your local broadcast news? local broadcast news will do
7. A movie you've been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway, or pass? see it
8. See movies when they first come out, or wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter? wait a few weeks
9. TV: cable, satellite dish, or just plain old antenna? cable
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would you choose...print (newspapers, magazines) or electronic (TV, internet)? Why? print. old fashioned guy...i don't like change...and i need newspapers to line the rabbits cage
Sunday, May 25 now you would have noticed I'm kinda running out of material to write about...if I were to write about what I've been doing these few days it would be something like:
"Hello. I woke up today. I brushed/forgot to brush* my teeth (that's why I bought an electric toothbrush). I had breakfast and then went to skool. On the way I felt like bashing the transport ministry for charging me $1.50 to stand in a MRT train filled with morons. When I reached the place, I wondered if I should buy a drink at the McDonald House/McDonalds* because the kopitiam near the school charges $1.70 for a small cup of ice milo. Bah. The vending machine inside the school has something against me too. Maybe it's because I kick/curse* it everytime when nobody's looking. I then try to avoid the girl taking temperatures. I go into the class and sit down and pay/don't pay* attention to the lecturer mumbling something from pathetically designed Powerpoint slides. When lessons finish I pop/do not pop* down to Orchard/Jurong Point* to disturb Tok/Peishan/Weep/Kelvin/Clement/any poor soul to be found by me*. And then I go home and sleep and watch TV and scream at SC over the IRC for not giving me a +o after 15mins. And then I sleep at 12nn/3am*. Finish!"
*delete where applicable
Hmm...the next time I don't have anything to write I'll just copy and paste this and delete the appropriate stuff. Cool babanas.
something's terribly wrong with the layout...or rather BLOGGER....will fix it when BLOGGER fixes whatever problems they have
haa...I'm gonna do a quiz for seven consecutive's No. 2 in a row!
1. What is/was your favorite subject in school? Your least favorite?
english. because I have always done well in it since nursery school
amaths. damnit I spent the most time studying for A maths and i got a frickin 6+1 for my O's.
2. What was the most difficult assignment you ever had to do in school? What was it that made it so difficult?
erm...IDP? bcos the teacher was tan tiong bee?
3. When it came time for tests/exams, did/do you get nervous? Did/do you study hard for them?
ermmm...pri sch yes...during sec sch i didnt care except for english exams not because i was scared i would fail my english but more because i wanted to see who topped the class. sheesh. whaddahell you mean do i study hard for exams? i spent the most time studying a maths and i flunked. i was playing on the computer the day before bio and SS and i passed BOTH. bullshit world.
Saturday, May 24
Music survey, stolen from someone mainly because I don't have anything to write about...apart from finding the song Channel 5 used to use for their Survivor ads. Dandy Warhols' Bohemian Like You. Oooh that chicken backsided Daniel Ong...pronouncing it as Daniel ____ - I ____ Like You.
Good: Moby
Really good: Rob Zombie
Really really good: Everclear
Didn't convince me: Oasis
Sucks: Sum41(absolute rubbish)
I like the name: Kid Rock (yeah...and I'm Kid Kok)
Cool style:
Thank God it's over: Spice Girls
Hey, you forgot to bury this!: Victoria Beckham
Eternal: Sir Elton John, Michael Jackson (ahahha)
Everybody loves it but me: Ruben Studdard, Kelly Clarkson, Kim Caldwell
Great show: Bon Jovi
Baaad show: P.O.D.
I'm the only one who likes it: Eiffel 65 - Blue (its nice)
I will definitely have on my PC: Entrance Themes from WWE
I wanna be in: Linkin Park (baaaaah)
I didn't like it until someone mentioned it: Eminem (I thought eminem was a sweet)
I didn't like it as a child: Mariah Carey (not really child...more when I was younger)
Should be a film: Justin Timberlake
Have some songs I like: Bloodhound Gang
All the fans are crazy: Ricky Martin, F4
Bad copy: Gareth Gates - Unchained Melody
Good copy: Aguilera, Lil'Kim, Maya, Pink - Lady Marmalade
What's with the hair, dude?: Christina Aguilera
Best videos ever: Michael Jackson - Bad (cool dancing..hahahaa)
Changed my life: Stained - It's Been Awhile
Best album of 2002: Linkin Park - Meteora
Can't stop listening to it: Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb
I heard it once, and I loved it!: Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
Blah. Another quiz. A sunday seven.
Seven famous people that you would sleep with... no strings attached, no questions asked, just one night...
1.Bert (from Sesame he can sleep 1 night peacefully)
2.Kristen Kreuk
3.Sarah M Gellar (yes i know she's married but who cares)
4.Jamie Yeo
5.Lucy Liu
6.Michael Jackson (there's cookies and milk! yay!)
