Friday, June 25
I got this link from the Canon model Angela Gray's blog...the advertisement where she reaches to spike the volleyball and her bikini falls off...yah...its her blog....and she is RATHER tech-savvy
OH DEAR. If not for her PhD or BSc even she'd probably be ridiculed everywhere she goes. And I thought I had a horrid name. Oh dear. MUAHAHHHUHUAUHHAUUHAUHUHAHAHAHHAHAA THERE'S SOMEONE WITH A NAME WORST THEN MINE WOOHOOOOOOOOOO
I dont mean to be rude or joke about other people's names but ive been ridiculed myself loads of time so give me a break larrrrrrrrr and really. OHDEAR ILL ADVISED PARENTS TOTALLY. I know they probably didnt have the middle word back then when she was born but...oh dear...MUAHAHAA
Thursday, June 24
I know putting these little things will result in my blog taking a longer time to load...but oh well.
Monday, June 21
[Lego Porn]
I only linked to one gallery...go navigate to the others through the 'back' link provided on that page...and also just in case its too much for conservative people...
ohh c'mon I find conservative and prudish people suffocating...what is wrong? It's just the human body we're looking at and some actions! If you're disgusted, why go and be an alien! Even animals do these acts! STOP EEEEEEEing whenever you see some boobs or genitalia! Why nipples too! Everybody has nipples! Except nobody has no idea what guy nipples are for. Look, I'm not saying that you should turn into some pervert or lecher but god, don't go EEEEEE just because you see some skin or people start talking about no-no places. I agree when it goes overboard its too much but talking about them a lil' won't hurt right?
And no, I'M NOT FANTASIZING ABOUT LEGO BLOCKS! HOW TO FANTASIZE ABOUT PIECES OF PLASTIC YOU TELL ME IF I CAN FANTASIZE ABOUT LEGO I MIGHT AS WELL GO FANTASIZE ABOUT THE SUEZ CANAL OR A TABLE OR GRASS. YAY! Grass is so hottttttt and sexyyyy...the way it caresses my skin! awwwwwww okay i'll stop it i know its disgusting.
But Lego porn IS really perverted and demented. Ahhaaa
Wednesday, June 16
we, at The Incredible Kok, pride ourselves on nothing. Absolutely nothing. That's why you keep being forced to read trashy stuff on this site. We thought you might like to know who's behind all this trashy stuff, the people who bring you the very good stuff you're reading now. Okay this paragraph is rubbish. Please scroll down a bit because we're too lazy to figure out why there's one large space here.ABOUT US |
Mr Kok
Hi! I'm the guy who writes all the rubbish you read on this page. Pleasedontdefacemypictureplease
thankyouverymuchiloveyouall. |
Paul Punk
yo yo yo wassup my lil' dudey you got any bling bling rightaa
there this peeper here ain't gimme a lot of the bling blang bling so yeah yeah
i sacrifice my lil mojo to have some bling bling so i can to my thang and go bo-peeping
and with my fellas and down some doughwahey. wassssupppppppp *PEASE*
Nicolas Stewart Lee II
I am rich.
I am so bloody rich.
And I am going to sue Mr Kok for putting my picture between two MORONIC IDIOTS.
Now stop staring at me. STOP STARING AT ME! |
Friday, June 11
"I can't stop PCCing.. how?!" -zippy the cheater
PCC-ing, or the act of masturbation is OKAY! YES! IT'S OKAY as long as it does not intefere with your daily life and you dont do it until something breaks down and have the decency to find somewhere private when you do that.
"Whenever I wear boxers and jeans, I don't feel comfortable. WHat
should I do" -notlrahc
Pls change your boxers lah Charlton. You forever wearing that pair of purple boxers of course lidat lar.
"i have a problem with my undies...they're too tight"
Please check sizes before you buy next time ah boy......or ah girl. 'S' is for Sexy people, 'M' is for Modest people and 'L' is for....*drumroll* Lascivious (hard to spell leh) people. Or in short, 'L' is for people who have stuff and sausages that are too Long for their own good. Don't ask me what XL stands for.
"why is the t-shirt bra so expensive!!!!!" -shhh
Seamless T-Shirt bra. Super comfortable, perfect under clingy clothes for a smooth look. Lightly padded, adjustable straps, pretty lace back - from some lingerie shop
"how do u un-tame henpecked husbands???" -mistress tan
Go to a lingerie shop and buy a pair of 'S' sized undies and go parade it in front of your henpecked husband. Tat'll drive him wild. Alternatively, hide all his pairs of socks or just mess up his sock drawer or bottle cap collection which all henpecked husbands will have and that'll rile him up too.
And hey mistress, you left an earring in my bed. Pls come to my house tonight at 9 to get it. And wear your 'S' underwear.
god im getting lewder day by day.
"???" -too lazy to type [x6]
Monday, June 7
i was walking home the other day
late at night, say around 1am
when i turned into this path that leads to my block
there was a cat at the end of the path
it turned and looked at me
and i turned and looked at it
i walked along the path
and it walked towards me
we met somewhere around three quarters of the path
i meowed at it
and it meowed back at me
i continued walking towards my block
and it followed me.
that really melted my heart in a way.
a cat running beside me on a lonely night
a cat that has nobody for company
and seeks company in a human
i stood there, melting emotionally
and the cat weaved between my legs
i sat down
and the cat jumped up
purring and looking at me through those green circular eyes
ive seen it around my block before
and i think it remembers me
because ive meowed at it before too
i dont know if anybody owns it
but its very friendly and tame
and its certainly melted my heart
ive always had a soft spot for cats
ive never been really fond of dogs
i dont know how much time i spent with it
but I just sat there, stood there
patting it, teasing it with a lanyard
the cat lying there in a playful position
melting me all the while
i wondered if it was hungry
"stay there cat, i'll be right back."
and i went up to my flat
hurry i did
but when i came back down, bun in hand
the cat was nowhere to be seen.
i searched the area in vain
across the road
the block next to mine
in the park
the cat was nowhere to be seen.
i miss the cat.
come back cat.
the fact that you remembered me and walked towards me, walked along me late at night will be etched in my mind for a long time to come.