
Friday, September 19

Okay...I'm writing stuff about school today and that's really rare because you hardly ever see me write about what I do in school right? Sooooo...SIT UP AND PAY ATTENTION! EXCLUSIVE POST OF MY SCHOOL LIFE!!! HEAR YE HEAR YE...I know you're thinking "Like I care" right??? HOW DARE YOU lalalaaa ahaaa~.................... *starrrrt* So I'm late for school today again. I'm always late. Why do they start class at 8am sharp! I'm OLD! I need time to walk from the MRT station to school. Or I can view this from another perspective which I've told people about. I can be the celebrity if I'm late. Celebrities are always late. I'm always late so I'm a celebrity. I'm a celebrity dahhh dahh dahh..move to the musiccccccc...

But I'm a very kuku celebrity. The main reason I was late today was because I got off at the wrong MRT station. I'm supposed to alight at Redhill MRT but for some reason that I myself don't know I got off at Queenstown. And I even went down the escalator before realizing that the walls are blue and that the walls of Redhill MRT station are erm, red. Oh well. Get off at wrong MRT stop. Happens to everyone everyday what. WHAAT?? YOU'RE SAYING NO???!! HOW CAN!!?! ehhhhhhhh...on hindsight its kinda true though...very few people get off at the wrong stop without realizing it...lalala....blur OLD me

Now I don't feel about writing about my school life. Because I didn't really do anything much in school today. Apart from blahblahblah and boobooboo and attending to some talk by the founder of 77th Street or whatever I didn't do much. So there. What happened in school today. Nothing much. Finish! Rare mention of my school life! Oh yah...there's something though...the teacher made me play some bad guy role so I was supposed sabotage my team members...and nobody suspected me!!! See I'm too good to be evil. Either that or I'm a conniving, sly, wily old fox. Stay away from me. Yup. End of what I did in school today. Turn into a sly fox.

For some reason I seem to have a connection with some people. There are some people which I always bump into on the train, road, here there everywhere. For example Gabriel. EVERY TIME when I go back to my secondary school without fail I'll see him. And everytime I'm around Jurong Easy MRT too. Like at the bus interchange, shelter, supermarket or even walking along the street I'll see him. Maybe we have some connection. THERE'S MAGNETS IN OUR BODY! arrgrhhh! But he's not the only one that I keep bumping into. Jovin too. I seem to have met him on the MRT for like 1000000 times already. Which is kinda freaky really. Same carriage same door lalaa. But he wore an ugly shirt when I bumped into him on the train for a change.

I think my ego's becoming bigger these few weeks...and thats all my classmates fault! Okay I came into the school humble..okay not humble but something more like trying to keep a low profile but constant sabotage from my classmates has like made my ego bigger. Which means not good and I'm becoming arrogant if your English is terrible. AHH SEE! BIG EGO! For example whenever the teacher, or facilitator as we call them in school, asks for someone to read a passage or someone to do something my name's sure to appear or be shouted out. Which kinda makes me think I'm a celebrity or whatever. BIG EGO right. I'm trying to control it so do bear with me if you find me kind of arrogant these few days. Lalala. IMABIGSUPERSTAR. TONS OF FANS WANT MY AUTOGRAPH lalala okay *bish*

I think I'm someone unconventional. If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman lalalaa...okay listening to too much of that song...Kryptonite yEAH YEAH! oops argh *shutup* Now what. Ahh yup. School life! Very happy with it currently because my results are all VERY consistent. Must take a screenshot and show someday. And it's not easy! You have to perform EVERYDAY because you're graded DAILY and 60% of the final grade of the module is taken from the daily grades. The other 40% come from tests. OKay I know I know...BIG ego

eheheheee I just found out from a friend that a girl wants to know me. eheheheeh okay *shutup* SUPERSTAR! not you xiuhui! ME!!! lalalalla