7.David Beckham (so I can see what he does to look good)
I am not a gay. Stupid sunday seven questions
Friday, May 23
arrrrghhh.....what am I doing to myself....nobody recognises me anymore......hmm..maybe Clement and some people from CTSS still do but people from my batch don't seem to recognise me....
Okay, there was Weichang, Choke...than there were a few girls and a few other people who also didn't recognise me initially too...bah....than there were Ros AND Kwan Siang whom I walked RIGHT IN FRONT of....I couldn't really be bothered to chase them after they just walked straight that point I was somewhat thinking "forget it" before Kwan Siang saw me....baaaah...couple blissfully in love...
The final straw which kinda led to this outburst (usually I don't mind it but they're kinda too many ppl who can't recognise me now) was taday at Jurong Point. This time it was Robbie and Jia Ying.....whoo-pee-do....walked right in front and towards them...would have collided with them if I didn't give way to them...and whoo-pee-doo....both didn't see!
Maybe I'm the next Michael Jackson. Maybe somehow at night some doctor sneaked in and did some plastic surgery on me. I feel plastic. Maybe the doctor's the barbarian that was playing with my air-con a few days ago.
"I'm a Barbie Boy, In a Barbie World;
Life in plastic, It's fantastic;
You can brush my hair;
and undress me everywhere (eeee);
Imagination, Life is your creation;
Come on Kokky, Let's go party!"
Ooh yeah...plastic sounds fun...maybe that's why MJ went for plastic have more fun. Cool bananas.
Wednesday, May 21
For Letter N
You may appear innocent, unassuming, and shy; but we know that appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes, though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of sex. You can be highly critical of your mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards. You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers.
Hmm...underlined parts have some truth in them....this was the one for N...i didn't take 'K' because it wasn't really true...
For letter K
You are crap in bed.
hmm...whose name starts with K *looks at the links list...hehe*
I leave you to decide which is suitable for me. Baaahh.
Tuesday, May 20 really should read yesterday's post first if you haven't read it yet b'cos this is kinda like a follow-up to yesterday's and you wouldnt have any idea as to why I'm talking about underwears (again) so read yesterday's if you haven't read it before reading today's. blah.
Another situation whereby you can use your underwear for protection is when you're stuck in a jungle/desert/virtual world/somewhere and there's a barbarian (jun yong included) chasing you. You can simply strip down and attempt to shoot him with your undies. Generally barbarians (apart from junyong) won't care whether you're naked or clother because all they have is a loincloth that exposes them everytime they bend over or when the wind blows. Why I'll guran-damn-tee that barbarian will be gone even before you set yourself to shoot either through the smelliness of your undies or some underwear-phobia. Bah.
Something's f*cking wrong with the air-con. I think it's blowing hot air out. Maybe there's a barbarian trying to turn my study room into a desert so he can pounce on me. Maybe it's Jun Yong.
Muahahaha....I found the air-con's remote...take that barbarian!
hmm...been pretty routine for me these past few days...most of the time its classes in the morning and then if I feel like it, walking along Orchard Road/Jurong Point disturbing people I know...blah..
blah again...kinda goofed up quite a few things I did recently...or rather almost everything I did recently...I think I learnt something from the bunny about being silly and destructive at the same hurting myself with an electric toothbrush...I voiced my concerns to Yammie about the speed the brush was rotating and blah...kinda hurt myself using it when it spun a bit out of control and I brushed onto a part of my mouth that was hurting......
Hah. And that kinda seems mild compared to something I did today. Arranging underwear. Hah. I popped down to Takashimaya where Tok happened to be working until god knows when for the Man Utd store who have some sale there....I have no idea why the Man Utd store are selling Benelli underwears but who cares...the crazy semi-neat freak (i.e. cleaning canteen tables, sweeping classroom blahblahblah...) in me kinda got reborn again and I went around helping him arranging boxes of underwear, finding boxes without price tags and doing all sorts of rubbishy stuff that I'm not supposed to do. Hah. At least he's paying me $2 for it. Hah. That was fun. A stick figure wearing an orange shirt and 3/4 shorts arranging boxes of underwear. They're quite cheap you know. 3 boxes with 3 undies in each box for $9.90.
Hmm. During my short stint as underwear arranger I also found out something. Underwear CAN be used as a weapon.'s kinda hard to explain because you need to see it or get shot by an underwear to know what it looks kinda pull the underwear taut and treat it like a catapult and fire it at the target...if there was a competition in underwear shooting I would probably win it cos I hit Tok three times out of three using the underwear.....

