Tuesday, August 5
Sometimes I wonder how naughty my rabbit can be. And strong too. I was walking around the house a few days ago and the next thing I know I'm lying sprawled on my backside (pain leh) on the ground, with something furry scampering away into my room. She's 50cm tall standing on her hind legs, weighs 2kg, I'm almost 180cm tall, 60kg (boo) and when she crashes into me I'm the one that falls down. I think I need to exercise.
I was reading my archives just now...so I just sat there in school and pretended to be doing Maths while reading my archives...and people were asking me why I was smiling and laughing while doing Maths. 1+1=2 is very funny. Hahaha. I still like my previous layout though...the colorful cow layout....but never mind. Now what was I talking about...umm...er....cows....oh yeah.....archives....I haven't sorted them out so every month is "undefined NaN" now. Some rubbish from the past below.
suffering from 'blogger's block'. Or blog block. whatever.
<`kOK> eh
<`kOK> gimme something to write about
<`aRChErb0|> eh
<`kOK> wad
<`kOK> oh
<`aRChErb0|> thinking
<`kOK> write about 'eh'
Eh (interjection)
hmm...'eh' as you can see is a 2 letter word. it's made up of the letters 'e' and 'h' and it can have many pronounciations. People in Singapore pronounce it something like "urrgh" or "a". Some African tribe pronounces it as "air-heeg". Tok Rui Xiang pronounces it as "hea". Some people laugh like that. Constipated people pronounce it as "arrgh". Eh eh eh eh eh.
Origins of 'eh' are somewhat unknown. Rumour has it that some country people copied it from hyenas so that they could go 'ehhhhhhhhhh' all day in the fiels to lure hyenas out. Since everybody looked like a hyena in those days with permed hair and whatever everybody called each other 'eh'.
'eh' is usually used as something to call people. Like in "Eh Dick, when's April Fools Day?". Some people consider it rude to call people using 'eh'. Professors at the University of Madness have yet to find out why this is considered rude. A survey around the world revealed what most nameless people prefer being called and 'eh' ranked 3rd after 'boy' and 'oi'. Most commom users of 'eh' include mainly people, people in the army and Sia Zhong Wei.
Another bunch of people who use 'eh' are nursery school kids. Most of the nusery school kids who use this word use it because
a. they don't know a single word and mutter this as communication
b. they forgot how to spell 'he'
c. they thought the letter 'h' follows the letter 'e' in the alphabet..a, b, c, d, e, h, g.....
d. they hear their sister scream "S.H.E.!" and they try act smart by spelling it backwards to show the teacher
Erm (another interjection)
hmm...it's a tough one this...this thing here's a 3 letter word. And you should all know how dangerous 3-letter words can be. Rude words are 4 letters (sh*t, f*ck) but dangerous words are 3 letters. Don't ask me why they're dangerous. Hmmm. Maybe you can ask why they're dangerous. Look at my name. Kok. That's real dangerous isn't it? Makes you wanna erm..er...what does it make you wanna do?
Erm is potentially harmful and it can do a lot of damage. An example of the damage "erm" can do is driving a person mad through waiting. Erm is usually pronounced erm. Not er, eugh, emmy, her, oof, tok, bam or whatever. Just erm. Now practice. Erh-mmm. Erhmmm. Er-mmm. Ermmmmmm. Good. Ah see. I just found out another harm erm does. Potential sore-throat causer.
Erm's usually used when a person is in deep thought. See the text below for an example of 2 professors at the University of Madness in deep thought and using the word 'erm'
<`aRChErb0|> eh
<`kOK> and u and i neber stay home 1
<`aRChErb0|> silly thing u haf done?
<`kOK> cannot write about eh again
<`aRChErb0|> hahaa
<`aRChErb0|> write erm lah
that wasn't very useful in explaining erm but never mind.
Now erm is usually used by...erm...i have no idea. Hmm yah. ALBERT EINSTEIN used and invented the word 'erm'. Remember the formula E=mc2? Originally it was e=rm. Hence Erm. R=c2. I know it isn't scientifically correct but it is kokfically correct. So there. ALBERT EINSTEIN invented 'erm'. Or it can be Newton if you prefer. Or Vic Zhou. Whatever.
