Today We Will Count Sheep Day
Thursday, August 11

It's that time of the month again - no not that one where the girls get angry and act all funny for no reason - it's Today We Will Count Sheep Day!
This month's picture is a page from my train-book. What the fjdhakjfhaaasfduio (pronounced fur-dhark-jurf-haa-surf-dui-o) is a train-book you say? A train-book is a book you read only on terrible train rides in the morning because you don't have anything better to do other than planning the best route to squeeze out of the train when it reaches your station. My current train-book is 'A Wild Sheep Chase' by Haruki Murakami and its kinda interesting if you're into psychological thriller stuff, but if you're not its just some crap written by one of those wacko Japanese guys you see trying to eat their foot on TV everyday.
Right then, how many sheep are there this time?