
Thursday, March 13

Just saw a picture of Jamie Yeo and damn her t*ts look nice.

Went to help out at the school's (CTSS) sports heats...and they are still as dodgy in their organisation as ever. We complete like 2 races and then we have to stop because of rain. And then we continue and stop for like this for the next hour before they decide to ignore the rain and just run. And godamnit that makes it more worrying for us medical people as the possibility of them slipping increases. Nobody actually slipped but there was this guy who got a tear in his upper thigh and Mr Chia had to dial 995. 995! Those 995 ambulance people look like nerds.

Got really irritated by screen 'graffiti' while watching American Idol. Previously it was just that small channel logo at the top right or left hand corner of the screen. Now they put all sorts of rubbish like what's the next show, what's showing on Wednesday or some stupid message nobody actually bothers about. Stupid messages like these block like a quarter of your screen and goddamnit that makes it darn hard to read stuff you want to know like names of people etc. There's this SMS message thing on AMI which is even worse. Some comments are really lame like Wheel of Fortune Singapore is and it makes you really want to beat up the person who sent in the message. Makes you really want to hack into the TV station's computers and put up a big red "HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS" in the center of the screen for the producers to see. If I ever own a TV station the first person I'll sack is the person who thought of this.