Thursday, May 29
FRIDAY FIVE...quiz no 6 in a row
I know ur not interested in my answers to quizzes but I think this would fare slightly better in the interest stakes than writing about my day. My rubbish writing 'talent' has deserted me these days...mainly because the inspirational Grim Weeper has gone to Timbuctoo to plot some evil thing. Maybe he's lost his air ticket or got stuck in some toilet bowl.
1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
bottle!!! alan will know my love affair with french water. evian too. and the cactus brand the auntie sells in CTSS.
2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?
the normal kind...from the david seaman company (pringles).
3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
instant noodles...'cos that's the only thing I can cook...I don't even know how to turn on the fire! i'm pathetic
4. How do you have your eggs?
scrambled! from mac's only though.
5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
my mum. pretty okay. I asked her to fry the noodles and she put it in some soup.
hmm....watched the 30sec to fame show or whatever they call it...ahah...that's far more interesting than American Idol...pity the audience chose some rather routine acts to win