Tuesday, September 30
GOOD PEOPLE FROM RP! STOP LOOKING AT THIS BLOG! PLEASE! I'm under siege arrrggrhhhhhhhh SHOO! Bolt off!
JINJIE and/or Justin and/or any perverted person with sick ideas of hacking this blog using whatever cryptography encryption decryption FTP ABC 123 method
GO ON! I'M WAITING...I'm not scared! I'M A SUPERSTAR! CULT HERO! PRESIDENT! KING! MAFIA BOSS! WORLD RENOWNED! One wave of my hand and you'll become pulp! Go on! BUt at least have the decency to change the thing on the titlebar or whatever you call that if you manage to get pass the top level security measures employed by me. I use Kok Security Systems. KSS. lalallaaaaaaa i'll get my revenge someday dont think you Visual Basic and programming good I scared of you. Not you Justin. You're crap. Its Jinjie with his fancy computer skills that I'm afraid of *shiver* okay enough of taunting
I think I have a photographic memory. I accompanied Wee Ping to Mustapha Center a few days ago because he didnt know how to go there and I was there trying to recall the objects I saw the last time I went there. Like say, I don't remember a bus stop and there's like a bus stop here so WRONG! TURN AROUND! something like that. I was acting like a loon that day...okay people always say I act like a loon...I was acting like a superloon that day...singing songs on escalators and shouting "why is the train station so big" at the MRT people. WHY DO THEY HAVE 1001 EXITS AT FARRER PARK STATION! waste my energy, waste my time, waste my brain juice trying to find the correct exit....can't they just build 2! Then I got all excited over a bottle of Yakult because my stomach wasn't feeling good. I think I'll embarass whoever goes out with me. But then again I'm the free-est person these days so people HAVE to ask me out because I'm the only one free.
Then we went to Plaza Singapura and I threw up there after feeling nauseous for the past 5 hours. Maybe its the Yakult's fault. Or maybe its the fumes from Mos burger. But then anyway I had a strawberry milkshake for dinner. A MILKSHAKE! nice~I like milkshakes. uhahahaa I walked into a glass panel at Marks and Spencer because I thought it was a door. Don't ever go out with me. I'll embarass you.
Sunday, September 28
GOOD PEOPLE FROM RP! STOP LOOKING AT THIS BLOG! PLEASE! I'm under siege arrrggrhhhhhhhh SHOO! Bolt off!
uhhuahaaaa. I'm going to post all the SMSes I get up!
I know you're probably thinking "WHAT FOR I WANT TO READ YOUR SMS!?" but I don't care...I'm going to post all the SMS messages I get up. I keep telling people not to SMS me because I hardly check my HP but I still get 27 of them. I'll even post my HP number up here and you can flood or post it in porn ads or whatever...I don't care! I don't check it! My HP's for display purposes...if you manage to call me on my HP then you're really lucky...91286041 91286041 91286041 lalalalaaaaaa [add: DON'T BELIEVE??? TRY NOW! sure kena some message or something one you]
SMSes i recieved in 2+ months
Peijie: You have po ling hp ma?
Ah Pa: call me urgent ibm called
Ah Pa: Where are u
Wee Ping: U coming ar
Wee Ping: Wat ever lah
Alan: (some chinese crap)
Alan: Hey.. Meet u at where?
Alan: Go to hell
Tok: Kok i not working todae! R u going anywhere?
Tok: Kok where u?
Wee Ping: U wan watch movie not?
Wee Ping: Ya today loh..
Wee Ping: I am at de top floor
Wee Ping: U bloody idiot!
Wee Ping: U wan go jp?
Wee Ping: I reaching about 5 mins
Wee Ping: Kok u there anot? I reaching very soon
Alan: Human language
Wee Ping: When u end sch?
Wee Ping: Oh... U wan go near orchard? I need to buy tape
Wee Ping: I in lesson now...Sms can?
Wee Ping: 5pm.. Can u go?
Wee Ping: Cause cheap.. And alot of shops selling there
Wee Ping: Ok..
Wee Ping: I at commonwealth liao.. Last door of orange carriage at head of train
Wee Ping: Wat!
Wee Ping: See wat see
27 SMSes in 2+ months. Whoopee. Don't SMS! CALL me! i'm a old fashioned uncle~ (read: dunno how to SMS)
GOOD PEOPLE FROM RP! STOP LOOKING AT THIS BLOG! I'm under siege arrrggrhhhhhhhh SHOO! Bolt off!
