Miss Mediacorp Universe '06
Thursday, April 13
I don't have a lot to do these days, so what do I do to occupy myself? Well I sleep, watch pirated Simpsons DVDs, and look at girls of course! What'd you think I do, try and make my nipples glow in the dark? Bah!
Anyway, if you're gonna do girl-watching, you have to watch Miss Singapore Universe. And as Miss Singapore Universe concluded recently, I couldn't help but observe something odd about some of the contestants -- some of them look like Mediacorp TV stars! The rest of the contestants are probably stage extras or admin staff in Mediacorp that look half decent. Take a look at the comparisons below.
 I don't know what the contestant's name is, probably June or July or something, but she looks like Amy Cheng to me. Some of you might disagree and say she looks like some Taiwanese celebrity - well fair enough. But keep looking, I've got more.
 Hereeeee's Fiona! What's she doing here? And why's she changed her name to Jade Seah too? I was rooting for her to win though after I thought she answered that difficult law question brilliantly.
 It's Jeanette Aw in both pictures I tell you! Look at the similar poses too!
 The contestant's name is Geraldine Loo. Bluff people lar. Her real name's Michelle Chia.
 Phyllis Quek with the mole covered up eh?
 They even brought Sandra Oh of Gray's Anatomy in as a special guest!
 Jacelyn Tay...well not the strongest comparison though.
 And this is Zoe Tay lar.
Well now you've seen the comparisons - it's a whole scam this Miss Singapore competition! They should have crowned Fiona Xie! She's DA BOMB! DAWG! PART OF THE DAWG POUND! YEEEAH! But who cares when they're all girls. Just look good, don't try and make your nipples glow in the dark, and we're not complaining!