what MSN display picture are you?
Sunday, July 31
I'll have you know that I took 12 hours to write an entire post but when I tried to publish it bloody blogger asked me to login. When I login-ed my entire post was gone. I managed to recover some of the original post but being the idiot person that I am I didn't save that part and now I have to start from scratch again. Bloody security.
Right then, MSN Messenger has been around like forever but they only had a display picture function and some fascinating display pictures when they released MSN Messenger 6. Then they released MSN Messenger 7 which contained lots of rubbish like personal messages (what are they for?) and winks which don't really wink. They also installed lots of rubbish like MSN toolbar and shortcuts when you only wanted Messenger. When will MSN understand that a computer is like a home - if I place my furniture that way don't come into my house and rearrange my furniture! And don't bring in your ugly furniture in with you too! But I digress.

The MSN display pictures that come with it are very nice and tell a lot about someone. Today I will help you in demystifying what those pictures mean and help you pinpoint out which default display picture you should be using!
 Orange Daisy This flower is orange and plastic. It looks fake. It is probably fake. Where have you ever seen an orange daisy before? If you're love orange you'd probably love this picture. People likely to use this picture are florists who sell fake flowers, florists who sell orange flowers, people who have fake parts like Michael Jackson, gay guys, and people who are rather fake.
 Soccer Ball Most people would think that only soccer fans would put the soccer ball as their display picture. Well they're wrong. Soccer fans will never put this picture as their display picture. Soccer fans will put an image of their favourite player or favourite team as their display picture! This ball is a disgrace! You can't even kick it properly!
I remember back in secondary school during a PE lesson, my jumbo sized classmate was dribbling towards the corner flag. I ran over and did a sliding tackle on him and he fell. ON ME. All 80kg of meat on me! I think he did it on purpose! He probably kicks soccer balls around aimlessly and waits for skinny people to come near him and pretend to fall over and squash them! Therefore, I think the only people who put this as their display picture are those owners of toy manufacturing companies who take great pride in manufacturing these lousy plastic balls, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, crazy people who chase round things the whole day and jumbo sized classmates who like to squash their skinny classmates.
 Chess Pieces This picture is one for the true blue nerds and war strategists. Which means that those like arguing on whether Dostoyevsky's writings have any connection with Marxism and computer programmers will fancy this picture. This display picture also makes people look intelligent, at least for the first few minutes when you're talking with them. Another group of people who will be using this picture are those who are thinking in their minds right now that the black queen should eat the white rook, and others likely to use this picture are prime ministers and army generals.
 Beach Chairs If you use this as your display picture you are in dire need of a holiday and are probably very stressed up. Or you are some kind of horny guy who hopes to find out one day if there's a hot bikini babe sitting behind those chairs sipping lemonade. You need to relax! If you're a sporty beach bum you'd probably be also putting this as your display picture. People likely to put this as their display picture are crazy people, managers, hotel staff, perverts, volleyball players and surfers.
 Rocket Launch KABOOM! A rocket's taking off! You're probably an explosive person - which means people who put this are likely to have short tempers, scream all the time for no reason, or like playing with explosives. Which mean you are likely to be primary school teachers that get angry with students who don't write the date or registration number on their worksheets, engineers, army sergeants, and terrorists.
 Rubber Duck The politically safe and very yellow rubber duck would indicate that you are still young at heart, and are well, a rather boring person actually. The most commonly used MSN picture, you're a stable, strong, nice and reliable person, but there's nothing really interesting about you. You're a person who doesn't fit into any of the other display pictures! Pick up a weird hobby, change your display picture today!
 Friendly Dog I've never really liked dogs after being scared by one when I was a little boy, and I think this dog looks disgusting. Don't you think so? But never mind! People who all put this display picture might look disgusting or scary, but underneath that facade, they're all loyal and friendly, happy people. Dogs should not put this as a display picture or they'll end up barking at this picture.
 Dirt Bike You're an adventure seeker eh? You're a high flyer eh? You're a daredevil eh? This is the picture for you! People who put this display picture tend to be of the daring sort and are confident. And tough. You don't care about your safety and only want the best. People likely to put this picture are drivers who recieve traffic summons for speeding and bikers who recieve traffic summons for speeding.
 Palm Trees This is a stupid picture. Stupid people use this.
 Running Horses These horses aren't running, and similarly, WHY WOULD ANYBODY WOULD WANT TO PUT 2 HORSES AS A DISPLAY PICTURE??! WHY??! Because they like it! I think this is a nice charming little picture.
 Skateboarder If you understand what the following rubbish from Missy Elliott means, this is the picture for you.
Musi ques I sews on bews I pues a twos on que zat Pue zoo My kizzer Pous zigga ay zee Its all kizza Its always like Its all kizza Its always like Na zound Wa zee Wa zoom zoom zee
What MSN display picture are you?
pop quiz!
Saturday, July 23
I don't have any remotely interesting rubbish to put up here, so I'll do the next best thing - I'll create a music quiz!
In the file above I have selected the beginnings to 12 different songs, by different artistes and from different genres. These 12 songs should be pretty easy to guess because all of them are pretty mainstream or pretty recent stuff and are erm, pretty. They're all in alphabetical order too (bands which have 'The' start from T) and you should at least be able to identify who did the bloody song if you listen to English stuff regularly.
For those who actually are going to bother to guess because you have nothing better to do like me, thank you and it'll obviously be hard to remember all your answers at one go, so what you can do is to use the most underused button - the pause button - between songs. If you've forgotten what the pause button looks like there's no need to be worried because I've forgotten what it looks like too so what we can do again here is to try and randomly click some boring looking button and hope it pauses the file.
Happy guessing!
p.s. i think the pause button looks like this - || - so exciting!!!
Friday, July 22
i drank a mug of (free) latte from Starbucks for dinner. today was a fine day too.
Thursday, July 21
i ate swedish meatballs for dinner again. today was a fine day.
Wednesday, July 20
i'm not sure what i ate for dinner today, but i think it tasted like chicken and there was some coleslaw somewhere. other than that today was a fine day.
Tuesday, July 19
i ate swedish meatballs for dinner. today was a fine day.
Monday, July 18
why is it you can never get a cab whenever you really need one? i ate spaghetti with shredded chicken for dinner. today was a fine day.
Sunday, July 17
I have nothing to write here so starting tomorrow, I have decided that I will write about my day for 5 days from Monday to Friday. Say yay!
Today We Will Count Sheep Day
Monday, July 11

