
Saturday, April 17

Hey there.....

So yeah....I took down the old blog and I'm gonna change the entire thing because a certain Miss Cheong Jiashan had problems viewing it...I don't know why she couldn't...my guess is that there were some settings with some multimedia I used on my blog in the past that conflicted with her laptop/PC settings yadayadayadayada...my initial idea that made me stick to the previous look and feel for more than a year was for familiarity....but I think it kinda became 'too familiar' and stale. So I took this template from somewhere else (I like The Simpsons) and kinda just erm, pasted it in! I think you can see that I cant be bothered to even edit the links at the side properly and host the image myself ahhaa...temporary I guess until I can be arsed to modify this thing here or do one myself during the holidays (p.s. 'tis my holidays now) ;)