Saturday, May 17
unreasonable piece of shit.
Friday, May 16
I've been suffering delusions these few days...dunno why...I keep thinking I'm someone else...I was whining and complaning the whole afternoon today...or rather yesterday about every single thing....from tables and decor at Yoshinoya to hairstyles and shirts of complete can ask Weep to confirm that. Why I'll continue where I left off.
Hah. Now I'm the King Of The World. Everybody's a moron. Charity shows are rubbish. Why what the hell is this Courage fund thing for. For Sharon Au to use the phrase 'please dial blahblahblah' and all those irritating cliche phrases they keep using during charity shows again huh. Why who is this show meant for now? Families of SARS patients? All morons morons morons. Pathetic people who can't help themselves...depending on stupid charity shows like these...why what in the world does Mediacorp and whatever moronic charity organisation think we are? Banks? They plan a charity rubbish thing every odd month and given the current #$!#$!$? situation in Singapore we're suposed to donate to morons who can't help themselves. Again. After Renci, NKF, PSC, ABC, 123 whatever charity show. Go to hell.
Why the world is full of morons. Why everybody is a moron. Maybe only Simon Cowell and me aren't. Moronic Morrocan Mooses. Moronic Malaysian Ministers. Moronic Mediacorp Misers. Moronic Moping Muggers. All morons. And don't ask me to relax or cool down moron.
Thursday, May 15
haaa...I just found out something after thinking over school life these few days...that I have a relatively clean record in I'm not often associated with 'oh he likes xxxx' kinda rumours...dunno whether that's supposed to be a good thing or not...
Something that's puzzling me is why I'm still so attached to CTSS...when I graduated from my primary school I wasn't even bothered about it...the last time I went in was to collect my posting results for the PSLE and as soon as I got the letter I kinda like left the school and never looked back...if you ask me to name my classmates when I was in primary 6 I would only be able to name those sitting beside and around me...and obviously those that have gone to CTSS with me...haaa...come to think of it, people who graduated from my primary school and followed me to CTSS are all weird (in a fun way) that day when Vivien accused (and baffled) me of tilting my head on purpose...I have no idea why she said that..she claimed I did it so that my fringe or whatever would look better....dunno her...
haa...I played soccer a few days ago...didn't really play properly...unless you call whacking the ball at anything near me playing...still managed to score 2 goals though....ahhhh....1ST time I scored 2 goals in a soccer game...
hmm...does anybody know what's the song Channel 5 uses for their Survivor Amazon advertisements...some kinda drumbeat then it breaks into the song...I heard it on the radio but I didn't hear Daniel Ong say properly...I think it was 'Daniel ____ - I _____ Like You' isn't Daniel Bedingfield....I don't think it was even sung by a Daniel....I have this habit of listening to songs but not remembering the names of them and who sang them but just the tune....blah...if anybody knows could you tell me?
And does anybody know what in the world that Perfect 10 advertisement is trying to say? The one where they show a guy with an axe in his head walking around everywhere - What in the world are they trying to say? And why does Perfect 10 always make such horrible ads? And what is the Radio blahablahaala of Singapore doing?! Why are they shifting Glenn Ong to Class 95?! Just so that he can be with The Flying Dutchman....Rod Monteiro can go for all I care but Glenn Ong? Glenn Ong is a 98.7FM DJ man....not a Class95 DJ...and whoopee they bring over Vernon A. And we have dreary Carrie Chong in the morning. And they got rid of that weirdo Chris Ho who's probably the only DJ that knows his music sometime ago. Hori-ray. Lousy people working at the radio company. Bah.
At least we still have Daniel Ong, Jean Danker and Jamie Yeo. Bah again.
Does anybody know the song Channel 5 uses as background music for their Survivor ads?
haaaa...I just found out indirectly through Peishan while I was disturbing her at Forum where she works sometimes that I don't really have a 'gang' in the (former)class...and I could take that as either I'm not loyal enough, I click very easily, its because of reasons listed in the previous entry or I'm a wandering nomadic mercenary version of a friend. There's the zhongwei gang, there's the malay guys gang blah blah blah but I'm not part of any gang! wooo...maybe I hang around with a few people more like my fiend-th and eugene(which is more because it's forced) but on the whole I don't have something kinda like a group whom you always see me around with in the class. Which is so cool.
If that happens to you if can mean 2 things. Either you're an anti-social dude who's the enemy of the state, class whatever or you well, don't really care who you seat with. Which is so cool.