Hello everybody, it's Today We Will Count Sheep Day again! Flex your sheep counting skills today! This time round it's not easy aspiring sheep counters and shepherds but give it a go -- if you're lazy to count make a guess anyway :]

bottom left hand area. Are there ONE or TWO sheep on the left?
today is a fine day.
Sunday, July 3
I think people these days are all too stressed. I say that after going through 8 weeks of classes in a class where almost everybody has a penis and we are in some kind of boys town or gay class or nightmare.
My class is made up of like 20 guys and 5 girls - the girls are there to do the Powerpoint slides and figure out Excel which is like the toughest program to use in the world (you need like, a degree, to use Excel! B.Sc in Microsoft Excel!) while most of the guys spend the whole day talking rubbish and playing UNO. The guys take 5 mins to look at the question, realise they don't understand a word of it, and then decide they're hungry and go down to the canteen and spend the next 2 hours eating.
I haven't really felt any stress being in the class. I'm pleased with my grades. My grades are actually like, better. And from there we can derive that when you're not stressed you actually do better. And when you think about it you realise that there's really no reason for you to be all that stressed, all that pressured, all that busy etc. What for?! WHAT FORGARJHHGDJHGSH!?!?!
If you can't complete your work its not the end of the world. If you fail a test it's not the end of the world. If you can't solve a problem it's not the end of the world. If you fail a test it's not the end of the world. If you don't get a job its not the end of the world. If you fail to balance properly and fall while standing on a rickety old bridge that crosses a pit full of hot molten lava and breathing monsters it is kinda the end of the world though. Unless your name is Jackie Chan or Gandalf or something like that. Take things slowly, but not too slowly; learn at your own pace, but if you usually take 10 years to learn something new then you better do something else; relax and you'll find a way to work things out or they'll simply work themselves out. Either that or someone else will be more stressed with the additional work he has to do because you're er, relaxing and waiting and stuff.
I shall call this condition stressitis. Stressitis is a fairly common condition that lots of people suffer. They work too much, they worry too much, they waste their brain juice for nothing, they shorten their lives!!! However, not to worry! The Kok Theory will provide a free diagnosis on whether you have stressitis. All you have to do is just scroll through the 8 pictures below. If you feel stressed or depressed after looking at any picture, you probably have stressitis and need to relax and lighten up on life.
 all your answers are wrong
 you, a guy, don't know the answer to this question.
 you fail your exam.
 you pass but you're still not happy and think you could have done better.
 your stupid Physics teacher writes all over and vandalizes the graph you spent an hour drawing and worse, deducts marks just because she thinks you have 'too dark crosses'. bummer.
 you sign in to MSN and everybody is Away or Busy.
 the letter C
Once again, if you feel stressed or depressed after looking at any of the 8 pictures, you have stressitis and need to relax and lighten up on life! It's not the end of the world! There's no need to be so stressed! If you still feel comfortably relaxed, good! Stay happy and stress free!