I don't know how long more this blog may last before it's (probably) hacked by bloody JINJIE..but thank you blog. You've been a wonderful place for me to express myself.
Ahhhh another SMS. 28 now.
Lewis: Idiot! Bloody jailbird!
Saturday, September 27
ahhh. I'm on hiatus but not THAT on hiatus. Part time hiatus. Okay so I'm not on hiatus at all..I'm just disappearing for a while. Or whatever that's supposed to mean. Ahhhh I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Why go on hiatus?? Because of what happened below. Not the next line but the last post!
. *thinks*

Okay maybe something to see, and no, I'M NOT A PERVERT! SOMETHING TO SEE WHAT!!!
Thursday, September 25
laptop has some problem...won't be updating soon because of what the 2 monkeys did up there...hiatus? I don't know. I still want to write all my crap but I may have to do that in private for the time being...bloody confounded #%#% !%$@@ &%#@@!? gorillas...THAT'S IT! Both of you are going into my hall of SHAME
Mr. Kok's Hall Of Shame
People who enter my hall of shame get themselves cartoonized by my terrible cartoon drawing skills on Paint. You should thank yourselves I didn't contort your faces into some animal. At least I tried to DRAW...you're guilty of a small offence this time round...next time...lalallaaaa

Entrant Number 1: Kong Jin Jie
Entrant Number 2: Marc Phua
bloody laptop is still spoilt. Hmmphms.
Entrant Number 3: Bloody IBM Laptop
Heck how do you draw a laptop...this looks like a bag. Everybody watch out or you'll enter my HALL OF SHAME....geez...I know I know......*corny*...*childish* blahblahblah
Monday, September 22
On your side, with your knees slightly bent
If you sleep on your side with your knees very slightly bent, it shows that you are a sincere and loving person. You are sensitive, polite and gentle. You would never hurt anyone intentionally - you're too nice a person. You have a good heart, and everyone is fond of you. You get along with most people, as you see the good in them and ignore the bad. This is a rare quality. However, at times you tend to be too harsh and critical of yourself. If you make a mistake, you will brood about it for hours - or even days.
ahhaaa...hmm...I recieved this e-mail about there being something connected to the way you sleep....so I sleep on my side with knees slightly bent mainly because I don't want my legs to touch the bedpost or dangle over the edge *long leg* laalaala and I think what they say about me is quite true!! huahaaa at least I think its true...I don't know how other people think of me but I don't care! IT'S TRUE! I'm a kind and good and blahblahblah person!
Hmm FINALLY I recieve a decent question from people. There's this "Ask Kok" thingy at the right side that some people have been abusing...I get lots of "Got question?" which is the default question...and FINALLY! first proper question! Yaaaayyy!! Woohhooooo! okay arrrgh *childish immature blahblahblah* Q & A time!!!!!!!!!!
ASK KOK..... (I know I know...*tacky* *corny*)
Are you dumb?
Now this is a tricky question because I have to see what context the term 'dumb' is in. According to the Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003, dumb can take on the following meanings:
1. unintelligent: regarded as having or showing a low level of intelligence (informal insult)
2. offensive term: an offensive term meaning unable to speak
3. temporarily speechless: temporarily unable to speak because of shock, fear, surprise, or anger
4. done without speech: performed or expressed without using speech
5. intentionally silent: deliberately not speaking or refusing to speak
6. computing: not programmable
7. producing no sound: designed or adapted to produce no sound
8. lacking human speech: lacking the power of speech because not human
If you took meanings number 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8, these would imply that I would be without the assistance of a voicebox in my current state, which is absolute baloney because I have vocal cords and can project my voice should I choose to, which is well, plain homoscedastic, although I do have problem pronouncing homophonic words sometimes
Meaning 6 is scientifically correct because I am not manipulatable. I do not have a chip implanted in me so I'm not Robo-Kok or whatever Ninja Turtle Mickey Mouse person. However, what I would take the homosapien who queried this query to probably mean would be in the context of Meaning 1, as an informal insult of my intelligence, and as of which I think that person should be banished to work in a bagnio if you have any idea what that place is. However, I think that person may be speaking Luxembourgish too and may not be able to comprehend what my assertion is. Which has well, led to me typing all this bosh over a three syllable question.
Maybe I am dumb. uhahahaa I took so long just to answer a simple question *loony* Now who asked this question hmmms.........
