Kok can cook (not really), so can you!
Saturday, August 6
The other day I was thirsty and walked into the kitchen looking for orange juice. But no! Chicken backside! My mum saw me and asked me to cook! I'll probably have to go to Chiang Rai in Thailand for 2 weeks in September and I'll have to cook my own meals there so my mum insisted that I cook, because instant noodles are about the only thing I can cook properly. I didn't cook up a storm but anything Kok can cook, you can cook (better)! And I've just counted and realized that I've used 'cook' 7 times in this paragraph. Say yay!
Here's what I came up with:
 Overcooked onion omelette that's 'broken' because I made a mess trying to flip it over.
 Stupid fried tofu that kept on spattering oil while cooking. And why did my mum put so much chili when she knows I'm a terrible spice eater!!?
 I have no idea what this is. It tasted like chicken and tasted like fish. My mum just threw all these stuff into the wok and asked to to 'flip it here and there'
remember, Kok can cook, so can you! and the moral of this haphazard post is that once you teach a japanese guy how to make instant noodles, you feed stupid guys who can't cook for a lifetime.