yet another stupid quiz.
Monday, January 30
Take a stupid Quiz on!
Ramly Burger Testimonial 2
Monday, January 23
If you remember a few days back I bought a Ramly burger and slept through the night till the morning for 13 hours straight which meant I ended up not completing some schoolwork. I sent in my stuff late the next day and told my lecturer exactly what happened.

It's the truth what!
Anyway, for some ridiculous reason or other some people have NEVER seen a Ramly burger before. Must be from Krygrgystan where they try to eat their foot and lick their armpits everyday these people.
 So here's what a Ramly burger looks like. Okay so that's a terrible drawing but it has some yellow stuff, some brown stuff, some green stuff, some red stuff and some horrible tasting stuff. Like all proper burgers.
Today I bought another Ramly burger despite the health warnings I've recieved from some 'concerned' people. Like 'HA!!!' and 'whatever!', I want to sleep for 13 hours and dream about being stuck in a room with naked girls again! You can't stop me with that warning! I need more meat and oil if I'm gonna be stuck in a room with naked girls anyway!
Sadly I only slept for 4 hours this time and didn't get stuck in a room with girls, but when I woke up and turned on the TV, whaddayaknow, they're showing Victoria's Secret Fashion Show! POWWERRR
Ramly Burger Testimonial
Friday, January 20
On Thursday while going home I bought one of those SPECIAL Ramly burgers with cheese from the pasar malam home, sat on my bed and ate it. I fell asleep immediately after finishing it, slept for 13 hours straight, dreamt about being stuck in a room with some naked girls, and only woke up the next morning.
13 hours!!! Wonderful things those Ramly burgers.
A Day In The Life
Sunday, January 15

The 8th Count Sheep Day
Wednesday, January 11
 image: Alan Koh
This is a sad day to count sheep because lots of poor little sheep died yesterday for a noble cause. Oh all those poor sheep! Right, now that we got the nonsense out of the way count how many sheep there are in this picture. If you get this one wrong you should really go eat some purple bananas or something
[someone claims sheep counting is silly (bah!) and demands "something more meaningful" here so here you go someone! Something more "meaningful". Very "MEANINGFUL" hor.] I was watching Republic Polytechnic's Project Pilot entry ('White') just now on Arts Central, and I'm trying hard not to be Simon Cowell and just say that it was still a pretty decent effort. The editor of the school magazine wrote the script and I THINK it was something about outcasts and finding their place in society, but I think his script was wayyyyy too abstract to be played out properly on screen by Year 1s and total newcomers to filmmaking. I'm not a professional filmmaker so I don't have much right to criticize so I think I'll stop here.
Monday, January 9
Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines, It's just a state of mind? Can you hear me, can you hear me?
- Rain, The Beatles I took a walk in the rain just now. I don't know what compelled me to do so. It was in the wee hours at night and the park was empty, dimly lit up by the stoic lamps. There was only the pouring rain... Those glistening and hypnotic drops falling from the sky.
The first step out was...liberating Cold, wet drops falling relentlessly on your skin in your eyes, on your hair, in your mouth. Each drop releasing the pressures Each drop freeing the deadlines present, Each drop dissolving the jadedness.
I felt happy! I sang out aloud for those few minutes! I don't know why they hate the rain. Why they are even...fearful...of the rain. "Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines, It's just a state of mind?"
The Sheep Experiment
Friday, January 6

An experiment was conducted recently to get people's responses to getting unsolicted messages containing what would appear to be rubbish to most people. The experiment involved sending out a SMS containing the words 'The sheep will fly some day' to 13 nice people. I wanted to key in random numbers and send messages out to complete strangers but the possibility of seeing my number on the back of toilet doors with pornographic offers scribbled beside it isn't exactly the nicest thought. Anyway, here are their replies.
A: How about cows? J: Mai kao chai1 .. Care to explain? S: You go crazy already ah kok? If sheep fly i make sure cow will fly too! W: one day sheep will have dreams. N: What rubbish? You act stupid is it? Y: let e killing begin.. W: The cows will swim one day C: Mad ah S: Very good. C: I thought i just saw one today. R: (NO REPLY) G: (NO REPLY) J: (NO REPLY)
Based on these replies, I have concluded that there is nothing to conclude except that 3 of the people surveyed have a similar affection for cows and 3 people have either been left dumbstruck by the bizarre sentence or have faulty handphones.
In this paragraph I will throw in some redundant formula in an attempt to make the experiment look more meaningful. With a 95% confidence interval we will calculate Upper and Lower Limit (xbar +- zprob (s/sqrt n) and get 22.5327938 to 23.6199862 which is probably wrong since I'm unable to get a value for the standard deviation (s) and its been ages since I did stuff like this anyway.
I hope when I grow old I will find a nice place in the mountains and live there alone for the rest of my life and take care of sheep and play bongo drums every morning and shout 'YARALADLAARRRR!!!!!!!'. Thank you and have a nice day :)
1 Mai Kao Chai is Thai and means 'I don't understand'. It might have been a typo error too and the person might have meant to type Mai Ka Chiao
'very good!'
Thursday, January 5
This morning I went to the hospital because the big green monstrous thing called the Army said so. I was there for some heart scan because the nerdy army doctor who checked on me in an earlier medical and saw me in my full glory decided there was something funny with my heart and decided to waste some taxpayers money to check on it. At least there was nothing funny about some other part where the sun doesn't shine that needed checking! That part is more important than the heart okay!!! (And that last line rhymed okay!)
So with only 2 hours sleep (I was up till 5am guessed it! The Simpsons!!! say yay!!!), I dragged myself to the hospital for the scan and it turned out to be some Biology lesson for the technician over there instead. Lying on the bed and hearing the doctor ask the technician who's doing the scanning to point out to him the 'Left Anterior' and 'Pulmonary Artery' and hearing the technican point them all out wrongly isn't the most assuring thing you know. And hearing the technician mumbling something about lots of white things while scanning too.
But anyway, at the end of it, the doctor said my heart was 'very good!' and that nothing was wrong and that the army sent me there really to be a test subject for aliens in disguise at the hospital who had promised not to attack Planet Earth in return for human test subjects (okay I made that up).
So erm, yeah, I have a 'very good' heart. :)