Sunday, April 10
you know what?
i found my Biology Ten Years Series just now, and i picked it up and did one of the MCQ papers. i think it was on respiration or transgenic aldehyde dehydrogenase mouse enzymes.
i got 23/40. i still passed! yay!
so here's a shoutout to that biology teacher. and the fella who made me choose wat_lar for my hotmail. mr lau beng hwee! woooooooooooooooo! i got scores like that back then for your tests and i'm still getting scores like that today! after 3 years! hooray! *cue stupid secondary school 'give me 1 clap 2 clap 11 clap 99 clap' cheer here*

here's a picture of him.

and here's a diagram on how enzymes work. i think. i like the orange color but i don't like the Arial/Helvetica font. could have used the more dynamic looking Trebuchet. anyway, i think this is a transgenic aldehyde dehydrogenase mouse enzyme!