Friday, August 1
I work part time at a newspaper, and I go into this department called Prepress every week to collect the next day's newspaper to cross-check articles. Essentially, they do mock-up printing, but they type out some of the obituaries there also I think. I've seen some aunties staring very hard at obituaries over there!
At the entrance of Prepress is a fish tank with goldfish inside.

Look closely. Notice there are fish upside down in the centre? They just stay like that, gasping. The goldfish at the right corners hardly move. Every week I go in and the fish in the tank are like that. Dying and lifeless. Nobody does anything about these fish!
I've been told that goldfish might have some temporal condition that makes them like that. But still, what an eyesore!
Sometimes I wonder if the fish are like that because they do the obituaries there.
[Update - 13th August] I noticed the fish tank was gone when I went in today! In its place are 2 phones and a sign that says that nobody is to use those phones.