Wednesday, December 31
10 people remembered my birthday.
I don't celebrate birthdays anyway.
But thank you.
Ms Chua Ghim Siu
Ms Hee Siwe Ping
Mr Justin Yew
Mr Teo Wee Ping
a person with HP number 9635something
Mr Alan Koh, I think, did.
Mum. Family rather. Bought a cake, dinner whatever.
Boring day.
Went out for a while.
Got a book.
End of day.
Boring day.
Big deal.
I'm still bored.
But I've been thinking about my future.
I'm apprehensive about what lies in future for me.
Right now things are smooth and fine.
Nicely laid out. 2.2 years more. Diploma. Doodah.
After that its a big question mark.
I know someone who's probably going to leave S'pore
in a couple of year's time
she has the financial muscle anyway to never come back
That'll be sad.
But then again decisions can change over time.
What about me?
What will I be doing?
Will I be living in Australia, in the US, in Melbourne, in NY, in years to come?
I won't make it to NUS. I don't want to anyway.
Ignore NS. That's irrelevant.
I don't want to remain in Singapore forever
but my mind says 'leave' and my heart says 'stay'
whatever will be my decision?
it'll be so much more reassuring
if there was an acquaintance with me
if I ever go overseas.
to study. not emigrate. maybe emigrate. dunno.
I'm terrible at adapting to new surroundings
Because I tend to be skeptical.
And I'm scared at the thought of being stuck alone in a foreign land.
My future, after 2.2 years, isn't clear.
I'm worried.
I'm bored.
And I hate that feeling.
Sunday, December 28
i love you you love me
we are one big family
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
wont you say you love me too
i love you you love me,
lets gang up and kill barney.
with a gun to his head and barneys on the flooor.
no more purple dinosaur
p.s. i didnt write the second part. But the person who wrote that came up with it in like 15 seconds. BRAVO! *claps*
Saturday, December 27
I've come up with three quotes! Yup!
"Boxing day is a day for you to buy new boxers." - Kok
"Scientists say the fastest animal on earth is a cow dropped out of a helicopter." - Kok
"Chocolate can be divided into two categories - exciting and boring" - Kok
wee says: i eat layer by layer
kok says: now i eating also
kok says: chocolate
kok says: dunno what swiss chocolate
kok says: dunno who give one
kok says: like kit kat liddat
wee says: ee
wee says: kit kat very boring
kok says: huauhahuaa
kok says: first time i hear chocolate got boring and exciting one
wee says: really wat
OKays sorry to bore you...this is a rubbish entry yes I know........
Thursday, December 25
It's either the animals and insects are getting bolder or they're getting extremely bolder.
Coackroaches are helpful. They break down plant material and let new plants grow. But it's when they come into your house and break down your leftovers and start getting annoying.
Look at cockroaches. I have a phobia of them, I used to run, used to yell, to scream, jump whatever when I saw them. Not a very man thing to do huh. But then again I've never been real 'man'. Or whatever you use to define 'man'. They used to scuttle away whenever you walk near them, but now?! They just cast a wary eye at you and that's all. They don't even move when you put your foot next to them, but just sway their feelers lazily. HOW DARE THEY! So I take to whacking them with my shoe whenever I see them while I'm walking home at night. At least that helped cure a bit of my phobia. I don't crush them, that's cruel. Just whack and immobilise them and leave them to struggle until dawn when the cleaner comes and sweeps them up. Or let some ants go drag it to their nest. Hmmmph. HOW DARE THEY
Lizards too. I saw this huge lizard too when I was back at secondary school doing some stuff that day. AHhhhhhh CTSS. Don't know why I bother to go back. But I remember some ridiculous quotes uttered.
"We are not an ordinary school, we are an EXTRA-ordinary school!" - Mr Hang Kim Hoo
"Remember, we are not offering 'sleeping' as an O Level subject!" - Mr Lau Beng Hwee
Okays back to topic. House lizards! I'm not scared of them. But I do notice they're getting bolder too. Now they venture and run across the floor of my house. It's still not a common sight too, but the only image I had of them was one of them sticking to walls and running vertically and upside down. Spiders dont do that. They're lousy, they need a web. Spiderman should rename himself as Lizardman. Yup.