AM I DUMB??????
Saturday, September 20
hmm I was out with Tok at Jurong Point just now. And I think I would have looked like his son standing beside him if not for his sling bag. TOK!!! Stop wearing those obiang obiang gaudy polo tees!! weear some brighter colours! and no horizontal stripes for you from now on...youre erm, vertically challenged. You need to wear tees without stripes. I'm the one that needs to wear clothes with horizontal stripes to make myself look fatter. Yup. I'm a FASHION GURU!! see lah..make people think you're my father when I walk beside you. And buy milk somemore. Thank god you brought a sling bag.
haaahaa...I'm HONOURED people are trying to copy or play along with my MSN nickname...theres was once I used to put Mrs Tan...now Calvin puts Mrs Balakrishnan or Mrs Shanguratnam...recently I used Captain Kok because people in my class were calling me that...and then Captain Weep and Major Fizh and Captain Kok's Dog pop up. Honoured! Ahh what am I feeling honoured for
You know what??? WHAT???? YOU KNOW WHAT??? WHATTTTTT!?????! Okay I have no idea why I typed that.

I kinda think this soccer goalkeeper fella kinda looks like me. Ahh I'm too lazy to paint over the last part of my specs there...AHHHHHHHH why did I post my picture up!! arghhhh!!
Fuzzy my classmate says I look like this person. Hmmmph.
Friday, September 19
Okay...I'm writing stuff about school today and that's really rare because you hardly ever see me write about what I do in school right? Sooooo...SIT UP AND PAY ATTENTION! EXCLUSIVE POST OF MY SCHOOL LIFE!!! HEAR YE HEAR YE...I know you're thinking "Like I care" right??? HOW DARE YOU lalalaaa ahaaa~.................... *starrrrt* So I'm late for school today again. I'm always late. Why do they start class at 8am sharp! I'm OLD! I need time to walk from the MRT station to school. Or I can view this from another perspective which I've told people about. I can be the celebrity if I'm late. Celebrities are always late. I'm always late so I'm a celebrity. I'm a celebrity dahhh dahh dahh..move to the musiccccccc...
But I'm a very kuku celebrity. The main reason I was late today was because I got off at the wrong MRT station. I'm supposed to alight at Redhill MRT but for some reason that I myself don't know I got off at Queenstown. And I even went down the escalator before realizing that the walls are blue and that the walls of Redhill MRT station are erm, red. Oh well. Get off at wrong MRT stop. Happens to everyone everyday what. WHAAT?? YOU'RE SAYING NO???!! HOW CAN!!?! ehhhhhhhh...on hindsight its kinda true though...very few people get off at the wrong stop without realizing it...lalala....blur OLD me
Now I don't feel about writing about my school life. Because I didn't really do anything much in school today. Apart from blahblahblah and boobooboo and attending to some talk by the founder of 77th Street or whatever I didn't do much. So there. What happened in school today. Nothing much. Finish! Rare mention of my school life! Oh yah...there's something though...the teacher made me play some bad guy role so I was supposed sabotage my team members...and nobody suspected me!!! See I'm too good to be evil. Either that or I'm a conniving, sly, wily old fox. Stay away from me. Yup. End of what I did in school today. Turn into a sly fox.
For some reason I seem to have a connection with some people. There are some people which I always bump into on the train, road, here there everywhere. For example Gabriel. EVERY TIME when I go back to my secondary school without fail I'll see him. And everytime I'm around Jurong Easy MRT too. Like at the bus interchange, shelter, supermarket or even walking along the street I'll see him. Maybe we have some connection. THERE'S MAGNETS IN OUR BODY! arrgrhhh! But he's not the only one that I keep bumping into. Jovin too. I seem to have met him on the MRT for like 1000000 times already. Which is kinda freaky really. Same carriage same door lalaa. But he wore an ugly shirt when I bumped into him on the train for a change.
