2011: A New Dawn
Sunday, January 2

In 2010 I traveled to Sydney, Australia. One morning I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30am, flagged a cab and rushed to Sydney Harbour so I could catch the sun rise. It was a tranquil moment - one of the most enduring memories of the year.
In 2011 I could find myself living in Sydney. Nothing's set in stone yet, but it's something I'm exploring. In some ways this picture is a symbolic representation of what I hope 2011 will have in store - a new dawn in a new country. We'll wait and see if what I'm planning works out eventually.
In any case, the sun has long set over this blog - I've had new dawns elsewhere on the web and in life generally. I recently developed an interest in traveling and travel photography, posting pictures up at:
Tumblr: http://kokkai.tumblr.com Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kokkaing/ Krop (a portfolio site): http://www.krop.com/kokkai/
Here's wishing you a great and enriching 2011. I'll see you around.