Take Chinese lessons for example. I must have one of the highest frequencies in terms of movement during Chinese lessons. Sometimes I sit behind Xiuhui (and/or Wilson come to disturb me there), sometimes I go and irritate my fiendth by sitting with him...sometimes I get into a tiff with Eugene and I sit with Choke/Yiwei/Sheng Jin/Bryan/whoever has an empty seat beside him. And which is so cool.
Okay...I promise not to use that 'which is so cool' phrase....which is so cool (ahahaaA).....on hindsight it's more because the only people I wouldn't really click with are geeks/military stuff/religion/chinese culture/literature.....and there aren't really many people who talk about stuff of these genres in the class...shuan min can talk about his beloved Neopets and Pokemon but I'm not really that obscure about these topics...which is so cool (sorry).....
hmm...speaking about brother wanted to find his long-lost Pokemon cards and insisted on digging through my room to search for them and kinda messed up my room and also dug up some of my old school a set of Geography notes which I couldn't find last year...blah...I was reading through my compositions and newpaper cuttings which I did during my time in Sec 3 and on hindsight they were rather be honest I never spent much effort on them...just wrote whatever came to my mind on that occasion...if I got a poor mark 'Okay, teacher sucks' and if I got a good mark 'Okay cool.' and that was it. You wouldn't find me writing such flippant comments about a newspaper article now. Which is so cool.
Tuesday, May 13
why should I respect people when people don't respect me and treat me like sh*t
'woo he's happy he's smiling all the time I can insult him and he won't care'
'woo he's just a kuku lamer guy'
Maybe I should really stop being eccentric. It doesn't reap you respect because people don't think you're serious enough. People just think you're some guy who knows nothing, knows zilch, good-goody guy whom you can bully, laugh at, be rude to, make fun of or do whatever. I am sick of being treated like a golliwog doll.
And why are some people so rude + blur? if you are that combination then STFU.
I need a salvation army. A real salvation army that has no airs or hides. And where in the world do you find that. F*CK THE WORLD. And don't say 'relax' in your mind because I will not. I've had enough. Someday I'll make bastards come crawling to my feet like ants. Hell, ants give me more respect than some people. I don't see the point of making people smile.
Monday, May 12
I think I'm Pierce Brosnan. Baaahhh.
Now I think I'm Michael Jackson. Arrrgh. My nose is falling off.
Sunday, May 11
oh whoopee
you get a bunch of ugly looking dudes who can play the drums a little, they make some awful tune, they scream and shout rubbish and claim that they're singing and whoo! A number one hit. I've heard one too many of these kinda punk-rock genre songs which are total crap.
bands blacklisted w.e.f. today for noise pollution on the jukebox: Good Charlotte, The All American Rejects, LFO, Trapt, Alien Ant Farm, Blink182, Sum41, 3 Doors Down, Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Nirvana, Limp Bizkit, Nickelback, Puddle of Mud, Drowning Pool, Bowling For Soup, Jimmy Eat World and all other bands with ugly dudes or dudettes that make a din on the drums and diss me off with disastrous names. Chinese rappers can all go to hell.
I don't listen to the radio daily for like half a year, I turn on the radio, and I get trash songs with trash singers with trash lyrics and trash deejays. What's up with the world.
Where's Simon Cowell when you need him.
Monday, May 5
ahh...I don't know what's wrong with me...I type 'ahhahaha' for an entry...hmm...will be busy with stuff and attempting to complete things on my 'wanted' list somewhere in the right column...first one's what I think is easiest to get and so on and on...bleah
oh yeah...if you're bored and have too much free time...there's a game called's supposed to be some kind of virtual stock market....its a stupid silly lousy game that's turning me into an angry little man because I keep losing (fake) money...and that is the perfect reason why you should play that (to turn yourself into an angry little person)...and if you intend to sign up and play...put 'Kok' (no brackets!) as your referrer or friend who introduced you or something like can put Saintimental I go...
Sunday, May 4
Man Utd have won the EPL after Arsenal failed to beat Leeds. Thank You Harry Kewell, Ian Harte and Mark Viduka. Party time now!!! And Kelly, you do seem to have some rather strong future seeing power huh? I'm gonna be broke again 'cos I'll be probably be spending huge sums of money on Man Utd stuff....aahhah...
Anyway...since Man Utd have won the championship...I really appeal to all fans to stop insulting Man Utd defender Laurent Blanc. He is at his twilight of his career after a tremendous 20 year career which included winning the World Cup. Give him respect he deserves. Okay, I can run faster than him but he is by far a better defender than me. I do hope Sir Alex Ferguson does something to appreciate what he has done and to end his terrific career.
Hmm...if you look at it Arsenal fans, 2nd place isn't THAT bad. Look, everybody remembers the second person on the moon, mister........erm....whatshisname...