Ahh cats too. I know some people are scared of cats' tails or are allergic to their fur and so on. I'm not. I like cats. Doesnt matter anyways. But they're getting bolder too. I was having dinner with my cousin's family at a hawker centre yesterday and there's this black cat who comes and sits beside my chair. I think the black cat belongs to a witch who's cast a spell on it, enabling it to find wimps and soft-hearted people who'll drop food for it. So it just sat there and kept meowing and meowing. And I kept dropping scraps of food for it. Blah. Nothing too daring but then it suddenly jumps up...............naughty.
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
AHHH! I KNEW IT! I'm slightly schizophrenic!
It's either the animals and insects are getting bolder or they're getting extremely bolder.
Wednesday, December 24
Someone give me something to write about.................if nobody does then I'll probably crank up some weird stuff....
So I'm at home on Christmas, listening to Michael Jackson's songs. It's really a pity he's landed into this state though. All the child molestation allegations and whatever he's done with his face. I've always regarded him as a top class performer...see his music videos and you'll know what I mean....his dancing et al. And all his songs have a "whooo!" in them. Nice.
oh yah, merry christmas.
Sunday, December 21
I've just remembered that I've had this blog for 1 year and 16 days.
Or 381 days.
That's a long time in blogging I believe.
Kelly was the person who introduced me to blogging, and websites in general.
What a blast it's been having this blog.
It doesn't document the chronicles of my life like the typical blog would do
but that's because I choose not to.
It's been a wonderful outlet of expression of ideas for me.
I've seen people start blogging, and conversely, stop.
I'm still here though.
Kelly too, and she even longer.
I don't blog as often as I used to these days however.
Maybe once or twice a week now.
But I'm glad that people still do read.
Thank you all =)
Saturday, December 20

Wednesday, December 17
Dear Rachel,
My heart was set on winning yours when I first laid my eyes on you in PE shorts. I was You are so pretty, the way your hair flutters in the wind, your voice sounds so angelic, the way you speak. I simply admire the way you walk, you speak, you dance, you jump, you bounce, you dress, everything about you!
I believe my interest, my infatuation has developed into romance. To put it simply, ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU I LOVE YA! I can't stop thinking of you day and night, and even in my (wet) dreams I dream holding your hand. You may not know it, but I live for your every word too.
When ever I see you my little brother Dick will stand up and he will feel like spitting. I have to tell Dick that he is very naughty and I have to hit him everytime and try to shield him from your glorious eyes everytime you breeze past me. I will hit him and punish him until he bows his head in shame and sits down again. Dick is a very naughty brother of mine. I promise I'll force him to sit down just for you. I'll do anything for you. Really.
Lastly, roses are red, violets are blue, every rose has its thorn, and my heart is bigger then your butt!
Will you be my girlfriend?
I wrote this. Because Justin told me his friend apparently wrote a love letter somewhat similar to this. OHMYGOD..........
Saturday, December 13
I'm alone. Bumbling around the house cleaning places and sweeping (HAH! How many guys do that these days) simply because I didn't like the messy feel of the house. The rabbit's overturned the dustbin, there's an empty drink here dadada...the house looks horrendous. So I'm sweeping here , and I'm cleaning there, when I hear a loud 'flop' emanating from the balcony. I ignore that initially, dismissing the noise as something the rabbit's doing. Then I hear another 'flop' again, and just to be safe, I walk to the balcony to see what's the rabbit doing. Or what I think the rabbit was doing.
