Wednesday, September 10
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I've gained weight!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I've gained weight!
So I'm stuck in a dilemna here. I'M NOT SURE WHAT TO FEEL! arrrrrrgggghh! Okayyy...I was 60kg for like more no less...then on Sunday when I weighed myself I was 61kg. Woohoo I was so happy then! Happy about gaining 1kg in 18 months! But then after I got back from a bloody camp yesterday and weighed myself again I was 62kg. Bummer. Now I think I'm gaining weight too fast!!! I'm getting fat! AHHHHHH
But then again I think I'm still skinny. When I compared myself with Alan earlier in the afternoon he was like the same as me. ANd I can't believe it!! Whaddahell now he's 59kg and I'm 62kg but I still look like a bamboo stick. And he looks like a puggy pig. Ahh weight problems. Height problems too!! I think I'm an alien! I keep shrinking and growing! One week I'm 182cm and next week using the same ruler I'm 177cm. Ahh vain. And I'm not finished!!! Skin problems now!!! Alan's darker than me! That's absolute crappy! It's a fallacy! conspiracy! felony!!! arrgh no fair. I DEMAND a COURT hearing! I'M GONNA SUE Alan for being darker and looking fatter than me when facts suggest otherwise! THAT'S IT ALAN! WAIT FOR MY LAWYER'S LETTER YOU BIG PIG!
For some reason I think I've turned into an Aunt Agony or Uncle Unhappy these past few days. Which is very nice and very flattering when people say they turn to you for a listening ear. My friend was sore about losing whatever elections yesterday at the bloody camp so I had to listen to him. Alan today had some *ahem* problems too so I had to listen to him too. And when did you get involved in these sort of things ALAN! I thought you were a good boy that didn't bother about love and notice girls!! ahh ooops. Sorry ehheeee. Go to or whatever. The CTSJAB people for some reason proclaim me to be a counsellor too. Then I had to listen to them too. Then I had to listen to one more who was worried about having too much to do. lalala.
Hmm I think I had a very interesting conversation with Alan just now too on the HP
ME: Where are ya now???
ALAN: Still at the bus stop
ALAN: (mumbles something)
ALAN: lfjkabhnlonblon
ALAN: (something lar I dunno whats he saying)
ALAN: Never mind (or something like that)
ALAN: The bus is here! (or something like that)
Then when I hang up Diana is sitting there laughing at the stupid conversation because all I did was shout "WHAT??" 5 times into the phone. OH for gods sake Alan youre a NPCC Cadet Inspector! Speak up! I'm getting old!! And you know I'm not good at using the darn handphone! Speak up! THat's it! Wait for another lawyer's letter. I'm suing you for trying to spoil my hearing.
Hmm SJAB stuff now. I'm their odd job man! woohoo I get to waste my energy. They're severely understaffed and blahblahblah. Now one of the cadets got locked up in a girls home. Aiyoh. Why did she have to shoplift!?? Don't really understand what's she thinking...she's been in there before and yet she does this again. I hope she gets released soon though. She's a nice girl that shouted F*** at me (or was it Peijie) while I was playing soccer and made me score an own goal but she's still a nice girl. Get out of there girl.
Calvin just reminded me that they're putting nude paintings up in my school's library. What the hell. And I just remembered a cadet dirtied your shirt Alan. Orbee. AHHaA. Now who wants to watch Pirates of the Carribean with meee??