Gordon (dog hole..and WHAT is a dog hole)
Sheng Jin (sleep god | dog peels) p.s. | is a mirror
Wee Kit (dog)
Mr Joel Chia (barks like a also like dog)
Mr Teng (sorry - The Deng Lao Shi chinese teacher we had for a while)
and the winner is..........Sheng Jin
mmm...sorry about this...but you do act like a dog sometimes...
a slight change in winners here...
Kah Hwee
Jun Yong
Jia Ying
Roszaimy (by request)
Velda (by request)
and the winner is.........Roszaimy (by request) Velda (by request)/Xiuhui (by request)
By request. Sorry Ros...she wanted it? She claims her pencil box has lots of stuff like markers etc. This awards show is corrupted.
And oh yeah, the 2nd person on the moon is Buzz Aldrin.
Friday, May 2
ahh....hello don't run away or try to press the back button on your browser now...part 2 of the inaugural $A!....that didn't appear too well...looks like SAI...and sai is something else....bleargh...the inaugural 4A1 awards. Nominees are chosen at random through selecting duty roster cards with possibly and totally no relevance to the award. I am also in no way responsible if your computer crashes or explodes due to noise pollution below.
Click here for noise pollution.
Ms Ho Yok Fong
Mr Tay Kim Seng
Ms Halizah
Mrs Tan Bee Bee
Mr Joel Chia
and the winner is..........Ms Ho
Ho ho ho (pun intended)...I didn't choose this..
Pei Jie
Shu Feng
and the winner is.........Pei Jie
People don't call him Pah Jiao for nothing. Maybe they do call him for nothing. Blah.
Siew Ching
and the winner is.........Choke
People who win this award are supposed to be old and sitting at home smoking a pipe and patting a cat.
Mdm Kaveri (ultra-rude Indian clerk)
Mdm Pooi (cleaner with mushroom hairstyle)
Sissy Leong (clerk/pervert/nerd/martian/lunatic/asshole/whatever)
Mr Hang Kim Hoo (school clown)
Chandra (bowling ball with legs)
and the winner is.........Sissy Leong
Just because...
Mr Nazar
Ms Shelley Low
Ms Foo Wan Yueh
Ms Mari Chan
Mr Ng Han Ming
and the winner is.........Ms Mari Chan
Well you can't really debate wears orange socks, one wears lime green skirts, one, well, is atrocious and the last one wears shorts that are far too small for him. Oh dear.
Kah Hwee
Jun Yong
Jia Ying
Roszaimy (by request)
and the winner is.........Roszaimy (by request)
By request.
Pasir Ris chalet/BBQ
Sentosa Beach outing
Int'l Friendship Day Dance
Speech Day
Jun Yong sitting facing a wall and talking to himself
and the winner is.........Jun Yong sitting facing a wall and talking to himself
You remember that vividly, don't you? People eating cake and taking photos well and talks to himself.
Pei Shan the prefect
Clement the Chairman
Roszaimy the top student
Auntie Susan the photocopy lady
Mrs Justina Gan the class parent
and the winner is.........Mrs Justina Gan
For all the things she's done for us.
That's all folks.
Judges: Kelly*, The Grim Weeper, The Kok, Xiuhui the Pulchritudinous
Thursday, May 1
Good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever ladies, gentleman and martians...I today am proud to present to you one of the worst awards ceremony ever. Nominees for some categories are chosen from some cards that were used initially for a duty roster and are possibly totally not relevant to the award. And to avoid controversy I removed my name. So if the name of someone not very desirable comes up for the most handsome dude award don't puke. Let the (lame) show begin...
Choon Siang
Shuan Min
Keng Yang
and the winner is..........Shuan Min
Just look at him. Long flowing hair. Tight-fit shirts. Woah.
Clement again (I seem to keep picking ur name)
Kwan Siang
Khairil Anuar
and the winner is..........Kwan Siang
Only 2 girls picked here..No 1 and 4..
Mat Nur
Yi Wei
Pei Jie
Shu Feng
and the winner(s) are..........Yi Wei/Mat Nur
disagreements between judges...1 wanted himself..
Qun Kai (talks nonsense)
Poy Ling (attempts to poison ppl with sweets)
Tok (eh...chants curses)
Kelly (abuses mushrooms)
Clement (being nice)
and the winner is..........Clement
Never underestimate what being nice can do to harm you. Maybe Kelly should have won this.
Sheng Jin
Wee Ping
Wee Kit
and the winner is..........Sheng Jin
Pink undies are sexxxxay.
Judges: Monsieur Yiwei, Missy Yami, ME and The Grim Weeper. Bleah. Part 2 of this lame stuff tommorrow.