Tuesday, February 25
'O'h Level results will be out on Friday and can be collected at 2.30pm from the school. Like I care.
Results of my study on why people feel like peeing in the lift are up.
Report/Reasons on why people often want to pee in the lift
1.They feel confined and get nervous.
2.Lift air has some bladder stimulant
3.Just happen to need to go everytime
4.Person drunk
5.Cool to tell people you peed in the lift
6.Lift looks like a loo
7.Nothing better to do
8.Naughty people want to be naughty
9.So they can save on the water bill by not using toilet at home
10.You like to hear the alarm sound when you urinate
11.You want to spoil the lift for some reason
12.Thought was a cubicle
13.Person has too much money and wants to pay $500 fine
14.Person prefers lift to smell of ammonia
15.You hate the cleaner