Monday, June 30
gaaah...terrible day today(30/6)...usually I don't like to write about days and today is no different...just felt like mentioning that today was probably one of the most unproductive and money wasting days in like a month. gaahh I'll write about it. Confounded piece of monkey spit.
Hmm. Okay so I went to Beach Road with a bunch of people...Tok changed his spectacles again...he's getting from bad to worse...Zhongwei's hair transformed from a mushroom to some onion...Qunkai still looks the same except he's got more leg hair now..and whoopee this whole bunch of weird looking dudes went to Beach Road and bought nothing, did nothing. Weeping was even worse off. He came to the MRT station just when we were about to go to somewhere else to waste more time and that was it. Come all the way to Lavender MRT and go back. Poor guy.
Ahh...after that we went to Queesway...and this stupid bus 195 took like a whole 20mins before coming. gaaah...went there...Zhongwei bought something, Tok bought something, Qunkai bought nothing, Weeping bought tons of stuff...and everybody knows his PIN number now. Zhongwei said all my shirts are weird and he likes that...I went around looking for more weird shirts but ended up buying some figurine. And then there's this big hoo-ha just because I bought another figurine like the ones you see in the picture 2 days ago. Shengjin (whose hair looks like a pom-pom now) came and went around telling people I have tons of these figurines at home and saying I'm rich to be able to COLLECT these 'cos one of these costs around $10. I have like 10+ so that makes it 10 x 10 which means I spent 98% - 23.674 x 13/86 + 876 to buy all these figurines. Big deal.
My Harry Potter book I lent to Weeps was heavily scrutinised by this bunch of people...they were very interested in a torn part of the book jacket...that's the bunny's fault. Naughty bunny. She doesn't like Harry Potter.
I'm going to go out with Alan later to use up the free movie pass I got...I got it the day the NE line opened...I didn't push, shove, climb whatever to get the pass. I was just waiting for the train at the Dhoby Ghaut station after my lessons and this girl came up to me and said "Sir, free movie tickets for you!" and so I just took it. I knew there was this free pass thing but I didn't bother to go look for it. But I got it unexpectedly and I didn't need to push, shove, climb like what the people did on TV. Barbarians. I'm a cultured gentleman.
I seem to have a weakness for people whose names start with F. It's one of those things you can't explain. I hear a F name like...erm...Fabien or Fiona and I automatically like that person. Same goes for me not liking people called Amy. Unexplainable. And I still hate tagboards.
Saturday, June 28
Can anybody tell me WHAT is F.Good?
If you can't be bothered and have more interest in reading the nonsense I wrote last time you can click here. The large version is the pic called lwf1 or something like that.
possible interpretations of f.good
fairly good (what is this...f.good, v.good, n.good, x.good, o.good blahblah)
freaky good
fail good (?)
fun good
funnily good
f*ck good (obviously)
f*cking good (too much erm..sexual thoughts)
or maybe Ms Ho has too much ink to waste and just writes a 'F.' in front of good for fun.
Tuesday, June 17
ahhaa...some certain people are so cute...I was flipping through the attendance records for remedial classes in CTSS (kaypoh) and I noticed some people (you know who) only turn up on days where Tan BB has classes...ahha...I was guilty of that last year too...same traits...can't be bothered about Chemistry or Humanities...only attended the lessons when I was arsed to school in the morning for Maths/Physics lessons...Tan BB...cannot miss...ahha...and I still remember Ridhwan replying "coming soon" to her when she asked for some late homework I think. ahaha. Fiercely Funny teacher. And asking SIA to sit at the side bench. she's weird.
Something else is that my study 'method' seems to be working. My study method = don't study. And lookie, I topped my class in some Multimedia test! And got an A! I know I'm boasting here but I don't pays not to study. You're relaxed...nothing's on your mind...and you still do well. You don't have to plough through notes and get all nervous and jittery before an exam...and still suffer the heartbreak of failing. Well at least this method works for me. The Indian teacher thinks I'm weird because I refuse to tell her my name. Hmmmmph.
I'm starting to find online perverts funny...something's wrong with me...I want an online pervert on my blog! ahahaa....
Goodbye David. Thanks for the memories.
At the time I'm writing this has not been confirmed on or But if Soccernet is to be trusted then au revoir. Sigh.
"The managing board of Manchester United should know better. If Real Madrid can go on buying new players without selling their stars, why should Manchester United sell theirs? David has shown his loyalty - he is even prepared to play for free. Is Manchester United really so hard up for money that it has to cash in its players who have rendered yeoman service for so many years? Sir Alex should be big-hearted enough to overlook irritations like a player's lifestyle - what about other players who got themselves drunk and involved in assaults and fights? In times like these the human spirit should prevail."
Still hoping this isn't true.
