
'very good!'
Thursday, January 5

This morning I went to the hospital because the big green monstrous thing called the Army said so. I was there for some heart scan because the nerdy army doctor who checked on me in an earlier medical and saw me in my full glory decided there was something funny with my heart and decided to waste some taxpayers money to check on it. At least there was nothing funny about some other part where the sun doesn't shine that needed checking! That part is more important than the heart okay!!! (And that last line rhymed okay!)

So with only 2 hours sleep (I was up till 5am watching...you guessed it! The Simpsons!!! say yay!!!), I dragged myself to the hospital for the scan and it turned out to be some Biology lesson for the technician over there instead. Lying on the bed and hearing the doctor ask the technician who's doing the scanning to point out to him the 'Left Anterior' and 'Pulmonary Artery' and hearing the technican point them all out wrongly isn't the most assuring thing you know. And hearing the technician mumbling something about lots of white things while scanning too.

But anyway, at the end of it, the doctor said my heart was 'very good!' and that nothing was wrong and that the army sent me there really to be a test subject for aliens in disguise at the hospital who had promised not to attack Planet Earth in return for human test subjects (okay I made that up).

So erm, yeah, I have a 'very good' heart. :)