today i discover that there are people who actually use and that i have funny neighbours
Thursday, May 5
professor squirrel says: HALLO kok. says: whoa reyou kok. says: who are you looking for professor squirrel says: I AM professor squirrel says: YOU kok. says: i think you have added the wrong p[erson professor squirrel says: YOU EVEY MORNING professor squirrel says: GO army one right professor squirrel says: i ur neighbour kok. says: lol wtf kok. says: sorry kok. says: minus that someone else typed that kok. says: who are you? kok. says: what do you want ffrom me professor squirrel says: nth kok. says: im not going to lend you sugar professor squirrel says: not peper professor squirrel says: not sugar professor squirrel says: i knoe professor squirrel says: coz professor squirrel says: my sis told me professor squirrel says: i leve professor squirrel says: at 9 flour professor squirrel says: u at professor squirrel says: 15 flour kok. says: hello kok. says: i mean kok. says: what arey ou doing kok. says: floor is spely FLOOR kok. says: not FLOUR kok. says: i am not going to lend you flour also kok. says: flour is used to make bread kok. says: i have no idea where it is kept in the house anyway kok. says: i am busy now kok. says: say hello to your sister kok. says: and what are you doing adding your neighbour professor squirrel says: huh professor squirrel says: professor squirrel says: i can ask something kok. says: what professor squirrel says: you morning alway's go army professor squirrel says: wait at chair there professor squirrel says: kok. says: wait at what chair kok. says: where got professor squirrel says: at professor squirrel says: the mailbox there kok. says: i morning go school kok. says: i never wait professor squirrel says: huh kok. says: i staright away walk to mrt professor squirrel says: then wrong person professor squirrel says: i saw professor squirrel says: bb professor squirrel says: WHAT CHOOL YOU IN
today when i woke up at 5pm,
express says: hellos express says: mr kOkkkk express says: KOK! express says: DO YOU HEAR PPL SCREAMING YER NAME KOK? express says: I SHOUT SO LOUD WHY YOU NEVER COME T YOUR KITCHEN WINDOW AND LOOK DOWN! express says: I SHALL TRY AGAIN express says: lol
i really should stop staying up all night and sleeping at 9am. what in the world is going on! must be that new tea ive been drinking recently.