It's a lazy afternoon. I'm all alone at an underground train station waiting for the train to drag itself to my feet. I glance up at the board, wanting to find out how many minutes there are before the train finally comes. Canon Advertisement. Next train: 'Canon Advertisement' minutes. Marvelous. Absolutely marvelous. And they're charging me $1.50 per trip to see this information. Brilliant.
Sunday, June 15
ahh...stupid blogger...I typed out one whole chunk of eloquent stuff here and when I saved it...poof! gone! oh whoopee. Maybe I'll retype it again tomorrow when I feel like it.
ooh bummer...that f*cking Spaniard won the Barca elections...goodbye David Beckham.
Who's David Beckham by the way? Never heard of him. Heard his job is to change his hairstyle every week and take a break every now and then to play football for Man Utd and England. And make Japanese girls throw their undies at him too.
Friday, June 13
ahh...didn't really have much trouble getting through Friday the 13th..the only bad thing was erm..stepping into a changing room which had someone inside..but the blame should be on THAT girl...why doesn't she lock the door when she's using the changing room? Silly people.
Thursday, June 12
Today is Friday the 13th. I am a funny Asian man. All hell break loose.
 Funny Asian Man
What's Your Personality Type? brought to you by Quizilla
There really is something about these quizzes being true...
 Nanyang Girls' High School
wat school in singapore are u suitable to go? brought to you by Quizilla
eh? I don't like that school...their uniforms are ugly...sleeveless tops
 You are Psychic!
What's Your Magic Power? brought to you by Quizilla
I told you all I had some pschic power in me.
Wednesday, June 11
I was kicked by a lunatic today. A lunatic that looked like the one below. Okay, I was around the Orchard Road road area somewhere near to the Man Utd store and this lunatic ran from across the road where he was shouting at the people sitting at the bus stop to me. I have no idea why he ran to me but I can honestly you I wasn't very comfortable about him making wild gestures at me.
Ooh yeah. Then he blocked my way and shouted "WHY YOU BRING BAG! INSIDE GOT PARANG IS IT!" and some other incoherent stuff. And then he kicked me. When I raised my hands indicating peace. I stepped back with arms still raised and I think he finally got the message that I wasn't going to do anything. Lucky him. If he had done this while I was in a bad mood say, yesterday, who knows what I could have done. I have tons of witnesses and even some biker who stopped just in case I needed help you loony. I could have called the police to send you to Woodbridge but I didn't. You could have been jailed for assault. On a guy who's just trying to find a toilet. But I didn't. All I did was to go back to the Man Utd store to complain to Peishan. And find another toilet.
The biker told me to elbow and retaliate the next time I meet such people. I'm more of a peacemaker than a fighter but I just acknowledged his help.
Here's what he looks like.
People may think I talk cock sing song play mahjong (which is true because I talk cock, sing songs and play mahjong) but at least I'm the wacko kind of crazy. He's the loony kind of crazy. I seriously thought he would hurt me because he chased me for so long. I can also honestly tell you I was looking over my shoulder every now and then after that to see if he was still following me. Now I have a phobia of people wearing lime green shorts.
WHAT IN THE WORLD...getting kicked by a loony along Orchard Road...
Tuesday, June 10
"Manchester United have accepted a bid by Barcelona for David Beckham subject to the outcome of Barcelona presidential elections and Beckham agreeing personal terms. If conditions are met he will join Barcelona for a fee around the region of £30million."
What in the world are they thinking? My arse, my foot, my whatever this is absolute ridiculous stuff from Man Utd. I am absolutely gutted. I have never been a fan of Beckham the celebrity but I am a fan of Beckham the football player. I can seriously tell you I will CRY the day this is deal is done. If it ever is. Which I hope not.
Sure Beckham will cost Basta-lona around £30million and give Man Utd some more money but if Beckham is worth £30million why I'm worth a billion! Why do you want to sell your most valuable asset if you are trying to win more medals? You already have so much money you don't even need more. Why if you sell him who are you going to replace him with? Tom Hanks? F*CK OFF SPAIN. I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUPID FILTHY COUNTRY.
I hope Beckham uses his common sense and morals of loyalty. And hope that f*cking Spaniard doesn't win the elections. Fancy Beckham going to a rubbish club in decline.
Is there something wrong with the commenting thing again?
A petition that won't be much use
Monday, June 9
haa...kinda can't sleep so got up and blogged down some stuff on my mind...can't be bothered to study for a test later today...maybe I'll just flip thru the textbook on the way later
sigh...nobody's free...everybody seems (or at least the people I asked) to be going back to school to take the O Level certs today...I've taken's ugly...I kinda bent and spoilt it a little but who's just a piece of laminated paper...but I'm pretty DARN PROUD to say that I'm the 2nd person in the class to take the cert. I have no idea why I'm so proud of that. It's just one of those things you're very happy about being the first few to do. 1st person was Yani. Kiasu girl. Don't mind me too. The clerks were nice to me though for a change. It pays to dress and act like a rich person...wearing coats, sticking your nose up in the air, wearing colonge (mother insisted I put some on for cooling or whatever) etc...ahh...tip for people going back to collect certs...ACT HIGH CLASS.
