Simon Ng.
Wednesday, March 29

No, I'm not adopting Simon as a name. I'm fine with Kok even though it sounds rude.
Rather, I've been going through and catergorizing quite a number of blogs these few days, and there was an entry in one of them that struck something in me. It touched on relationships and people on the Internet, and the fact that people remain "alive" on the Internet.
Friendster was used as an example - Friendster doesn't delete people even if they haven't logged in since 2004. They're still people, with hobbies, interests, friends, testimonials and all that, even after they die. I've got one person who's passed away in my friend's list but her account and pictures are still there and she remains "alive".
Another example was the blog of this Simon guy who was murdered.
I don't know whether this piece of news was ever published in Singapore, or anybody read this before but Simon Ng was this young student in New York who was tied up by his unknown attacker in his apartment and repeatedly stabbed till he died, together with his sister, on May 12 2005. Only moments earlier Simon had written what was to be his last blog entry.
The police used his blog later to identify the murderer. Here's Simon's chilling last entry.
The picture above was taken from Simon's personal photos. Simon is still alive on the Internet, at least. You'll never die on the Internet.
(News Article)