Wednesday, December 29
and so the moment is here.
alarm clocks ringing as i type,
people signing in as they would,
it is here!
the 364th day of the year!
its new year's eve's eve
and lots of my peers' day of reprieve!
for many people they waltz into a club (for the first time/legally)
or have a jolly great time in a pub,
alcohol, cigarettes, bought as they might
ive tried alcohol, but only Heineken i like
never mind all that! (and because i'm lazy to make lousy rhymes)
ive never celebrated this day
and it'll stay this way
i'll be happy to sleep the entire day
oh hooray!
i'd love a nice minimalistic watch i saw though.
(IF you didn't understand this entry just take it that i'm trying to say that the fastest animal on Earth is a cow dropped out of a helicopter.)
Friday, December 24

Tuesday, December 21
right, if you've been around me, you'd probably have been very angry at me because there would have been some occasion where you'd ask me something and have gotten a stupid "huh?" from me in return. but i really couldnt hear properly what. sorry!
people have said im deaf, have 10 years worth of ear wax in my ears or ask the most irrelevant questions, but i think its hereditary! i was looking for some starch around the house and i asked my mum.
(in chinese)
me: mummy, do you have starch?
me: mummy, got starch mah?
mum: i havent cook dinner later Ah Pa come home make noise what you want to eat for dinner
me: anything lar....but do we have starch?
mum: what starch? dunno what you talking
me: starch lor! you know starch to make collars hard
mum: i think your dad can buy from Amway
me: we have starch at home right now?
mum: what do you need starch for
me: i want to make my denim jacket see everywhere so soft
mum: you ah, buy buy buy, buy until so many clothes for what? one piece can wear 10 years you buy until so many...heeyoh
me: i want to make this jacket see the collar pockets all flappy...
mum: i think the starch dry up already...never use
me: where?
mum: you go look in the laundry basket...i think there are 2 bottles in there...i think both finish go try
see? its hereditary this cant-hear-and-ask-irrelevant-questions condition.
but there was this once where I'm very sure it wasnt my fault. I was going up an escalator with Wee Ping at Lido when he suddenly said "hor". So I was wondering why he was hor-ing for no reason when he pointed at this poster. And the poster was for a movie called 'Whore'. 'Whore' is not pronounced "hor" okay! Its pronounced "wore"! Right, before I make you dizzy with all the '""''""'s listen to Robbie Williams here in 'Come Undone'. he uses the word 'whore' near the end of the clip.
you heard "wore" right? ha! see! sometimes its not me okay...sometimes you all dont speak loud or clearly enough. lalalalalalala i cant hear you!
Saturday, December 18
Ocean's Twelve
i am no movie buff but this has got to be the worst movie i've seen all year. make that in 2, 3 years.
Friday, December 17
its 2.45am and i'm lying on my bed, reading news and various websites and deciding whether i should sleep early or sleep late or sleep early-late WHEN THIS BLOODY BUG BUZZES !#%&!#^!# BLOODY HELL YOUVE BEEN BUZZING AND BUZZING SINCE I GOT HOME at first I thought it was my handphone - i get very excited when my handphone vibrates (someone's calling! someone sent a message! woooooo!) but NO!!!!!! ITS YOU STUPID BUG THAT KEEPS ON BUZZING AND MAKING ME THINK ITS MY HP! and so I thought and thought and thought of what to do. and then I came up with a verygood idea - I'LL KILL IT! YAY! NO MORE STUPID MAKING-KOK-THINK-ITS-HIS-HANDPHONE BUZZING YOU STUPID BUG!
here I embark on the hunt for the bug with camera in tow
and i must say WHY DID YOU MOVE IN THAT BIG GREEN CHAIR INTO MY ROOM AH PA! of all places you have to move this big green chair into my room!?! ahhhhh
right and theres luggage im still lazy to unpack
okay sidetracked enough WHERE ARE YOU YOU STUPID BUG
in this bag? no.
in these bags? no too. now where are you.
now what am i supposed to do.
go bunny! don't just sit there staring at me! do something!
eat. and make a mess on my rug. wonderful
maybe theres something on the desk i could use to hit
NEWSPAPER!!!!!!! got raffles on it somemore ok
i think its a female.
