
Saturday, October 4

Question & Answer Time
uhhahaa...messy entry here...to ask questions go the right column theres ask question thingy there blahblahblah...DONT press the button without changing the question blahblahblah

  • Ask Kok

    "Your mum dont have other better name to name u issit?" - Fadzhil Suhairi

    Fuzzy I will go to school and punch you! How many times you'd have to ask me this! GRRRRR

    "why are you so weird?" - Anonymous

    NOW WHO ASKED THIS HOW DARE YOU....uhahhaaa...I don't know really....EVERYBODY'S WEIRD! I'm NOT the weird one! WRONG THINKING! most people see (or I think they do) me as a bumbling clumsy fool or something like that.

    AHH okay poll!
    WHat you'd see Kokkai as????

    Useless pervert 1%
    Macho Strong Handsome Dude -5%
    Bumbling clumsy fool 80%
    Bamboo Stick 2%
    Bird (Chicken, Ostrich etc) 18%
    Nothing. Normal. 1%
    Old grouchy fella 3%

    Okay its final! I self-declare that most people see me as a bumbling clumsy fool

    "fadzhil sucks right" - Hafidz Tan

    erm...no Tan Muhammad Hafidzuddiin Bin Abdul Hadi (why ur name so long one) you didn't ask this...I asked this...was TESTING the thing what!!

    "Got Question?" - Your Optional Name


  • Comments. Some.

    "i got to know about your site from the sit discussion forum. i think you loook real cute and your writings are real funny. are you interested to be friends?" -a girl from rp

    OH MY. You're welcome.

    "You better stop all your crap!...(blahblahblahblahblah)...the admistrator." -alvin chua

    yayayaya...you're making assumptions...I'm going to be undiplomatic and launch a (foul) tirade here because its MY blog....on what grounds can you claim I'm the one who posted up the URL for everyone to see and not the actual poster of the message...what PROOF do you have that I'm trying to "boast" about my blog...I don't even intend to publicize the site to RP people as the school is unfortunate enough to have snot-nosed nincompoops like you who must poke their nose into everything and plaster their name everywhere without tact. I can't please everybody so be it...if you don't have anything nice to say then shut your big quibbling filthy mouth up. This blog IS supposed to be crap. I had intended it to be crap from Day ONE so stop all your false tactless insensitive assumptions you filthy piece of snotty monkey spit. Stop poking your irritating nose into everything...who the hell you think you are huh? You don't own the school. Simply, LEARN WHEN TO SHUT UP BASTARD. But then again I thought whatever senseless comments you left were a joke. Showcases how stupid and insensitive some people are. Get a girlfriend dude. She'll teach you how to be more sensitive to other people's feelings. lallaaaa I don't think you'll ever read this but I don't want to make enemies so let's allow this matter to rest. *peace* lallalala


    Entrant Number 4: Alvin Chua
    Crime: Defamation

    I haven't got my Hall Of Shame up....once I do everybody watch out lalallaaa...
