
on music and books
Sunday, October 2

seen on a Damien Rice forum:
I don't understand why people can't just enjoy music for what it is. So what if it's like everything else? It's still good music. This generation is getting too caught up in what's "new" or "individualistic".

Statements like, "I can't like _____ because everybody likes it/him/them etc..." are ridiculous. Get over yourself.
My sentiments exactly. This applies to books too. Just because everyone is reading Dan Brown or Harry Potter doesn't mean you reading it too and jumping on the bandwagon will result in...well I don't know, being cool/uncool because you're seen as following others?

Everybody has their preferences, but statements like those up there are nonsense. Why get yourself affected by this mainstream/individualistic rubbish? It's just a song, just a story. Read it because its a fantastic story, listen to it because its a fantastic song that probably took the singer/author lots of time to come out with. Read it because all your friends tell you its good, don't shun it because all your friends have told you that. Read it, listen to it, then make a judgement.