Everybody seems dead these days. People sign to MSN, IRC but hardly talk. Some do but all they give is one worded if they're REALLY busy or can't be bothered with you. Or they take ages to reply. Some are even worse. They sign in and immediately set their status to 'Away' or 'Busy'. Then why sign in in the first place??! to seem to be the only person alive these days
ahh...I can't get HER out off my head...over the years I'm gonna look back and see how silly I was to not go and 'jio' HER or whatever. Ahh who cares. I can dream and fantasise can't I? Damn...I miss her like crazy...
Sunday, June 8
ahhh...I suffered the Wheelock Place Burger King curse again...its the 3rd consecutive time I've suffered this...throwing up after eating their stuff...I don't know what's wrong but I suspect it's the Coke. I don't have any problem with the Coke at Mac's, KFC, A&W, Long John Silver, Short Dick Gold or's just the Burger King store along Orchard Road. The same Mushroom Swiss meal, same table whatever. Chicken backsided curse...
haaa...I have a test tomorrow or rather for 3 consecutive days but I'm not gonna study for them. Whenever I slog like mad I either fail or pass with flying colours. Otherwise how would you explain the damn chickenbacksided 7 I got for A Maths which I spent the most time on? Okay, I got a good result for English because I studied for it but that's because English doesn't really need studying. I don't even touch the textbook and I pass, albeit just. Proof: I don't study at all for my Term 1 computer diploma thingy exams and I passed all the modules. I rather just pass then fail any single test. Chicken backsided world. Studying and failing. Not studying and passing. Reverse psychology?
There's been tons of weird sounds I've been hearing in my house at night when everyone's sleeping and I'm alone. Anybody been hearing marbles bouncing on the floor above when you sleep? Apparently according to some listener that wrote in to Carrie Chong ages ago that's the sound of spirits entertaining themselves with marbles put in between floors of buildings by construction workers so they won't have nothing to do and start disturbing you. Another explanation is that your neighbour's just playing with marbles. But oh c'mon who will play marbles at 1am? I know the girl above from JJC sleeps rather early. Not that I go peep at her or whatever but she isn't the kind that will stay up late. Or play marbles. Do JC students play marbles at 1am?
There's also this weird cackling sound around...I don't know whether it's a sound made by a lizard...another one on Friday was the sound of something tapping boxes under my bed. I know it wasn't the rabbit because she was in her cage and not jumping all over me or toppling dustbins while I'm sleeping. Spirits or just noisy lizards at work? I don't know.
Maybe there are spirits in my house that cause me to act weird (like the BK curse) sometimes. =)
ahh...back to all the basic stuff people put when they have zilch to write about. Pictures tell a thousand words so there are 2 pictures here which make it 2000 words or 1,000,000 if you prefer it to be 1000x1000. Hah. A million words.

Here's what I did yesterday. Don't worry if you don't understand what some of the things mean because some were drawn just to fill up the space
 You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.
What Matrix Persona Are You?
Haa...I knew it would be him...wooo...I can avoid bullets!! Perfect fusion of heroism...
A Friday Five on a Sunday. A Sunday Five.
1. How many times have you truly been in love?
ahh...crushes don't count so zero.
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most liked?
erm..mostly the personality...bubbly...but to a certain extent what's on the outside
3. What qualities should a significant other have?
Obviously a personality that appeals to me...I'm getting kinda outspoken and obviously you hafta have some thick skin to ignore whatever nonsense I accidentally say sometimes...and decent looking too. And a sense of humour.
4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I broke somebody's poor heart in a foreign land...somebody came up to me and blahblahblah...but obviously its hard to talk to someone regulary in another country much more maintain something more than that...baah...sappy stuff..but I feel least I have someone else to occupy my mind.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
Don't think love is a game. See Bachelor, Temptation Island for more details. They spell love H-A-T-E there.
Why did I bother to do this.
Friday, June 6
you should know who this is...not exactly a very accurate drawing of her..compressing the image kinda spoils it a little...not very nice too when you compare to the pic I drew for Ms Ho...I think that's the only time whereby Ms Ho looks erm..cuter..than Ms Foo...not that either one is exactly what you would call cute but usually if your taste is normal you would go for Ms Foo...right?
