Ramly Burger Testimonial 2
Monday, January 23
If you remember a few days back I bought a Ramly burger and slept through the night till the morning for 13 hours straight which meant I ended up not completing some schoolwork. I sent in my stuff late the next day and told my lecturer exactly what happened.

It's the truth what!
Anyway, for some ridiculous reason or other some people have NEVER seen a Ramly burger before. Must be from Krygrgystan where they try to eat their foot and lick their armpits everyday these people.
 So here's what a Ramly burger looks like. Okay so that's a terrible drawing but it has some yellow stuff, some brown stuff, some green stuff, some red stuff and some horrible tasting stuff. Like all proper burgers.
Today I bought another Ramly burger despite the health warnings I've recieved from some 'concerned' people. Like 'HA!!!' and 'whatever!', I want to sleep for 13 hours and dream about being stuck in a room with naked girls again! You can't stop me with that warning! I need more meat and oil if I'm gonna be stuck in a room with naked girls anyway!
Sadly I only slept for 4 hours this time and didn't get stuck in a room with girls, but when I woke up and turned on the TV, whaddayaknow, they're showing Victoria's Secret Fashion Show! POWWERRR