Tuesday, May 20
hmm...been pretty routine for me these past few days...most of the time its classes in the morning and then if I feel like it, walking along Orchard Road/Jurong Point disturbing people I know...blah..
blah again...kinda goofed up quite a few things I did recently...or rather almost everything I did recently...I think I learnt something from the bunny about being silly and destructive at the same time...like hurting myself with an electric toothbrush...I voiced my concerns to Yammie about the speed the brush was rotating and blah...kinda hurt myself using it when it spun a bit out of control and I brushed onto a part of my mouth that was hurting......
Hah. And that kinda seems mild compared to something I did today. Arranging underwear. Hah. I popped down to Takashimaya where Tok happened to be working until god knows when for the Man Utd store who have some sale there....I have no idea why the Man Utd store are selling Benelli underwears but who cares...the crazy semi-neat freak (i.e. cleaning canteen tables, sweeping classroom blahblahblah...) in me kinda got reborn again and I went around helping him arranging boxes of underwear, finding boxes without price tags and doing all sorts of rubbishy stuff that I'm not supposed to do. Hah. At least he's paying me $2 for it. Hah. That was fun. A stick figure wearing an orange shirt and 3/4 shorts arranging boxes of underwear. They're quite cheap you know. 3 boxes with 3 undies in each box for $9.90.
Hmm. During my short stint as underwear arranger I also found out something. Underwear CAN be used as a weapon. Hmm...it's kinda hard to explain because you need to see it or get shot by an underwear to know what it looks like...you kinda pull the underwear taut and treat it like a catapult and fire it at the target...if there was a competition in underwear shooting I would probably win it cos I hit Tok three times out of three using the underwear.....