Apparently the 'flop' sounds weren't made the rabbit. Contrary to what I thought, the rabbit wasn't in the balcony. She was sniffing at the broom I was holding or something like that. But I did see something that made me drop the broom I was holding and make the rabbit scuttle off somewhere. One of the fish tank's almost devoid of water, and the poor luohan (or so-called flowerhorn cichlid) is struggling there. The fish's lying horizontally and flat, with a fin flapping weakly there. I yell, and I grab for the hose. The fish's staring death in the eye (okays staring at me technically), and as much as I don't like it, I still have to save it. I have compassion in my dictionary, and I've told people before I would be more sad when I see an animal die then when a human dies.
I struggle with the hose, the fish's probably thinking "WHADDAHELL! *gasp* I'm dying here and you *gasp* don't even know how to operate a hose!?". Desperate with my futile attempts, I search for a pail, to no avail, and I get back to figuring out how to operate the hose. I twist and I turn, I pull and I push and finally water starts gushing out of the hose. Ecstasy courses through me, I start filling the tank with water, I slowly see the water level rising and the fish returning to a vertical position, much to mine and the fish's relief.
I still don't like the fish, it still wants to bite my finger when I place my finger against the glass of the tank, but at least I saved a poor creature's life. Flashes of deja vu run through me, I remember reading with sadness the news of Keiko's death in a Norwegian fjord. Keiko, the killer whale which starred in the Free Willy movies failed to readapt to the wilderness and died, possibly of old age or pneumonia. Ironically in the seas of the only country which defies international whaling rules. What's the moral of the story I'm not sure. You decide.
Know how to operate a hose
Make sure your fish tank isn't losing water
Have compassion
Own a rabbit
Have a good command of English so you can describe small little things like they're oh-so-awesome
Thursday, December 11
I've been told that I look like a PERVERT when I wear checked shirts and black rimmed specs. Oh my oh my oh my.....oh come on! ALL GUYS ARE PERVERTS! YUP! Even NERDS have an element of kinkiness in them! WOOO I'm wearing new underwear!
"u have lots of weird entries eh"
On purpose what. I don't like to write about daily activities. Readers will get bored. So I write rubbish. Which will bore readers even more. HAH! *SMART* *SELF PRAISE* I should be awarded the Nobel Prize! Where's MY PRIZE!
"Do u read FHM?" - Matt
Of course! I have a stash somewhere in my room. But expensive leh. OH YAH SEE. All normal guys are PERVERTS and wankers and like Minnie Mouse or whatever. Nerds usually have fantasies over Lara Croft's breasts and Superman is a paedophile who fantasizes over nude pictures of Powerpuff Girls. OH my oh my oh my what am I saying. I should be awarded the Nobel Prize!
"I am extremely bored..what do u suggest i do?" - bored-er
Move your cursor over my picture.
Monday, December 8
Because I said I would write a (terrible, pointless, sidetracked) essay on this.
Should housewives be paid?
Do housewives do enough to justify payment? Sure, they do sweeping and ironing and dishwashing and cleaners and maids get paid for doing exactly the same things. Some might have extra responsibilities with kids and might eventually turn out to be some sort of super-mom, juggling household chores and taking care of kids. Prof. Kelly Chai argues that "doing housework is a chore and not a hobby" and thus should be paid and also (bizarrely) uses the scientific formula force x distance = work. In addition, housewives provide pleasure or a sexual nature in the bedroom too and rarely get to spend money on themselves, with most of the money spent on kids.
My mom does nag at me whenever she sees me buying new clothes. She gives me money one day, and I promptly spend it the next few days on clothes. She claims she bought a tee from a pasar malam for $5 and has been wearing it for years, while I fritter money away mindlessly. The main reason I do this is because I don't want to appear "wooden", or give people the impression that I've only 5 clothes in my wardrobe. At the end of the day though, you still see that my mom doesn't bother about herself, and rather give me money to spend.
One might argue back that husbands do their fair share of work. They might slog at the workplace the whole day and come home all tired and weary, but they still are the people who bring money home. The work husbands do are of a professional nature, and household chores would seem rather menial and elementary compared to more sophisticated jobs such as engineering. One might also argue that housewives can choose not to do household chores or are already getting money for doing practically what everybody can do, including husbands. Some husbands do help out in household chores too.
