Wednesday, March 30
It is that time of the year again, the annual beauty pageant where we source out not very beautiful girls from all over the country, to send to a random South American country you've never heard of, and in the process see these girls massacred and uglified by students from hairstyling school and makeup artist wannabes.
A new queen to replace the awful one crowned last year will be decided in a coupled of days, and this year's batch is visibly more promising (and relieving). I am no handsome hunk, I know nothing about makeup, my taste in girls may be suspect sometimes, but I am a guy ultimately and all guys know how to grade how girls look. We have rankings from 0-5 stars, Band 1-4, A1-F9, A to B+ to B etc but I'm not going to use any of them here, I'm going to give my 2 cents worth on our not so beautiful girls. If anybody would bother.
Before I start I thought I should defend myself like everybody does for doing superficial things like this. These girls chose to be in the limelight they are subject to criticism shouldnt judge when i dont know them blahblahblah chee ko peks masturbating to them in bikinis blahblahblah i'm a blunt stupid bastard blahblahblahblahblah. there. enough of my crap now, let's (sc)roll.
 Natasha Riard
I don't like bouffant hair. I think that makes people look kind of old if not done properly. I saw some of her casual photos and she looked quite okay and fresh in them though. I think she's about the only who hasn't been massacred by the stylist. I have a gut feeling she's going to be one of the front runners too.
 Jacqueline Ong
I don't like the way she looks. It's just a personal opinion. She just looks very awkward to me. She looks like she should be in a kimono in this picture anyway
 Crystal Kang
She looks like an Ah Lian here. Someone showed me her Friendster pictures and I wouldn't say she looked very nice in them either. And she's kinda struggling to keep her dress up eh - look at how low it is
 Swyn Teo
Never noticed her before. but I can see this face modeling cosmetics though. and nice glossy lips.
 Yvonne Lim
She has this girl-next-door look I think. Looks like the girl you grew up with and are shocked to find out she's become a woman and is in a beauty pageant one day.
 Arwyn Siah
She's an SQ flight stewardess, has a LOTR-esqe name, and I think looks quite decent in the casual pics, only that she's a victim of the stylist and photographer here. Bad angle, bad bouffant hair again, and why are your eyebrows arched - you're not going to kill Frodo are you?
 Linderr Jasni
I think she hit the nail on the head when she said probably was SMSed into this round as one of the top 3 because the Malay community was rooting for her. I've seen prettier Malay girls. And for these girls' sake SACK THE BLOODY HAIRSTYLIST! terrible hair.
 Jing Mok
her real name is actually Mok Jing Jing, and if you recall, a ditzy girl played by Jeanette Aw in Holland V had a similar name. Jing Mok isn't really as cute as Mo Jing Jing is. she looks awful to me. with terrible hair yet again, looks like too much hair spray was used.
 Jeannie Fong
I HAVE to go on about the bouffant hair. This is one prime example. Don't you think she looks like some auntie here with the big awful do and all? Otherwise I think she looks like some polytechnic student in the pictures where she lets her hair down.
 Lorraine Lai
she's the first one who made me notice that the girls are wearing silver earstuds. looks quite alright. looks like a Lux girl too.
 May Ng
i think of a fruit when i see her, no bouffant hair however, but will probably be making up the numbers.
 Ivy Lai
another one that will make up the numbers. don't really fancy her, doesnt really have the X factor, but then again not all the other contestants have that too. she has the biggest boobs though.
 Rebecca Lim
she's one of us (or most of us), she just got out of junior college, and naturally i'll be rooting for people my age. she's sweet looking, tad plain though. i won't be surprised if she gets into the top 3, but honestly i can't see her winning the whole thing.
 Blyss Chin
don't like her, she looks old in this picture, think her best shot is at portraying a pixie-like image. does anybody remember whether she was in The New Paper's New Face search before? the same year Dawn from CTSS was. she seems familiar.
 Cheryl Tay
quite alright. looks classy and elegant here to me.
 Destiny Ong
sweet looking, cherubic face, weird Taiwan-esqe name (Vanness, Show, Fish, Milk?!!? Hello can I speak to Milk? sounds weird doesnt it?), looks even better when she lets her hair down, but her face definitely isn't one of a model.
 Ling Lee
quite fresh and alright looking, even though the hair makes her resemble a horse. i don't know if i was dreaming or they changed the material on the website, but i thought i read some stuff on her having skinny dipped before. maybe that was someone else.
 Edwina Tan
she has this i-don't-like-taking-pictures look. she looks like she's from the Victorian era to me in this pose. like bonnets and shawls would fit her fine. her lipstick color is different, and doesnt look very appropriate - sack the makeup artist too!!!
my picks: Cheryl Tay, Natasha Riard, Rebecca Lim. and Ling Lee the horse girl as the dark horse.
however, knowing the judges of Miss Singapore tend to be pudgy TV executives in suits and pasty faced salon owners that pick the girl they would most like to see their son bring home (i.e. most auntie looking), i'm not too optimistic that they'll choose any of those i've picked.
Catch the Grand Final live on Saturday, 7.30pm, Channel 5, home of your favourites and pudgy TV executives, with your hosts, Gurmit Singh, Nadya Hutagalung and Jaymee Ong. Jaymee Ong's way hotter than any of the contestants isnt she?
who are your picks?