Wednesday, March 2
have you noticed how guys walk? i do. okay so you're sitting there thinking i'm some kind of pervert who stares at every person's feet and follow them around to see how they walk but no i dhon't do that. okay maybe once or twice. but i've seen the way some guys walk and its bloody getting on my nerves!
Look at the video. Ever notice how some guys walk like this?!! FOR GOD'S SAKE WHAT IS THIS?! are they on springs or heels or what? and i've noticed the behaviour of the guys that walk like this - they act in a way similar to gays. or you know the way guys in the fashion industry act. all the darrrr-ling and that drawl in their voices and whatever garbage. THIS IS THE WAY THEY WALK I THINK. And you have these guys in school whom you see with girls EVERYTIME with their super white stupid adidas shoes with those colored stripes which I frankly think are passe and look stupid.
Stereotyping and sweeping statements poppycock but who cares! I don't care I'm throwing all that out of the window! I think guys who walk like that are all gays and chao ah guas! and I ostracize gays! although they're always around girls which might not be a bad thing though.
This is how proper guys should walk. it comes to you natually. They teach you this in the army, boys brigade, scouts, NCC, NPCC, PCC, ABC, 123 everywhere too. only in countries like China where stomping your feet and walking like robots or in Krygryzstan where they twirl around in circles and shout 'gobbedlygook!' when they march they call it marching. Otherwise the rest of the world march and mumble 'left right left right' repetitively or in Singapore's case 'lerb rite luve rite lub ritee lebbbbbb' or 'i love mickey mouse' or whatever. but the point is nobody, NOBODY, NOBODYYYYYYYYY teaches you to walk on your toes.
so to recap:

and you should never walk like that.

otherwise you're a faggoty chao ah gua who wears white adidas striped shoes with no hair on your legs. if you're are a female then its perfectly fine to walk like this becuase girls tend to be bouncier in more than one area but guys should be bouncy in one area only. BOUNCY IN ONE AREA. stupid chao ah guas who get on my nerves everytime i see them walk by.