Ms Ho is cute...baaaahh...dang...she's the class parent of my crush is tons cuter than Ms Ho. Are there still rumours that I like Ms Low, Ms Ho, the relief teacher that looks like she put dynamite in her hair and that mushroom haired cleaner still running around? I thought Zhongwei was the one that liked the mushroom hair cleaner to create a mushroom family or whatever?
ahh...I know our class whiteboard isn't green but green looks more "classroomy" here...hmmm...I just found out she looks kinda jaundiced...and I still can write Chinese...albeit simple characters...look at the board...hah!
For people who don't understand Chinese I'll translate what's on the board:
Hear Write (Eight).
One Wei Go Out!
Told ya my Chinese was decent.
Thursday, June 5 bored again so...hit me doodle one more time!
hmm...Channel 5's repeating American Idol on Friday afternoons...that's a good thing especially that there isn't any irritating SMS thing blocking your me all peeved after seeing Kimberley C again but kinda saw the nasty side of Simon Cowell which was great....ahha...I know Star Search came before AMI but Star Search has ended up looking like a cheap rip-off from American Idol
Wednesday, June 4
PART of my day in pictures...can't be bothered to write...if the pictures take too long to load then don't bother...clicking on the image will bring you to a larger one that will take 5 years to load. of my SJAB cadets at CTSS sports heats...he's mad...
I beat Kelvin at Tic-Tac-Toe
Look at what Kelvin's writing!!!
erm...Mr Ng? He seems to have gone to Yunnan hair care.
ahh...damn disappointed with CTSS...first they transfer away Mr Mr Tay's following suit. Apparently he's going to JJC to be their vice-principal...wasted...he would be nice as CTSS principal since Ah Hang's leaving on the 15th of December...wasted...sigh.
Tuesday, June 3 I gullible looking or what...why do people keep on approaching me. I can probably assure you that if there was a large group of people with me in it walking towards some volunteer that that volunteer would probably go to me.
Hmm....I was walking outside the Istana Park earlier on and of all the people around me she(the volunteer) chose to run all theeeee way across and ask me to donate some money for whatever cause. Even though in my mind I was slamming and condemning all these charity stuff I just gave her some money so she would stop pestering me.
Ahh...outside Heeren there was this Indian lady who had the cheek to walk up to me and ask me if I wanted to buy tissue paper...why doesn't she ask the others?! Why is it always me?! But being a good superdude I just gave her some money so she would stop pestering me. There was also this flyer-dude who wouldn't give out his flyers but his arm promptly shot out with flyer in hand when I passed him. Being a good superdude who takes flyers from everybody I just took it and threw it in the next rubbish bin which was like 5 steps later.
Haa...after that there were quite a few more which I knew would have approached me for some stuff if I didn't out-walk them or shoo them away. Hah. Tok said I was too kind for even listening to them. Maybe I should dress up as a vampire of some dark-side creature so they won't approach me for charity stuff. Kinda feel good though that this kinda means I'm erm...approachable? and they would rather talk to me than other people? baaaaah.....
Hmm...what else...ahh yah...watched some performance outside the Heeren shops...bunch of Swiss dudes making music with ladders, barricades and rubbish bins. They make better music than Sum41. Sum41 is a disgrace to the music industry. Weekit is a disgrace to the society. Hah. I can go on insulting tons of people but I think I'll stop at two. Alan is a NP-sissy and is a disgrace to NP-CC.
Kinda felt pleased that FINALLY some people recognise me without giving me a 'who are you' look or looking dazed or disoriented when I call them. I salute Peishan, Foo Wan Yueh and Ms Koh. And Tok too. Whaddahell. All these people have seen me before. I need to un-salute them. Or de-salute them or whatever. Hah...but still it feels good to at least not see a 'who are you' look on people's face.
Monday, June 2
Weekly Report
Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Weekly
Date 05/27 05/28 05/29 05/30 05/31 06/01 06/02
Outages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Error Time 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
% Uptime 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Connect time * 4.32 3.66 3.53 1.56 5.27 5.80 0.53 3.52
* Average in Seconds
ahh...I've been receiving feedback and experiencing SLOW connection and loading speeds with this page. Lousy servers at Blogger. Lousy commenting system too...always down...haaa....look at the connect time for Sat and Sun...almost 6 seconds....lousy servers at Blogger....if this page took ages to load for you too then I can tell you it's not my fault cos there's only 4 pictures here and the combined file size is like around 100kb only. Lousy Blogger servers. It ain't my fault.
Sunday, June 1
I know its too colorful and it looks like a children's book.
anybody wants a doodle can request for a doodle
done on 'paint'
sastifaction NOT guaranteed
suitable for entertaining children
suitable for scaring children
suitable for getting sore eyes
genuine works of mine have one eye big one eye small
psychic services available
"eeeee...ur disgusting" - Yummy Yami
proven track record as she(yami) can attest
call 1800-psychic now