I think my ego's becoming bigger these few weeks...and thats all my classmates fault! Okay I came into the school humble..okay not humble but something more like trying to keep a low profile but constant sabotage from my classmates has like made my ego bigger. Which means not good and I'm becoming arrogant if your English is terrible. AHH SEE! BIG EGO! For example whenever the teacher, or facilitator as we call them in school, asks for someone to read a passage or someone to do something my name's sure to appear or be shouted out. Which kinda makes me think I'm a celebrity or whatever. BIG EGO right. I'm trying to control it so do bear with me if you find me kind of arrogant these few days. Lalala. IMABIGSUPERSTAR. TONS OF FANS WANT MY AUTOGRAPH lalala okay *bish*
I think I'm someone unconventional. If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman lalalaa...okay listening to too much of that song...Kryptonite yEAH YEAH! oops argh *shutup* Now what. Ahh yup. School life! Very happy with it currently because my results are all VERY consistent. Must take a screenshot and show someday. And it's not easy! You have to perform EVERYDAY because you're graded DAILY and 60% of the final grade of the module is taken from the daily grades. The other 40% come from tests. OKay I know I know...BIG ego
eheheheee I just found out from a friend that a girl wants to know me. eheheheeh okay *shutup* SUPERSTAR! not you xiuhui! ME!!! lalalalla
Tuesday, September 16
Okay so I'm watching a soccer match now and it's half time now...its around 4am in the morning while I'm typing this so I probably won't have any energy to go to school later and that means I will SKIP school. Lalala. The lesson later is supposed to be Computing Maths and that really sucks and takes the energy out of you. And what the heck I always seem to be the presenter for any team I'm in..so now I'm not going to school later. Ehheee will see who took my place on Thursday. I hope they miss me ehhhheheeeh blahh NOT IN THE GAY WAY THOUGH!
And HOW DARE YOU abandon me you big piece of monkey spit Alan! Now I have to spend the day alone again! YOU BLOODY MONKEY never mind. Time spent in solitude is good. You're good you $%!$%!?! big **** big monkey ****er ******** of ***** @$^%@!# ****
hmmm...what an inappropiate name. The French referee of the soccer match I'm watching has a really erm, silly name. Alain Sars. If he walked into say, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and told the people there "Hi! I'm Sars!" I think the people there would probably call the police and he'd get thrown into jail for WHAAT? saying his name?! Or maybe he would get sprayed by all sorts of disinfectants. Lalala.
Will update later if I have anything to say. Which I probably will. I'm turning into a chatterbox these days and pestering and talking to people for no good reason i.e. Goooey. Sorry~can't stop talking ahhhhhh oops argh GOAALLLLLLLL! Eric Djemba Djemba scores! okay another weird name
okayyy...I translated the post into Japanese and translated it back. I know tons of people do this and laugh at the results and I'm going to do that too. I WAS BORED WHATTTTT!!! This one also cannot do ah?? Read the post again ahhaa I Don't care! This time its pure nonsense.
Wednesday, September 17th
it was understood, therefore as for me now looking at the match of the soccer, while I have typed this, the energy where therefore I perhaps go to the school afterwards and the average where its I fly the school as for that it does not have in the approximately 4.am go to bed and... now of morning am. Lalala. The lesson is supposed in order to calculate mathematics afterwards, that inhales energy really from you, takes. It has not gone to the school afterwards now with me or and what I like the submitting person for my all team always it is the IN.so? The Ehheee took my place of Thursday someone sees. I those me the blahh or the oak of the ehhhheheeeh desire the fact that it lets escape with cheerful method!
Whether and challenge gives up me the part where brim Alan of the monkey is large or! Now, I being independent, must use day for the second time! The blood monkey it does not make under any condition the air. Being lonely, the time when it is used is good. Good $%! $%! Large **** ***** @$^%@! Obtaining the **** of the monkey where the **** of the # is large - the ********
Hmmm... name of how inappropiate. Really there is a erm and a foolish name in the French of match of the soccer which I see judge. Alain Sars. When he walked to speech, it was sunburned the hospital of the Tock Seng " called today to the people there! The Sars where am I! You think of that " I the people over there call the police perhaps, can throw to the jail for the WHAAT him and can? Speech of that name? Or perhaps he by various diversified bactericide being sprayed can. Lalala.
If it possesses the fact that I say with anything it renews afterwards. Perhaps self-will will which. I not turning to the chatterbox recently in the people for the good reason namely Goooey, the pestering you speak. The Sorry - can't stop the argh GOAALLLLLLLL of the oops of the ahhhhhh which you speak! Score of ƒGƒŠƒbƒN Djemba Djemba! Another incomprehensible name it was understood
Speak up.
Kok 4:12 AM
Apparently now
Alan is owned by a monkey
The French referee spoke and sunburned the hospital of Tock Seng (i.e. pun of tan)
I can fly the school. Woohoo RP Airlines
A day can be reused
Gooey (i.e. Guice) is pestering me (instead of the other way round)
ehehhehehhhheee I like the changes. lalala NOTHING TO DO WHAT!!!
