
I can sing a rainbow. And my rainbow will turn out all blue and black because of my bad singing.
Friday, May 20

Today I have decided to be a nice guy and make lots of people happy and stop complaining about cockroaches flying around my room. Australia's tourism board got Delta Goodrem to sing the nursery song 'I Can Sing A Rainbow' and used it as a jingle for an advertisement campaign and voila! Everybody loves it! Everybody sings it when they're showering! Everybody sings along when it plays before Star Wars III starts! Seeing how popular that song is, I will provide you with a link to the video and a .mp3 file of the song! Say yayyyyyy!

Talk like Yoda here, I will.
The full length advertisement, this is.
You can only see the full length one in cinemas here in Singapore, I think.
They play it in cinemas before Star Wars so kids won't get scared by Darth Vader and join the dark side, I think.
(right-clicking here and choosing 'save target as', download by)

Delta Goodrem singing, this is. Encoded from the video, it is.

Okay I'll stop talking like Yoda.
This is me with a stupid fake accent.
(please don't download)

Please don't download too much though because I put it up on the school server and they'll make noise if they discover I'm distributing my horrible music. You can download the Delta Goodrem one all you want though because I don't think its been commercialised yet. Actually I don't care if I get into trouble with the school. Let's download more music!

I'd love to go Australia, Sydney especially (or Monash/Curtin Uni!), but I'd have no money to do anything after I fly there. I want to go Bangkok too but I'd have no money to shop or do anything too after spending on the airfare and hotel stay. I should go get a job whacking cockroaches or charge people money for downloading this song. the iKok store!