Today We Will Count Sheep Day
Sunday, June 12
 click for bigger image We here (actually I but nevermind), at The Kok Theory, recognise that there is a huge shortage of experienced and reliable sheep counters who can count sheep properly. Shepherds, insomniacs and people called Bo worldwide are distressed because they have problems keeping track of their sheep and urgently require the expertise of well-trained sheep counters. Here are some quotes from them.
"Arr, aye don't know how marny damned sheeeep aye harv! Help!" - some shepherd "I won't be able to sleep if I miscounted some sheep jumping over fences!" - I.N. Somniac "The people in Baa Baa Black Sheep won't have any wool if our logistics department miscounts!" - Mother Goose "WHERE IS OUR SHEEP!? MR GOH, WHERE IS OUR SHEEP!?!" - Chee Sheep Juan "I'm scared to lose one of my dear cuddly sheep!" - Little Bo Peep "Rock on!" - Bo Bice
Hence, to encourage more people to take up the art of sheep counting, The Kok Theory is proud to declare once again because probably nobody remembered the first time round that every 12th day of the month wiill be Today We Will Count Sheep Day! This time round I'm late by one day though so today should technically be Today We Will Count Sheep One Day Late Day! But who cares! Say yay!
now count and leave your answer in the comments :]