Wednesday, June 16
we, at The Incredible Kok, pride ourselves on nothing. Absolutely nothing. That's why you keep being forced to read trashy stuff on this site. We thought you might like to know who's behind all this trashy stuff, the people who bring you the very good stuff you're reading now. Okay this paragraph is rubbish. Please scroll down a bit because we're too lazy to figure out why there's one large space here.ABOUT US |
Mr Kok
Hi! I'm the guy who writes all the rubbish you read on this page. Pleasedontdefacemypictureplease
thankyouverymuchiloveyouall. |
Paul Punk
yo yo yo wassup my lil' dudey you got any bling bling rightaa
there this peeper here ain't gimme a lot of the bling blang bling so yeah yeah
i sacrifice my lil mojo to have some bling bling so i can to my thang and go bo-peeping
and with my fellas and down some doughwahey. wassssupppppppp *PEASE*
Nicolas Stewart Lee II
I am rich.
I am so bloody rich.
And I am going to sue Mr Kok for putting my picture between two MORONIC IDIOTS.
Now stop staring at me. STOP STARING AT ME! |