Wahlao (some Hokkien phrase)
Hmm..I don't have much resources on this term...mainly because I don't have much resources. And I don't have my terrible sidekick The Grim Weeper to help me out. God knows where he went. Bummer.
Wahlao is supposedly an English interpretation of the Hokkien version, also called Wahlao. The Greek version's also called Wahlao. The only version that is possibly different is the Martian version which sounds something like "whoopee". Ooh. Pretty easy to pronounce too. Just go 'Wah Cow!". Hmm. That sounded like something else.
People have different views on what is possibly Wahlao. Malaysian Rocket Scientist Foo Wan Yueh describes it as a vulgarity and she refuses to use that word. Some old geezer says it's supposed to be a show of surprise and unhappiness. My super-instincts think it's something else. If you break up the word up it becomes 'wah lao'.' Wah' means wah. Or eh or erm. Erm lao. Bah. Wah. Lah. Lah lao. Lao can take on many different meanings. It can be a wrong spelling of some place in outer space called Laos. Or it can mean 'old' (ÀÏ) when you translate it from Chinese. So wah lao can be possibly 'wah old'. The next time you see people using 'wahlao' or 'wahlao eh', what they're trying to say is 'wah you're old' or 'wah you're old eh' if you're nameless.
Hmm...I tried using HansVision to define what 'wah lao' is and they came up with this. ÍÚÀÏ. I think ÍÚ's supposed to mean dig. I dunno. If ÍÚ appears like some picture to you then never mind. Anyway, according to the good people at HansVision, wahlao's supposed to mean 'dig old'. So the next time you see someone or something use 'wahlao', what they're possibly trying to imply are that they're an undertaker. Or the guys at the company dig girls that are a century old. Accck.
Wahlao = you're old
Wahlao eh = you're old, eh (if your name is eh)
Wahlao Dick = you're old, Dick
No thanks to The Grim Weeper
With some help from Her Royal Highness Queen Kelly *bows*
Nah (interjection)
Nah is a 3 letter word. And if you have been reading my definitions of key-words-you-should-have-in-your-vocabulary-but-are-not-in-the-Oxford-or-Cambridge-or-some mouldy-University-dictionary, you should know by now that 3 letter words are extremely dangerous. Oh golly. The most dangerous woman on earth must be Mrs Tan Bee Bee. Which explains her action of banishing a mushroom to sit in solitude at the side bench to smell and harm himself with chemicals. And ordering good people like Huang Yiwei to sit outside a Science Lab and play with ants. And making us mad by vandalizing our homework. And blah blah blah blah blah....
Right. Back to the point. Nah is just a longer term for no. No is just the abbreviation for it so that people do not have to waste ink and time by typing in an extra letter. That's all. However, even though it's meaning is rather simple, it's pronounciation - nah. To be brutally honest, most people pronounce it as Narrrr. The correct pronounciation according to Kylie Minogue should be Nnnn-ah. Or N-aaaahh. I think you should find that song where she goes Nanana like some mad lady. Or you should find that song by Train, drops of Jupiter I think, where they also go Nanana like mad people. There seems to be an infatuation with singers and Nah...maybe they should try 'no' instead. Like
Kylie:"can't get you outta my head, (some garbage), no no no no no no no no no no no no (carry on for an hour)."
Maybe Kylie Minogue should take some Panadol so that she won't get headaches and sing songs that make her sound like she's possesed. Heh. I just found out that if you spell Nah backwards you get Han. And if you jumble the word up you get Ahn. Hmm..isn't there a Korean superstar whose surname is Ahn...maybe I look like him! Ahhhh....
With help from The Grim Weeper
Now what's the name of that song where some guy goes "inside outside outside in" or something like that? I know they're trying to stop people from using KazaA but who cares. I'm not going to pay $18 for a disc that only contains one track that I like....useless money-making geezers working at music companies...aren't you rich enough already!? Come lah police!! Who scared who huh!!? Catch me lah! I download for you to see! Like police also never download lidat...
p.s. If I don't post something new within the next 3 days I'm probably sitting in a police station.