Sunday, September 14
okay I found a postcard from *zap*
ahh update later.
okay I found a postcard which poyling wrote to me a year ago...I never knew she wrote me a postcard!! I know its kind of sloww but it kinda made me...I don't know...nostalgic or something like that. lalaalaaa
Kok Kai,
Hi, my first letter to you...It's quite sad to learnd that we might 4'get each other after sometime...But it's ok, the purpose of this card is to help you remembering me...You are a helpful and always taking initiative...Though sometimes, you are kind of weird, weird...still remember your favourite song: "Candy"...All de best in your study and always be happy...
Yow Poy Ling
Friday 27 Sep 02
aww man...kinda dampened my mood a bit...made me sad and think about the past. But I don't know about the favourite song. Candy isnt my favourite song!!! My favourite song is something from Everclear....can't remember the name...oh well name of that song is "Everclear - Favourite Song". But oh goody. She also says I'm weird woohooohooo
Anyway, if you bump into me these few days you'll probably think I've gone mad...because I'll be smiling and smiling and smiling. LALalaaaaaa....I'm so happy because I got a bloody goody A for one of my modules. And that particular module is kinda tough and its hard to get an A and I wasn't even expecting to get anything near this. I don't care! I'm going to boast all I can bloody egoistic chauvanistic male pig here boasting.. I got an A, got an A lallalaaalaaa
hmm...I think I made some of my classmates jealous because I think nobody else got what I got...ahaaaa... then I was like bumbling and in a rather skippy mood the whole day...then I couldn't stop smiling!!! ahhhhh!!! one of my classmates had to tell me to stop smiling for like 100 times. Yipee doo dah shoo bee doo wop. If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman...oooopps wrong lyrics
"and always be happy..." - From the precious postcard up there from Poy Ling
I think I'm not as temperamental as before. There used to be a time where I was a walking timebomb with a short fuse...one moment I'm "hahaha" the next moment I'm KABOOM BAZOOKA. I haven't really blown my top for a loooong time...I've been annoyed and frustrated but not the KABOOM kind of angry. Poy, I've been happy. Poy, oh Poy. Erm sorry about that. lalalaaaa~~~~~happy sha la la
Flying cows and jumping jellybeans!! I got an A! ahhhh okayokay I'll stop the boasting ahh *shutup*
Wednesday, September 10
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I've gained weight!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I've gained weight!
So I'm stuck in a dilemna here. I'M NOT SURE WHAT TO FEEL! arrrrrrgggghh! Okayyy...I was 60kg for like 18months...no more no less...then on Sunday when I weighed myself I was 61kg. Woohoo I was so happy then! Happy about gaining 1kg in 18 months! But then after I got back from a bloody camp yesterday and weighed myself again I was 62kg. Bummer. Now I think I'm gaining weight too fast!!! I'm getting fat! AHHHHHH
But then again I think I'm still skinny. When I compared myself with Alan earlier in the afternoon he was like the same as me. ANd I can't believe it!! Whaddahell now he's 59kg and I'm 62kg but I still look like a bamboo stick. And he looks like a puggy pig. Ahh weight problems. Height problems too!! I think I'm an alien! I keep shrinking and growing! One week I'm 182cm and next week using the same ruler I'm 177cm. Ahh vain. And I'm not finished!!! Skin problems now!!! Alan's darker than me! That's absolute crappy! It's a fallacy! conspiracy! felony!!! arrgh no fair. I DEMAND a COURT hearing! I'M GONNA SUE Alan for being darker and looking fatter than me when facts suggest otherwise! THAT'S IT ALAN! WAIT FOR MY LAWYER'S LETTER YOU BIG PIG!
For some reason I think I've turned into an Aunt Agony or Uncle Unhappy these past few days. Which is very nice and very flattering when people say they turn to you for a listening ear. My friend was sore about losing whatever elections yesterday at the bloody camp so I had to listen to him. Alan today had some *ahem* problems too so I had to listen to him too. And when did you get involved in these sort of things ALAN! I thought you were a good boy that didn't bother about love and notice girls!! ahh ooops. Sorry ehheeee. Go to lovecalculator.com or whatever. The CTSJAB people for some reason proclaim me to be a counsellor too. Then I had to listen to them too. Then I had to listen to one more who was worried about having too much to do. lalala.
