
Typo Errir Day!
Thursday, April 28

i, the lone idioot who writes for kok.blogspit.com, declares today, April 29th, to be Typo Error Day! say ysy!

i'm sick of using the bloody ineffective spellchecker already. it always highlights my name 'Ng Kok Kai' as an error and corrects it to 'Nag Koch Kay', and so i am revolting against the spellchecker and encouragin people to make more typo errors in whatever they type on this momentous day! today is the day you can make all those typo erros you have alwyas dreamt about making! dsisble the stupid spell checker today! TO HELL WITH SPELLCHECKERS! type out tuns of erroneoues reports tpday!

To properly celebrate Typo Error Day, type out 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog1' in the comments. however, you are not to look at your keyboard while typing, you are not to backspace or change anything before you submit, you are to touch type, so if youre good at touch typung you probalby wont make any errors and should be celebrating some other stupid day like Secretaries' Day instead. if you managed to make an error while typing yoi have successfully celebraate Typo Error Day!

try it! and no cheatung! happy Type Error Day!

1i had to look at the keyboard tp type that out corectly, but you are NOT TO!