
Thursday, September 22

What do you get when you cross an elephant and an undertaker? A broken coffin and hearse? A wrestling match? A whole lot of bang wham shoosh slam bam ding dong kapow? Or a mysterious dark fella riding through the cemetery in the night?

Okay let's put that all away for now. That was dumb. But you do get something when you cross online chatting programs and tweens who want to be the super duper uber coolest person on the planet and invent their own bang wham shoosh slam bam ding dong kapowed-up language and lingo. I think I'll call this bang wham shoosh slam bam ding dong kapow mangled up stuff Tweenish.

miis euu ?.. *yawnn* hahax x
sho long tym diin contact lerr hehex x
budd.. neber mind.. cux HOLIDAE cummiin ler
start WORKIN ler.. hehex X
cannot go find job first horx..
mux work tgt horx..
or else ii * ahh' biish * euu =)
miis de tym we all work tgt..
holidae mux contact us le..
OR ELSE....! ! hurhurr~
we BOOM uur fone..hehex x
stae cute woorx
I look at the passage, and I have to look at it again to realise that among the diin's and biish's its something about someone telling someone not to find a job too soon otherwise that person's phone will end up being boom-ed. Whatever booming the phone is.

YoYo !!!! Mi lOnG LoSt PrI
ScH FrZ KeEkEeX !!! BuT nW fOuNd le
GdGd ThAnKs 4 aDdInG =)

TiS HoLiDaE LeTs mEeT Up sUm dAe
N Go oUt !!! YeAyEa ... hMmHmM
ShEsHeShE ErM... KiNd , fRiEnDlY,
CuTe !!! TaKeCaRe!!! CyA sOoN
For this one I took very long to read it. Because I had to read it very slowly. Because it was so bloody hard to read. Because you have to process every single letter in your mind and piece them all together to get a word, which after using so much brain juice happens to be 'Keekeex'. That's not cool.

then we have the long elongated word combined with some Tweenish. Which actually looks kinda cool for a while but when you see everything the person has typed is like that you wonder whether that person's spacebar is working.

Now I'm not a stickler for perfect English. I don't really speak proper English. But I do get irritated when I see horrendous mistakes though like 'GOOD NEW!' instead of 'GOOD NEWS!'. Gross. But I'm digressing here. Anyway, I am one for basic proper typing though. I like people to type properly. I can't stand it when people misuse symbols excessively like the curved line or tilde (~). In the Internet chatting world that stupid thing is used to represent sarcasm or approximation. I don't know why people use it as a dash or a line or to end a sentence.

Another thing, why do people have to attach a 'x' or 'z' to the end of some words? What's the pointzzz? Juz becox I have this at the endzzz doesnt mean I'm coolx. I believe Mickey Mouse invented 'fo shizzle my fizzle' and that's cool. And I believe some boyband crazy girl invented 'he sho shuaizz worxx!' and that's not cool. I don't know how many of you have read the (very truthful) rant about improper typing someone typed out and forwarded in emails or posted on Friendster bulletin boards, but I agree with every single word he says.

Back when I was in secondary school and IRC was the rage and all that, the worst I saw was the BiG-sMaLL s+|cKyC4pS letter thing and replacing some alphabets with numbers. Like

1 or | = I
2 = Z
3 = E
4 = A
5 = S
6 = G
7 = T/L
8 = B
9 = g/R??
0 = O
177 = M

and so on. So Loverboi becomes 70v3980|. Which is crap because nobody can really make out the nickname when that fella comes messaging you 'HiHi InTrO pLs?~~~~~~~'. I used to type very rude replies to things like this because I found it very intrusive. A conversation would be like

<70v3980|> HiHi InTrO pLs?~~~~~~~
<70v3980|> 16m
<`Kok> no intro
<`Kok> get lost

and the person would always have to ask 'y???' and I would be typing /quit very soon after that. Anyway that was the worst of it - none of this new rubbish some people are using these days. I don't know how to end this entry though so I'll just say I'm ending this. But you can be sure I won't end it with lots of curly lines.