Hmm I think I had a very interesting conversation with Alan just now too on the HP
ME: Where are ya now???
ALAN: Still at the bus stop
ALAN: (mumbles something)
ALAN: lfjkabhnlonblon
ALAN: (something lar I dunno whats he saying)
ALAN: Never mind (or something like that)
ALAN: The bus is here! (or something like that)
Then when I hang up Diana is sitting there laughing at the stupid conversation because all I did was shout "WHAT??" 5 times into the phone. OH for gods sake Alan youre a NPCC Cadet Inspector! Speak up! I'm getting old!! And you know I'm not good at using the darn handphone! Speak up! THat's it! Wait for another lawyer's letter. I'm suing you for trying to spoil my hearing.
Hmm SJAB stuff now. I'm their odd job man! woohoo I get to waste my energy. They're severely understaffed and blahblahblah. Now one of the cadets got locked up in a girls home. Aiyoh. Why did she have to shoplift!?? Don't really understand what's she thinking...she's been in there before and yet she does this again. I hope she gets released soon though. She's a nice girl that shouted F*** at me (or was it Peijie) while I was playing soccer and made me score an own goal but she's still a nice girl. Get out of there girl.
Calvin just reminded me that they're putting nude paintings up in my school's library. What the hell. And I just remembered a cadet dirtied your shirt Alan. Orbee. AHHaA. Now who wants to watch Pirates of the Carribean with meee??
Sunday, September 7
(I wrote this on Saturday but I didn't publish it. AHH so I'm here telling you about a Saturday on a Monday. Rubbish.)
hmmm...so I spent the whole of this morning alone in the house pondering whether I should go to a stupid camp on Monday...I hate camps and this one seems no different except we get to sleep in air-con rooms instead of tents but then again I can sleep in an air-con room everyday at home if I want to so what's the difference. Blah. Long sentence. I can't skip it!! I paid for it and the teacher's pressuring me to go...ahhh whatever. Friends too! want me to vote for them in some election or whatever crappy stuff.
Ah then I went to Jurong Point. I didn't go back to CTSS for SJAB stuff because today's supposedly the day when the Ah Lians are coming. When they come I can go home already because they all are like dictators. They can control every single thing from training to how long people can urinate in the toilet blahblahblah. And when you have a non ah beng in the form of me you can expect that I won't really go and blahblahblah hoohah with them. So I didn't go back to my Sec sch. Ah let them bully all they want those power hungry people.
Ah then I went to Jurong Point. *repeat* ahh I can't remember what I went there for. Oh yah lunch! because I'm the only person at home the whole morning. With the rascal of a rabbit, fishes and hamsters for company. Ah the fishes are fighting...the luohans. Theres like 2 in one aquarium plus some dunno what red fish. So this male luohan keeps on chasing the female luohan and whatever. VERY NOISY!! I think the male's angry because the female doesnt want to *ahem* with him. Ahh crap. Then those poor red blood cell fish act as peacemakers of some sort I dont' know. Ahh why am I talking about fish.
Then I went to disturb Tok at his work again. Sooner or later he's going to get fired if I keep on coming in to distract him from his work...and then I had lunch with Alan. HE's weirdy rich. I bought all these cans of drinks and he doesnt want to take one from me to drink! He insists on buying a drink from the store for what?? $1.40? WHen he can get one from me for free? Then when I buy for him he complains I always buy Vanilla Coke for him. Ahh whatever.
Ooooh then we went shopping around Jurong Point looking like gays or whatever I don't know. And I can't believe he's 61kg! I'm 60kg but I look so much skinnier than him. I'm taller than him but its like only 4-5cm taller. Maybe my bones are heavy. Yup my bones are heavy. Hmm the shops at Jurong Point are crap. Rubbish. Bubbish. Gubbish. Nubbish. Wubbish. Then we ended up going to John Little. And my god the clothes at John Little are so much nicer than those at Levi's, OP, Converse blahblahblah. Those are horrible! So tacky. But then again John Little sells clothes meant for uncles and ah peks. So the both of us are uncles and Ah peks. You can call me Kok. Uncle Kok.