You might say that household chores are not exactly pleasing or perhaps, simple tasks to perform, and coupled with demanding kids, do use a considerable amount of energy and work. But would that apply to swinging singles and bachelors? These people, maybe not bachelors though since they're stereotyped as having messy rooms, do their housework too and they're not paid for it too. You don't see woman's rights people arguing for people who live on their own to be paid too.
Mr Roszaimy offers a somewhat practical and etymological answer to this question. If one breaks up the word housewife, it becomes house-wife. The wife of the house. Which implies that she is on her own accord, supposed to do chores without payment in exchange of living in it. I did receive an email sometime ago that mentioned that we should be thankful that we have household chores to do as it means we have a roof over our heads. It is in this retrospect that some might say that the housewife should be thankful.
It must be noted that the wedding ring does not signify payment for household chores. A wedding ring is a symbol of love and commitment to each other, or as realists might say, a small expensive piece of decorated metal. Some chauvinistic and insensitive husbands might imply that after the wedding, the ring would suggest that he be able to order his wife around and take for granted that the house is spick and span and meals done clothes ironed et al when he reaches home daily. It is probably based on this that some housewives demand they be 'paid' for household chores.
One might be able to put all this down to the middle ages or possibly the start of life. Women, being smaller built and gentler, were made to stay at home and do general, simple chores, while men, being physically stronger and more boorish, went out to hunt. Perhaps it can be said that this has evolved over centuries and housewives' work has been taken for granted.
The modern women however, would rather work then stay at home. "why bother to stay at home and do housework, ((OH, so fun)) and get $-less" Prof Guice Lynn says. She also points out that taking care of the house is a 24 hours task, where every little thing has to be taken care of.
Housewives are not in the same class as maids however. They are at liberty to enter and leave the house as and when they feel like, they can use the phone freely, they do enjoy privileges that a maid doesn't. They can take a break whenever they feel like unlike a maid.
I have tried to be objective and relevant in this sea of words, but at the end of the day, I didn't do any research on this and most of the points here are merely opinions brought up by a few people. An interesting observation though is that all guys I asked (not including me) say that housewives SHOULDN'T be paid while all girls I asked say they SHOULD. Apparently guys still have a feeling of superiority in them while girls appear to feel that they are of a slightly lower status than men, thus demanding equal treatment through payment for housework. I choose to sit on the fence for the time being though, and I leave you to decide based on your own intuition. Or just marry a bloody rich guy.
I know this essay appears inadequate and some people probably wont be happy with me because I choose not to give my stand. Should maids be paid in the first place you might ask too. But that's a different case altogether though.
see comments for follow-ups.
Wednesday, December 3
"I'm 14" - Vic
I'm Super Squirrel Kok! wooooooo!
oh yah, your question. Hmm. Go buy FHM.
"Why u like to tok cock one? Izzit ur hobby? lol" - one lamer
My Geography is good. dy/dx 3x2 = 6x. Oh that's differentation. Whoops.
"erm... how would chairs look like if our legs bet the other way?" - Chris
"i have smelly socks! HOW?!" - Shafiq
If the person who asked this is Roszaimy's brother read A
If the person who asked this isn't Roszaimy's brother read B
You could go rummage through his sock drawer and borrow a pair from his extensive collection of socks and make them smelly and put them back in without telling him. Let's keep it a secret okay? Go dirty his socks...shoo~ I HATE ROSZAIMY'S SOCKS...THEY'RE TOO COLORFUL
Soak them in some water. Then add detergent or soap and scrub thoroughly. Alternatively you could throw them into a washing machine. On the washing machine and operate it first though. You could stuff it into Roszaimy's sock drawer too.
"i have smelly underwear! HOW?!"
Put a mothball in your underwear. I don't know how'll that help though. But apparently I have some readers who need some lessons on personal hygiene.