why do the Japanese get everything?!!
Thursday, June 9

I know a lot of my friends say Coldplay is garbage, but i'm going to say this anyway. Coldplay's new album X&Y is out. I've got it. Have you?
Okay now that I've said that, I've got another issue with Coldplay. Their new album has a bonus track, which is supposedly bloody damn good as some people on the net say, BUT OF ALL THE GODDAMN PEOPLE IN THE WORLD THEY GIVE IT TO THE JAPANESE. THE JAPANESE!!?? they cant even SPICK ENGRISH!!!!!!!!! much more listen to some British rock band like Coldplay!!!! what did the Japanese do to get that extra song nobody there will appreciate!? swear they'll never throw A-bombs again? swear their prime minister will cut his hair? swear they'll fall for more gimmick marketing stuff from the Europeans? swear they'll do more stupid stuff so the rest of the world can laugh at them? ALL THEY BLOODY DO IS INVENT WEIRD STUFF!!!!! POKEMON, DIGIMON, DORAEMON, WHATEVERMON, HENTAI, MISO SOUP THE JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! ONLY THEIR AV STARS HAVE SEX!!!!!! THEY'RE ALL CRAZY!!!!!! YAMASHITA!!!!! KANEBO!!!
However, if you're Japanese and happen to listen to Coldplay and happen to have bought the new album and happen to speak good English and happen to have an extra song called 'How You See The World' then I will take back all that I've said above and say the Japanese are not crazy and have lots of sex, in exchange for that particular song. Thank you and sorry.