Ahhh then we saw Mr Lau there!! its like oh my god the last thing you expect to be doing is shopping for clothes and see him. I don't mean to insult him but his dress sense isn't exactly fantastix. Then when I tried to hide in the changing room that silly Alan told Mr Lau about me. And when I finally go to Mr Lau he's like "Kokkai! What crime have you done!? Why do you run away when you see me!" and blahblahblah. Then we, or rather Alan, ended up asking for fashion tips from him. Oh my god. Expect to see me (and Alan) in striped shirts, checked shorts wearing orange socks and sandals. Ah then I bought a pair of khaki shorts. Whatever.
Pic of Mr Lau if ya can't remember who he is
What else...Alan said I looked like an uncle because I was holding a plastic bag with lemon tea cans inside...someone said the photo on my IC looks like Takeshi Kaneshiro yesterday. Yup. And I'm like "HARH??!!! ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE SAYING THE CORRECT PERSON???!" Ahhh madcap world. I've spent a lot of money these few days...influenced by Roxy and Reebok mad people. Now I'm broke again. Boohoo. Uncle Kok has no money. Will someone donate money to this pitiful man?
Friday, September 5
Ahhh. Messy entry. Crappy problem. I saw this problem again. I think I've shown it before to people but I'm still like 'ARRRRGHHH' when I think of it because it's a Sec 1 problem!!! Ahh phoooey. I should be retained.
Fill in the blanks. There's a pattern lalala.
Answer | Still Don't geddit.
I like this quote
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." - Winnie the Pooh (from Mark's page sometime ago)
Last entry comments
Oy! Alan and Tok! since when did the 2 of you become so crude...stuffing cockroaches here and there...eeeww...barbaric perverts
AHH I got one of those ask question thingys
Tuesday, September 2
ahh...my hair's wet...my hair always seems to be wet when I write the blog. I'm feeling kinda terrible now..like half awake and half asleep and hot yet cold. If I'm incoherent and you have no idea what I'm talking about then ignore me
ehheehe...I just tortured a cockroach....and I really mean torture ahhh...who asked it to enter my house! come on you cockroach...you know I'm scared of you and you still dare to come near me! Why scaredy cats and the most dangerous people...they'll take brooms and whatever and scream and shout and blahblahblah!! I whacked it with the newspaper...eeww...dirty the newspaper...its today's and I haven't read it!!! arrrgghh!!! at least its for a good cause though. OKay..now what...ahhhh so I whacked the cockroach and woohoo its crippled. Then comes the evil part
lalala...so I shepherd that disgusting thing onto a newspaper...and I MURDER it. With poison of course. I don't dare to touch it. My poison? Pour Coke, Lysol, Detergent, Sprite, Milk, Window Cleaner, Oil +some more liquid on it. Woohoo...then I see it die. Then its no fun already. ITS DEAD!!! POISONED!! DROWNED! ahhh useless cockroach! I want to torture you somemore!! And then I dont dare to touch that thing and my mother yells at me for dirtying the floor and using half her detergent to kill ONE cockroach. At least the detergent can clean the floor what!!
Somehow I feel bad about killing the cockroach. I don't like it but I feel bad about killing it. I don't know why...I dont like to kill stuff. I rather some thing carry on suffering than mercy kill it. At least while youre suffering you still can speak or at least be considered living. When youre dead, youre DEAD. No more. Gone. Finito. I don't even like the word death...I'm scared of the Grim Reaper...ahhh I come from Heaven
And that's why you'll never see me playing games like Counterstrike. I think those games are barbaric. You run around shooting people and think its fun to work for Bin Laden or that Bush fella. And people are HAPPY when they kill somebody. WHAT THE HECK. I know its only a game but I don't care...its barbaric!! And I hate it too when youre trying to get someone to do work and he doesnt hear you because hes too engrossed in playing his stupid people killing game. You can scream at the top of your voice and all he hears is "BANG, BANG, BANG, OYDOWORKLAH, BANG, BANG, BANG". Then he thinks its some problem with the sound. AHhh useless piece of monkey spit.
WHAT IN THE WORLD are they putting on top of my page. my blog isnt a porn site!!! Okayyy...I may be a pervert sometimes and people know Ive bought bikinis and blahblahblah before but Im not that perverted! but then again the related searches seem interesting...hmm...
It's me. I know its disgusting. Okay maybe I'm a bit pornographic. Some idiotic perverted classmate took a photo while I was in the toilet. ARRRGGGHH! For that reason I'm going to make the picture veryveryvery small. NA NA NA. Anyway nothing explicit is shown...and you can see I realised that his idiotic handphone was pointing at me before I did anything. blahhhhhhhh.