Thursday, October 16
One day I am going to report ABUSE of my ask question thingy on the right column. STOP ABUSING IT!
"u got gf" - monster
Now I have absolutely no idea why monsters want to know if I have a girlfriend but hmm....lets just say *undisclosed*
"u got gf" - monster (I know who you are...Goat)
Same question! ABUSE!
"kok" - Your Optional Name (I know who you are...Bryan)
Yeah? Oh yah YOU...I'll foul you the next time I play soccer with you.
"Got Question?" - Your Optional Name
[add Friday]
"Got Milk?" - Your Optional Name
I'm not a cow! Maybe HL milk. But if you're referring to some other 'milk' then err...
1. So is the earth round or flat ? Cognitive Processes
2. Do you agree on multi racial relationship? and why ? Culture & Communication
3. so is the water frm air better or the bottled water ? Cognitive Processes
4. so can we use predictions when counting stars ? Cognitive Processes
5. which is bigger ? chicken? elephant? dinosaur? Cognitive Processes
6. so do you agree that all balls bounce? Cognitive Processes
7. how do u define fat and beauty? Cognitive Processes
8. wad is social concept? Cognitive Processes
9. how do u do the working for inverse ? Computing Maths I
10. wad is permutation ? Computing Maths I
11. wad is the diff between permutation n combination? Computing Maths I- Kokky Pokky
JUSTIN! I really have to bow to didn't come to school today yet you can still find a way to disturb me...WHY YOU STILL ASK THESE QUESTIONS...LESSONS ARE OVER! I'm sick of school! I even added in green what MODULE these questions come from GRRR. And who says I'm the expert in Cognitive processes...that's rubbish
Sigh. I'll answer your questions one by one Justin.
1. The Earth is ROUND for god's sake.
2. Depends on individual perception. Most Singaporeans are not ready to accept this yet.
3. Short term, bottled water better in terms of $$. Long term, water from air better.
4. Sure
5. Dinosaur
6. Balls between legs don't
7. Through individual perception and social concepts.
8. a concept that is built up over years by many people thinking the same way I think
9. Find determinant (ad-bc) first then 1/det * (d, -b, -c, a)
10. Permutation is a way to find the ways of choosing an object from many.
11. Order is not important in combination, and conversely, it is in permutation.
sigh...bad friday. gonna prolly spend my evening writing something again.
[add + add]
"So is the earth round of flat?" - TA0302
its epillisical
"So is the earth round of flat?" - TA0302
THERE! okays its not triangular. ITS ROUND OKAY!
"now you reminds me of glenn ong LOL" - yup, my optional name
*speechless* AHHHH? GLENN ONG? why him uhahaaa hmm *honored*
[add + add + add] (((lazy to do a new post)))
"balls between legs can bounce also" - wahaha
No they don't! Why don't you go and do some Jumping Jacks...balls on chests can bounce too...1,2,3,4,2,2,3,4 ahh *out of point* getting disgusting this question
why do u have to bow to me when u r my brother ? shouldn't I be the 1 respecting u?
n y must the earth b round? can't it change it's shape?
How cum my dog can speak so well ? - Kokky Pokky
JUSTIN! You can't live a day without disturbing me can't you? Hmm please take note that:
I am NOT your brother. WRONG PERSON! Neither are Lewis nor Jinjie my brothers. Nobody treats me seriously but I'm not bothered by that. I just wish some would see there's a serious side of me though.
I don't know if the Earth can change its shape...only Mickey Mouse knows the answer
Contact Guinness Book of (Round) World Records if you have a dog that can speak
Nobody calls you Kokky Pokky. That's mine.
You make a terrible imposter of me
which one do u prefer? ur brother kokky pokky or kelly? alan ? mark? or lulu? - Corky Pokky
Eh? Kelly? MArk? hmmm...Alan. Because I can bully him. Lalala~
So I'm uber pissed right now. I just had a most unintelligent and unstimulating conversation ever with someone. Doesn't know what slackers are, doesn't know grades for a test are out, doesn't know what's going on, WHY EVEN BOTHER TO COME SCHOOL. I'm trying to be polite but its hard when someone keeps on asking you stupid questions. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR now I really appreciate intellectual people. Thank god most people I know now possess intellect.
"By the way, you seemed rather moody today, Kok Kai. I am available if you need someone to talk to." - David Lee
Okay so at least my teacher/lecturer/facilitator noticed on Friday. I AM FREAKIN PISSED OFF WITH SLACKERS. Can't you at least take initiative? Or at least try? Don't just say 'cannot find information' when you didn't even try! What I'm more unhappy about though is that you can pass when you've practically played or chatted your way through 14 get a C for the daily grade...but that's still a pass..which is basically SHIT because I seriously don't believe you deserve it. I'm not saying I've not slacked before...I do...BUT AT LEAST I TRY TO CONTRIBUTE...WILL YOU STOP PLAYING YOUR F*CKING GAME OR STOP YOUR F*CKING CHAT AND DO SOME WORK. sigh.....forget it. I'll just endure 2 more weeks of this SHIT.