YAY! KILLED! NOW I CAN SLEEP PROPERLY ive finised typing and everybody knows how messy my room is noww maybe ill clean it upp tomorrowwww i'll press the publissh button now stupid post anyway dont know why i bothered tio typwed thia out zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, December 12
today i have decided that i will bore you with pictures ive taken on my recent trip to thailand (and laos)! yay! verygood

Saturday, December 4
at this time tomorrow, i'd be in bangkok.
this blog would have existed for 2 years already.
more than 700 days
more than 17,000 hours
more than 1,000,000 minutes
more than 63,000,000 seconds
i set up this blog on dec 6, 2002
one lonely night after my O levels
having just flew back from bangkok
in the midst of confusion
and numerous thoughts running through my mind
readers have come
readers have gone
i have come
i have gone
some have been with me from the start
some have just stumbled onto this silly page.
thank you kelly.
(kelly: sorry i direct linked the image!)
thank you people who've asked questions. you know who you are. mcafar, frost and all that. ;) i really appreciate them even though I've frustrated you by taking ages to answer them.
thank you everybody.
Thursday, December 2
"eat your breakfast!"
"im going down to drive the car! hurry up if you want to hitch a ride to the MRT station!"
"oh you're down already""
"the next train will be approaching platform B"
"buo-na vis-ta"
"you have test today?"
"walk faster! i got test!"
"my friend got a free digicam from that thing!"
"okay i'm going by here to SM block"
"i thought you not coming class today lehhhh"
"today problem how to do?"
"oh you cut your hair!"
"nooo kok....we must create a database firrrrst"
"class, you can go for your break back here by 10.30"
"you want to go mac??!"
"okay. tanglin mall ah?"
"boring ah class. do ASP until sian ah."
"ohhh, so that girl is serene ah...."
"cycle from here to east coast around....35 mins like that"
"i think this is the thing they use to make snow"
"coffee or tea sir?"
"hahahhaa....funny sia kok...'WHY MY $5 GOT HOLE?!'"
"they use different beans for their coffee"
"some girls very friendly...then some boys think they like them"
"how many creamers did you add? wah 2 already ah."
"work at taka during chinese new year best"
"nevermind...late a bit also nevermind"
"let's go."
"i think i'm gonna smoke...the bus wont come that fast"
"stupid sia...i take one puff only bus come already...wasted"
"good sia engineering students...can go home so early"
"kok, you went mac with norman ah?"
"eh help me do the login and security thing kok"
"okay class, the 3rd meeting will be at....2 o'clock"
"really? eh i wanna see teacher's friendster account."
"kok...faster do"
"i check whether ah teck got program or not"
"kok! stop looking at that teacher's shoes!"
"what sia kok...teacher wear strapless bra you also want to say hahhaha"
"i paste to you shallum's code"
"idiot sia you...block so many people on MSN"
"your program can work or not?"
"stupid sia never on the switch...that's why handphone not charging"
"kok! why you caress your leg!"
"our program how ah can work?"
"teacher come already"
"you can try adding a sqldataadapter to where you bind your data to fix this bug"
"why you today look so shagged?"
"you come canteen find me leh when you finish then we go holland v"
"we're taking bus 970."
"you didn't say you had a spare farecard!"
"we get off at the next stop."
"help me think of ideas for poster leh"
"i think i copy your gaming.rp posters format"
"play pool leh...why you dont want"
"this is the shop. you might want to try that shop too."
"you found the thing you want?"
"follow me find photo album leh."
"that lady damn rude."
"i want eat chocolate"
" you're not coming home to eat dinner then ah."
"why didnt you order pasta then?"
"i want fries."
"stopped raining already."
"where you going? that way? i going this way..."
"ehh, you got today's new paper? can bring to school tomorrow?"
"where are you now? i'm reaching bukit batok very soon..."
"i'll meet you outside the M1 shop"
"where are you?"
"you're in the toilet now? YOU ALWAYS LIKE THAT ONEEEEEEE"
"i thought you're taking the MRT?"
"i'm walking this way."
"why you come home like never see me going to die like that!"
"you want eat anything?"
"you haven't slept yet?"
"sleep early hor."
i'm feeling very tired these days, both physically and mentally. i'll let others do the talking these few days. i've talked too its your turn.